Lucille Orr

How to Ask for What You Want and Get It!

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day he forgives himself he becomes wise.”

      Why a book on asking for what you want? Shouldn’t it just be as simple as opening your mouth and letting the words flow forth?

      Unfortunately we’re born with many natural skills that are never developed and I believe this is why many human beings suffer “breakdowns” in their lives. If we had no education system and lived by our wits alone, I’ve a feeling we’d all be very happy doing the things that came naturally to us to survive.

      Have you ever had a long conversation with a painter, singer, author, musician, poet or actor? They can’t believe how lucky they are, so many have told me, “I’ve never had to go to work!” Some of them are the hardest working people I know. They never stop. They’re up all hours of the day and night, writing, travelling, rehearsing, performing, exhibiting and meeting people. But to them, none of this is work because they’re in love with their lives.

      They’re developing natural talents, expressing their thoughts, feelings and emotions. They enrich their own lives, while doing the same for others. Imagine the love they feel flowing back to them daily from their many admirers. When you’re listening to a favourite record, reading a book written by a great author or watching an actor you enjoy, how do you feel? Great? Well so do they. They can feel your admiration through the Cosmos even if they’re on the other side of the world.

      Would you like to enrich your own life by exploring how you can use your natural skills to increase your personal wealth and enhance your enjoyment of life?

      It’s as simple as A B C. Just learn how to A S K.


      Why is it so many of us take life too seriously? Is it because when we’re growing up we’re taught, both at home and school, to stop acting like a child? And taught not to reward ourselves. I remember being told not to take the biggest piece of cake. Why? Didn’t I deserve it? We’re constantly being trained to expect less than we feel we deserve.

      I’d like to suggest that if you’ve been conditioned to think this way you’ll have to undo the damage and retrain yourself to accept the fact that you deserve to have what you want, before you’ll be successful at asking for it!

      Babies know exactly what they want, if they’re hungry they cry as loudly as possible until their hunger pains are satisfied with milk or food. Small children never stop asking. You can learn a lot from them. “Mum do you like the green one or the red one best?” It doesn’t matter which one the boy’s mother picks, he’ll get the one he likes, he’s just practising new approaches, to get what he wants.

      He’s found by asking his mother a direct question like “Can I have a water pistol”, his mother will answer ‘no’ automatically. Children are fast learners and they’ll continue to find new ways to get what they want. The most amazing thing about children is their persistence because they never give up. They may delay asking you for a day or two until they think you’re in a good mood. Then they pounce. It reminds me of an animal stalking its prey!

      Listen to children you can learn a lot about closing the sale. Do you feel you deserve what you want the way children do? If you saw a pair of diamond earrings in the shop or the latest 3D flat screen television set with a surround sound system and had enough money in your bank account to buy them, would you? Whether you’re a single person or married it really doesn’t matter. You should be able to have what you want and not have to feel obligated to seek permission from others before you can have it, especially if you’re earning your own income.


      I know what it’s like not to buy the things I want. Before I lost my life savings at 22, through the betrayal of my partner, I went to town three times in one week to look at a dress. I loved that dress and desperately wanted to buy it. But I didn’t and I know many women who do the same thing. In my case, I didn’t buy it because my mother wouldn’t have. She would always put my father and the children before herself. We’re conditioned as girls to become the image of our mothers when we marry.

      I still meet women with adult children who don’t buy anything for themselves. I suppose they must be making excuses like: I have to save for my daughter’s wedding or things for the grandchildren. This practice is very common among housewives who don’t earn their own income. I saw a wonderful change in my youngest sister when she went back to work part-time and decided the additional income would be hers alone to spend on whatever she wanted.

      Of course, she splurged for a couple of months on clothes, shoes and handbags, but now her family is benefiting from the additional income. She books and pays for holidays to thank them for supporting her so she could gain her financial independence.

      If we all developed our natural talents and turned our favourite hobbies into part-time incomes we’d be both inspired and financially rewarded. Wouldn’t it be fun sharing your success with those in your life who are important to you?

      I think it’s great that young women today are going back to university while their children are small. They’re expanding their knowledge and keeping abreast of technology ready to return to the workplace when required or desired. Two young mothers who met at university now have a wonderful business called Tall Poppies. They’re teaching corporate women how to dress for success while still spending all the school holidays and time after school with their children and husbands.

      Of course, there are also men who need to re-focus on their own needs. I’m very aware that the traditional burden of being the family’s principal provider can become oppressive decade after decade. Perhaps they, too, need to find the courage to seek new directions.

      Every man and woman on earth deserves to be healthy and wealthy, there’s no shortage of money, please don’t think if you haven’t had your own income for awhile that you can’t earn as much as you desire. By setting goals anything’s possible. There’s only one rule to success, you have to believe you deserve to be wealthy. Once you’ve convinced yourself of that, just focus on one project and go for it! Work hard until you’ve achieved what you set out to do. Respect for yourself, is the key.


      We’re all human but some of us believe we deserve the good life while others don’t, it’s that simple. Find the child within you by learning how to act like a child again; relax, have fun, laugh, play games and spoil yourself by asking for everything you want.

      Never grow up, it’s too boring and life’s too short anyway!


      Empowering Yourself

      “Some goals are so worthy, it’s glorious even to fail.

      We grow only when we push ourselves beyond what we already know.”

      What’s stopping you from having what you want in your life? Do you have people saying, “Don’t be silly, you couldn’t possibly do that.” Every time I talk to someone who’s not happy in their lives they have someone else to blame.

      I can remember my friend, Beverley at 46, blaming her husband for not achieving her goals. Those who know her now or knew her before she met him wouldn’t believe she let him talk her into closing three businesses within months of paying cash for all the office equipment. He helped her set them up and two months later was begging her to stop. His negative talk drove her to closing and losing thousands of dollars each time.

      She’s still not sure whether it was his lack of belief in her ability or his fear of losing her, but now she’s successful, she can’t believe she let him hold her back for so many years. Once Beverley put her foot down and got on with her business ignoring his negative talk, she succeeded. You must believe in yourself and turn your back on those who don’t share your vision. In Beverley’s case, her husband did support her, once she proved to him she could run a successful business and make a good income.