R.D. MDiv Pittman

New Earth: The Sedna/Kern Incident

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you today is that all nuclear power plants must be shut down completely sixty days prior to the event. Although we may survive the comet strike, we would most likely die of radiation sickness due to nuclear plant meltdowns occurring across the globe.

      “Many of you will ask yourselves, ‘could the scientists have made a mistake’? I can assure you these men have run exhaustive test after test, the data is the data, it has been challenged by some of the greatest minds in the world… it is inevitable…there is no doubt this planet will suffer a catastrophic event on or around July 1st. My only hope is mankind will be given the chance to rebuild. I pray that your God will protect and guide you as this event unfolds. Thank you for your time.” Alex stepped away from the podium, within seconds shouts of disbelief erupted from among the attendees, ambassadors quickly picked up the reports that contained the pertinent details provided by the scientists and rushed out of the hall to contact their government heads. There were no questions…just outright panic.

      The news hit the wires and within minutes New York City along with every major city in the U.S. came to a grinding halt. Wall Street suspended stock trading, gold, platinum, and silver soared on the commodity exchanges, and the dollar skyrocketed against other currencies on the FOREX. People wandered aimlessly along streets, the whole world was in shock, some fell to their knees and prayed. Others simply needed a moment to gather their thoughts—what to do—where to go—who to contact? Newsrooms around the world became manic hives of activity, experts in science and health along with survival strategists were hunted down for their advice and booked to appear on TV, but the one expert who was sought the most was…Alex.

      Alex’s helicopter rose off the pad and flew directly to JFK, during the flight he looked down at the busy streets of New York—all those people. Air Force Two climbed into the air and headed toward Andrews AFB. As he strode into the Whitehouse offices area he spotted George Neff along with his crew and the other four major network anchors. The President had just finished his speech to the nation laying the groundwork for Alex to be seen as the de facto leader of the country during the crisis.

      “So what happened to the exclusive George?” Alex inquired as he walked into the Oval Office.

      “It didn’t seem quite neighborly for me to hog the whole story.”

      “Good man, that’s why we get along so well George. Do you guys want to have a question and answer format or do you have a better way to do this?”

      “A Q&A is fine. First you address the nation to present the facts, then we’ll ask you detailed questions about impact scenarios and what you suggest an individual citizen can do to survive after Sedna/Kern hits.”

      “Good, see you guys around seven for the eight o’clock broadcast,” Alex said shutting the door. He needed to stretch out on the couch and let his mind relax for a while.

      The world was under siege. Across all nations on several continents desperate people seeking solace poured into religious venues. In Rome, hundreds of thousands of Catholics began prayer vigils at the Vatican…St.Peter’s square was a sea of humanity. It was so often the scene that played out around the world when man came face to face with his mortality. In Jerusalem, Christianity’s birthplace, the sorrowful wails of a people confronted with the frailties of being human pierced the night. Throughout the Muslim world, the minarets staffed by muezzin invoked the Adhan chant to summon all to prayers. And in America the bastion of Christendom, pastors, ministers and church elders beseeched their God to show mercy and deliver them from the threat hurtling toward Earth and…mankind.

      As expected the doomsayers came to life, spreading like spring ground cover throughout every major city, on every corner, parading with their placards warning the end times were around the corner…this time they were right. If that were not cause enough, radical elements of the Muslim world pointed an accusatory finger at the U.S. somehow implying the U.S. had insulted Mohammed and the infidels would be punished. The rhetoric would turn even more sinister in the weeks and months ahead.

      Sandi and the entire team huddled around the large screen TV in the communications center to watch Alex’s speech to the UN. Sandi could tell by the expressions on some of the team members faces that this was still too much to fathom. She needed to get everyone focused on the tasks, not their fears, on the importance of their roles to the country…not the terror they must be feeling right at that moment.

      “Well, there you have it. We have a lot of work before us, and we don’t have the time or the luxury to feel sorry for ourselves. We’ve shown that as a team working together as one there is nothing we can’t accomplish. We’ll survive this and then we’ll begin the task of rebuilding our nation. Now let’s sit down and brainstorm as to how we’ll help Alex prepare the nation for this tragic event. Alex returns tomorrow and he’ll be mentally exhausted and stressed out. We don’t want him to get the impression that we’re running around in a panic. We have a job to do, let’s stay focused, we’ll get through this,” Sandi counseled.

      Around 2 p.m. the physician team arrived from Los Angeles; introductions were made and their suites assigned. Pete Cernak, working with the module manufacturer per Alex’s instructions, had nine more suites along with one hundred fifty individual units all within a six-day period. Coincidently, the mobile hospital unit arrived from Ft. Lewis that afternoon and the physician group’s first task was to assemble the unit in the location Pete had outlined on the floor with red tape.

      Liz, Cynthia, Tina, and Elena had ten staff members to assist them in assuming the task of coordinating facility replenishment. Previous vendor lists were pulled, and notified of emergency response timelines. Whenever there were protests, Sandi would quickly step in and read them the riot act, her only question was, “Did they want to be on the wrong side of General Alex Hanken?”… no one cared to venture into that arena.

      The women rotated the workloads and the phone calls, all took their turns minding the babies. Curt, Mike, Bill, and Andrade visited the sites to assess the viability for possible long-term isolation… they knew exactly what Alex expected. The additional facilities were well equipped and ready to house the additional troops thanks to excellent work by Pete. The west coast Seal team members arrived that night and were shown to their individual units at the main facility.

      “Well, it can’t get much safer with sixty U.S. Navy Seals sleeping across the hall from you,” remarked Dr. Fortune.

      “Yeah, and they’re all males. If you ask me that’s even better,” Dr. Chan grinned.

      Alex was sitting at the President’s desk in the Oval Office; it was five minutes before he would address the nation. The five network anchors sat just off camera. After Alex finished his speech they’d move their chairs around Alex and begin the question and answer session. The floor manager counted down to one and pointed at Alex.

      “Good evening my fellow Americans, no doubt by now most of you have heard my speech to the UN this morning. What we are about to face is the most challenging moment this nation has ever had to confront. The steps we choose to take in the coming months will determine whether this nation survives or not. Over the past year or so you have come to know me as a straight talker. I don’t beat around the bush and I’ll always tell you the truth. I see no reason to abandon that approach at this late hour.

      “I’m going to say some things that might upset you, frighten you, and in some cases incur your anger, but they must be said regardless. The comet Sedna/Kern p236 is a very large comet, approximately two miles wide and the core of the comet is about ten miles long. It is comprised mainly of gas, ice, and iron ore formations. During the comet’s descent into our atmosphere most if not all of the gas and ice should disintegrate. The scientists have run exhaustive data inputs, the realities are as follows; the results show a strike in the Atlantic Ocean located somewhere southwest of the British Isles, followed by multiple strikes in the English Channel, France, Germany and Russia…no doubt there will be massive devastation. The eastern coast of the U.S. will essentially be destroyed by a series of enormous tsunamis. We expect the destruction to extend from the tip of Florida to the farthest part of northern Maine about two hundred fifty miles inland.

      “Yesterday my chief scientific