T. Beaulieu

'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1

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moon and back.

      Slick is not the perfect husband. But he has help create the perfect woman. Powerful and headstrong, Kelly is a force of nature in her own right. So powerful,

      man look down at their shoes as she walks by. Not out of fear from Slick. They

      fear the vixen’s razor sharp mind, how she can formulate the most conniving of plans, true machiavellian works of intrigue and manipulation.

      Slick’s darkness, mixed with his undying love, this has been the forge that created the steel Kelly was made from. A power the flapper relishes.

      Even more than the man gazing down to her with all his love and heart.

      Kelly eyes her man, her blonde tussled bob cut curls splayed on the most exquisite of pink and silk. A powerful strength shines up to her husband, like a ray of sun beaming through the eye of an everlasting tempest.

      Gently, slick smiles. he knows.

      “Ther’s my bitch .....,” the killer growls.

      Kelly grins sweetly. “Anymore of those sweet useless nothings-I’m putting my panties back on,” she laughs.

      Instantly Slick grabs a hold of Kelly’s tiny ankles, roughly. “Naw .... ya’ gon’ git up when I let’ch’a. Ya’ stuck up cunt,” he smiles.

      Kelly laughs, right as her probing fingers hit a sweet spot in her wet pussy. Slick should be there. “ Make me cum. Or I’m throwing you out on your ass ...,” she grins, sighing hard and profound.

      Doing as he is told, the hunk’s grip tighten around his wives dainty ankle. Kelly looks down, eyeing her lover’s blood gorged member, already feeling its grand entree’ into her most sacred.

      Gently, the vixen eases deeper into overstuffed silk and the stuff of sensual wet daydreams .

      “Cum is hard to come out of silk,” she smiles, opening her milky white thighs.

      “You know what to do.....”

      Breathing deeply, almost sighing, as if the small innocent boy he never was, Slick takes in his wife’s beauty as he reaches down, grazing Kelly’s inner thighs with longing touches, letting his hands flow up and down the woman’s long legs.

      “Sweet Jesus and Drunk Mary.....,” the killer sighs.

      Fingering her wet vulva as a middle finger discovers more joy, Kelly smiles.

      “Not today Slick,” she purrs.

      “Don’t take the lord’s name in vain.”

      Spellbound as he stands proud, the scoundrel just stares at his young wife, wondering how he managed to be blessed in such a way. Soft thighs parted even more, eyes half opened, red lips beckoning. Slick feels his manhood throb, wishing for the moment to never end.

      As the hustler’s left hands slides along his thick dick, he thinks back a few years ago.

      “Ya’ rememb'a when I fu’rst fuck’d ya’ ?,” he asks softly.

      Kelly smiles, relaxing even more. She thinks back, grateful for the moment. “Yes....,” the young dame smiles.

      Closing her legs slightly, looking up into eyes that could never love her more, Kelly considers there first meeting.

      It was 1915, a private dinner party given by well known socialite Mable Hurst, known for her free-willing parties, especially those held behind closed doors. Slick was in a corner, sipping a rather old and well regarded scotch. The scoundrel had just made his first million, a newly rich man carving a niche for himself in the underworld. At that moment, the room could have been built of gold and diamonds. None of it would have mattered. He was eyeing a young brunette beauty he saw often at the racetracks.

      The young hustler had heard many stories, rumors about the young woman. That she was cold hearted, a man eater in fine form, rich and brutal in her way.

      The young contract killer, had even heard that the young woman was a murderess. It was said that her one of her uncles had molested her stepsister, then drove the young girl to suicide. Maybe one of the reasons the brute was found in his bath tub with his throat slit. His penis and balls located a few feet away. Ofcourse it had to be all lies. Scandal created by dark wagging tongues that dealt in the misery of lies and jealousy.

      But it was these tales that intrigued Slick, beyond the young beauties elegant way, her devastatingly gorgeous body and face. Even this did not matter to the young killer building an empire of blood and whispers.

      Truths or not, any woman as pretty as the frolicking beauty that could garner such a reputation was a woman for his arms.

      At that moment, as a dark haired Kelly looked his way, Slick knew he would marry the mysterious socialite.

      In the present, watching Kelly smile longingly on the lounge, her thighs parted, eyes gazing gently with love, Slick remembers the first time they kissed.

      It was the same night a decade ago. He has never been the same since. Nor would he ever want to be. What ever the killer is, whom ever dark God he serves with his blade, the woman sensually grinding beneath his warm thighs is his creator, a dark muse that brings joy and kinmanship.

      Slowly arriving at his wives perfect feet, toenails painted a bright red, oriental Passion, somehow this moment is sweeter than any other.

      Slick watches as his hands rise to his lover’s delicate soft knees, slowly gliding along a happiness men for men such as himself. Virtuous men with their destinies in their own grasps.

      Suddenly swept into a tense sweet emotion. Fear, maybe melancholy, the man that makes his living taking life, finds life as well as redemption in his lover’s eyes as he glances back to Kelly’s loveliness.

      The young scoundrel peers into his wives loving sense of being, clear and brutally honest with a righteous divine self knowing.

      Kelly clearly understands her own power and goodness. A rare gift.

      Slick feels his eyes start to mist, tears in danger of falling. Its almost too much.

      “Why this moment, is I gon’ die ?,” Slick thinks as Kelly moans beneath his hips.

      The errant thought floats its way up from the murk of a dark soul, smelling foul and sinister, though pure in its truth and cause.

      As Slick’s brutal hands lay gently upon whom would die for a million times, the killer feels a warmth that makes him whole. As always.

      Relaxed, enjoying the warm presence of her husband, Kelly watches her lover’s clear eyes. Always mirrors of a soul bright in goodness and forthright. The thought makes the dame smile.

      She has seen this look before as well. A man wondering how he got so lucky. Going over life events, mentally trying his best to discover the very moment the universe decided to smile his way. Slick looks to her in a wonderful mystified fashion. A precious gift indeed.

      “How -- can ya’ love me...,” the scoundrel asks softly, feeling his question deep.

      “I’mma fuck’in killa’......”

      Smelling her husbands favorite after shave, feeling his hard warm thighs in- between hers, Kelly enjoys the strong and fierce man hovering over her. She never answers the question, no matter how many times it has been asked.

      No need to. All that the heiress has in the world is divided with the man above her, his huge biceps on both sides of her small fine shoulders. Gently the killer leans in for a kiss. All the answer he needs.

      That is the way it should be. Trust made simple and beautiful.

      Honesty moved Kelly’s heart from