Amelia Williams

Clean Hands, Clear Conscience

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‘Vivian does, but Heather hates it, I think she’s nearly as dumb as her mother. I pity the teacher who gets Claire though she or he will wonder what hit them.’

      Both men laughed and I pressed the fleshy part of my left arm between my right thumb and index finger. ‘I am awake.’ I muttered to myself.

      Norm ‘What was that?’

      Amelia ‘Nothing, I was just thinking out loud. I can’t believe what’s happening.’

      As we drove into the Princess Alexandra Hospital grounds

      Keith ‘Here we are, we’ll park in the ambulance zone, I doubt very much that we’ll get booked.’

      Both men laughed and I stifled a grin

      Amelia ‘I wonder if I could get away with parking in a no parking zone? My car’s exactly the same as this one even the colour’s the same.’

      Norm winked ‘Don’t push your luck too far I think that after today you’ve run out of a bit of luck.’

      Amelia ‘God and don’t I know it.’

      I stood aside as Norm spoke to one of the many doctors in the busy casualty department. Keith Fletcher was listening to the two men as they spoke to each other and he periodically nodded to me. I had no idea what the nodding meant, but I assumed it meant, so far, so good.

      I heard Norm say, ‘Do you want a word with her?’

      He crooked his finger at me to come over. I hurried towards them

      Doctor ‘Your husband is still in surgery, Mrs Williams. We won’t know anything definite until tomorrow morning, though he should be out of the theatre at about eight-thirty tonight.’

      Amelia ‘Do you think he’ll pull through?’

      Doctor ‘I just don’t know, Mrs Williams, I really just don’t know. He’s in a pretty bad shape, he’s lost a lot of blood and the surgeons are doing everything they can.’

      Amelia ‘Thank you.’

      I rubbed my face in an effort to bring myself out of this nightmare.

      As the three of us walked out through the large, swinging hospital doors, an Ambulance pulled up alongside the Detectives car and a swarm of medical staff spilled onto the footpath. It just seemed a normal event to us as we got into the car.

      As we drove back home

      Norm ‘He’s not feeling any pain now, Amelia, he was unconscious when he arrived.’

      For the rest of the journey, we travelled in silence. When we pulled into the driveway, I noticed the curtains in our neighbour’s home, move slightly. I remembered back, to when the ambulance bearers were helping Frank down the stairs, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The neighbours across the street had been having a Christmas party apparently, and they had all stood two to a step watching everything as it happened. I remembered thinking at the time, Bloody ghouls I should give them all a wave and ask them if they’d like some autographed photos as mementos.

      I was feeling a bit braver by the time I got home, so I waved up to the ‘closed’ curtains and they moved slightly again. But there wasn’t any breeze.

      Norm (stifling a smirk) ‘Will you be okay to get to your parent’s home, Amelia?’

      Amelia ‘Yes thanks. I’ll just go up and tidy up and go straight over. I’ll be there within a half hour or so.’

      Norm ‘Okay, we’ll come there later tonight, I’m afraid we’ll have to get a statement from Vivian it’s just a formality, you understand.’ He had said it almost apologetically.

      Amelia ‘Righto, what time do you think?’

      Norm ‘Oh! As soon as the hospital lets us know how the operation went.’

      I started to walk towards the stairs and I was surprised to see Norm get out of the car and he blocked my path.

      Norm ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

      Amelia ‘Positive.’

      Norm ‘You realise we could be charged for leaving you in charge of a dangerous weapon, Amelia?’

      Amelia ‘But you’ve got the knife, haven’t you?’

      Norm ‘No, I don’t mean the knife, I mean your car. You won’t do anything silly like trying to commit suicide by driving over a cliff or something?’

      I looked at him in total disbelief for a moment and then burst out laughing.

      Amelia ‘You’ve got to be joking, don’t you? I don’t have the guts to do that.’

      Norm ‘Good girl keep smiling we’ll see you tonight.’

      As they drove away, they tooted the horn and I waved goodbye to them. I turned, back smiling and happened to glance at my neighbour’s window and the curtains moved again. I wonder what they’re thinking. They’re probably as confused as me bloody sticky beaks.

      At seven forty-five that night, I replaced the receiver of my parent’s phone into its cradle. I turned to Dad and Edith

      Amelia ‘He’s out of the theatre and he’s on the di list.’

      Edith ‘Oh thank God our prayers have been answered.’

      The doorbell rang out in deafening tones.

      Edith ‘I wonder who that could be.’

      Claire ‘It’s probly (sic) the coppers, Grandma.’

      Dad ‘Don’t say coppers, Claire, you should say, policemen, darling.’

      Edith ‘C … come in won’t you please?’

      Norm ‘Good thanks, Mrs Long, is it?’

      Edith ‘That’s right I’m Amelia’s mother.’

      I walked forward and formally introduced Norm Kennedy and Keith Fletcher to my mother.

      Edith ‘Have you had anything to eat?

      Norm ‘No not yet.’

      Edith ‘Would you like something there’s plenty there?’

      Norm ‘Thanks, Mrs. Long don’t go to too much trouble though.’

      Edith ‘Oh it’s no trouble at all.’

      She scurried off to the kitchen.

      Norm (turned to me) ‘He’s out of surgery.’

      Amelia ‘I know I just rang the hospital I just got off the phone when you rang the doorbell. But he’s on the di list, so it doesn’t sound the best does it?’

      Norm ‘Well I spoke to the doctor about fifteen minutes ago. He rang me as soon as he’d finished in the surgery and he said that Frank would be in intensive care overnight and that everything is going to be okay.’

      Amelia ‘Well they didn’t sound so convincing to me, a few minutes ago.’

      Edith (came out of the kitchen and announced) ‘It’s ready when you are, Gentlemen.’

      Norm (walking into the kitchen) ‘Boy, that was quick.’

      Edith ‘A ham and chicken salad doesn’t take much time to put on a plate,