Raymond Desmarais

Finding Your True Life Purpose

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      Finding Your True Life Purpose

      Knowing Yourself

      Raymond C. Desmarais

      Copyright © 2012 Raymond C.Desmarais

      I do not claim to be an expert in any particular area of a profession that would analyse people or treat them. I simply state what I logically think and understand to be needed for any person to become all that he or she can become.

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher, and/or the author.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      This book has been written and up-dated for all of those people who have asked the question: “Why am I here?” Also; for all of those who have come to know that they need to be able to freely follow their own “Bliss”,”Passion” or “Essence”; in order to live a happy and prosperous life.

      This book is a tool that will help anyone to find that inner-core drive and deepest motivational root, that will propel them to be able to achieve a wonderful life of joy.

      Anyone, even you, can know, with a certainty what you were born to do with your life.

      Some of the results of this new-found knowledge will give your life more meaning, focus, happiness, wealth and inner peace.

      I also dedicate this book to all those who will profit from learning who they were meant to be and who go on to create new and never before seen values for themselves, their famillies, their communities, their countries and for the rest of the world.

      I look forward to those who will learn to live in-harmony with their reason for being.

      This will not only change your own life; but will positively impact the lives of others.

      One final dedication; To all those who are attempting (in their own way) to raise the vibrations of the worlds’ inhabitants.


      I would like to acknowledge Mr. Mark Hamilton (the founder of the Neothink Society) for his Prime Literature. For the seed of knowledge that inspired this book and for mentoring me to become a Self-Leader.

      I want to thank my wife Jeannine, for her constant support and encouragement and love.

      I thank my elder brother and best friend, who insisted that I share my passion, share this information and to write this book. He also edited and made creative contributions to the material.

      I acknowledge those who helped me by making suggestions to make this book more user-friendly and more practical for the reader.

      Lastly, I thank all of those who originally wrote the many quotes found with-in this book. Their wisdom and profound knowledge added much value and contributed to my inspiration to create this tool/ book.


      by Normand Desmarais

      I am the author of five books:

      Stolen Freedoms (The Stone is Cast) book one Non-fiction. printed 978-1-60-746143-2 e-book 978-1-60-746658-1

       The Ripple Effect (Countdown to Freedom)

      book two Non-fiction. printed

      soft cover 9781452091617

      printed hard cover 9781452091600 e-book 9781452091624

      How to Know What You Don’t Know (The Ripple Effect-Seminar-Answers) book three Non-fiction. printed soft cover 978-1-60-746231-6 e-book 978-1-60-746682-6

      The Stone (The Rediscovered Law) Science fiction. printed soft cover 978-1-60-746814-1

       How Dare You (Think You Own Me!)

      printed soft cover 978-1-60-746915-5

      With two more in the works at this time.

      I would like to thank my brother Raymond for helping me to find my true purpose in life.

      First off; let me say that you are never too old to find your true passion, the thing that makes you tick, that by doing what you love, in turn brings you joy and contentment. The contentment of knowing that you have accomplished something that at one time you could only dream of, and has now become a reality.

      Most adults today live in a rut, this book helps you to help yourself with a very good chance at changing your life for the better, most importantly getting out of your rut and entering a new and exciting and I’ll bet the most exciting, exhilarating phase of your life.

      Prior to Raymond helping me out of my rut; my life was boring, going nowhere. Then out of the blue he tells me that I have to find my child of the past. I said WHAT? He answered: ” You know the thing that makes you happy, what you think about 24/7.” So after some discussion, it was discovered that I had a love of writing. That was when I started writing my books. Four books so far. Hey, what can I say its only been two years now; but what an exciting two years.

      I strongly urge you to read this powerful book, and by following the easy to do points you can possibly change your life for the better. I say possibly because some will say hey! this is too easy. It can’t possibly be any good. So listen; did you know that sometimes easy works best. If it can work for me then it can work for you, all you need to do is try.

      As Albert Einstien said: “Nothing happens until something moves.”

      Normand Desmarais.


      Every individual in the world has a purpose. Do you know with certainty what your life purpose is? What value would you place on knowing what your true purpose in life would be?

      Is your life one with down-stream focus where you look forward to going to work on Monday mornings? Are you the first one to show-up for work and the last one to leave because you are stimulated and excited about what you do? Do you find that you have energy to spare and can’t understand where all the time went at the end of the day?


      Is your life one of up-stream focus where you reluctantly get out of bed for work on Monday mornings? Are you frequently late for work or take a lot of “Sick Days” because you find no stimulation or enjoyment while being at work? Do you find that you are worn-out by the end of the day, because you had to literally push yourself all day long?

      This labor of love (personal workbook) was put together to help anyone who wants to know why they find work boring and/or unsatisfying. Those who aren’t sure of why they need to find stimulation, fun or escape after working hours do so to protect themselves from getting depressed or from falling into despair. This is because the joy of doing what they love is not present in their current work environment.

      When you know what your true lifes’ purpose is, then you can pursue a lively-hood in an area that you will love what you do, because it is within your Essence. That which you were born to do. There is a child who is a potential genius and/or protege inside of each individual, who is waiting to emerge and play as an adult.

      The value of finding and pursuing your lifes’ true purpose is found in recognizing the true benefits of becoming the person you were meant to be, and allowing your inner child to come out and play. By creating the life that is within your child of the past you can truly live a life of prosperity and happiness.