Raymond Desmarais

Finding Your True Life Purpose

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more energy, greater income potentials, and so on.

      When you feel the peace of having “that something more” in your life you will enjoy more satisfaction and also notice that you have also gained the admiration and respect of your peers. You just always seem to know what to do next. You are lucky. You are in Harmony with yourself and with the world. Everything works in your favour.

      When you begin to build wealth, health and peace in your own life; you will also notice that you will have simultaneously built improved relationship skills in the process. Your own love of life is heightened. Life is fun and you feel good about everything.

      Before you realize it you are well on your way to living that life you were meant to live. With new wealth, health, peace of mind and better romantic relationships and new friends in your life, you will truly know what a wonderful life really is.


      From the very beginning; man has asked the question: Why am I here? Why is my life not happy and satisfying?

      This book was created to help anyone and everyone who would like to be able to answer these questions for themselves. You too can know with certainty.

      Many will argue, that there really is no way to answer these kinds of loaded questions, with any real certainty. I beg to differ.

      There are always ways to find solutions to lifes’ many questions. This work book is one way to answer these questions for yourself and in a very personal and satisfying way. You will be able to find your answers by adopting a solutions oriented mentality that provides opportunities and challenges, instead of looking for the obstacles in your life.

      If you believe that something is impossible to accomplish; then your mind will give you plenty of reasons to prove why you are correct. If you believe that something is possible; then your mind will give you plenty of reasons for you to prove that your thinking is correct. Are you normally a solutions oriented person?


      If You Think You Can


      If You Think You Can’t

      Either Way You Are Probably Right.

      Henry Ford.

      Some will enjoy the journey of self discovery and will be pleasantly surprised by the results. It is my hope that you will be one of these people.

      I must caution you to be brutally honest with yourself and not enter into this with a closed mind that is loaded with negative influences based on the opinions of so-called experts, peers, parents, teachers or what is often referred to as “External Authorities.” No one knows you better than you do. This book will help you to know yourself even better. No one can take this journey of self-discovery for you. Only you can determine who you are and who you where meant to be.

      Be encouraged by this saying: ” It is never too late to have a happy childhood.” or “Why can’t everyone have a wonderful life?”

      I like this quote: “Growing old is mandatory, growing up is an option.”

      ”Don’t let anyone steal your dreams.” “Our own thoughts create our own reality.”

      Until you come to realize that you are stuck in a rut or in a dead-end job of stagnation, that is providing no opportunities for you to be compensated for your creativity; then you will likely do little or nothing with the contents of this book. I hope that you are willing to soul search with me and eventually find your “Child of the Past.” Once this is achieved; then you are well on your way to discovering not only who you were meant to be; but be also well on your way to discovering the new life you were meant to live. This book is all about you knowing yourself. Good Luck.

      Some benefits include: increased self-worth, increased self-esteem, more confidence, more joy in your life, a life of focus, improved health, more energy, more self-motivation, a fun-filled occupation, more luck, inner-peace, recognition among your peers, the satisfaction of accomplishing creative and profitable ideas, have a wonderful life, etc., etc…………

      Early Years

      We were all born to fully enjoy the purpose of human life; which is to prosper and live happily. Sadly most of us are not fulfilling that purpose.

      From our earliest memories we can recall the supportive words of our parents, “you can become anything you want” and we believed them. Every child grows up believing that they are ten feet tall and bullet proof. Then something happens at a very early age that confuses and masks the person you where meant to be and you conform to what is considered normal and natural. But is it?

      In these early years we naturally engage in activities that seem to come as extensions of some ingrained tendency to do so. We have no understanding of fear or of lack and pursue all our activities without any thought or misgivings. We just do, it just seems right, so we do what we do. In these early years we know no such thing as limitations, in-ability, uncertainty, doubts, natural laws. We just do and often get into trouble for doing what seemed like fun to us.

      We experiment with everything that interests us and we are happy learning what is fun for us. At this early period in our lives; we begin to migrate to the things that we find to be fun and enjoyable. These things we enjoyed are still inside each of us, but it somehow got buried beneath all the parental training, discipline, schooling, peer pressure’s, culture, religious doctrine and all the other distractions of growing up.

      All of these external influences in our formative years of life bombarded us with the insistence of someone elses’ idea of who and what we should be molded into. We inevitably comply, innocently loosing our own identity of who or what we could be in the process.

      During these early years we spend so much time trying to please others; that we naturally forget that we were born with special interests and have traits and characteristics that were not supported and encouraged in us. This goes on through out our lives. Our inner genius has not yet been noticed by others.

      You can probably remember getting into trouble with your parents and teachers for doing some things, that they discouraged you from engaging in. Somehow it did not seem right, that you should be in trouble for doing what ever it was that you were doing, and it hurt you. You were having fun, you were exploring new heights, your imagination was rampant, limitless, and colorful. You knew no fear only the challenge of finding new discoveries and testing them and yet you felt right doing it. This confusion created mind-blocks in the young mind and prevented personal growth within the individual as he/she grew.

      The school system, parental influences, peer pressures, culture and religious dogma continue to adversely influence each of us, all through our years of education. There is still hope, that the person you were meant to be is still alive deep inside of you. The following chapters are designed to help you to re-discover and embrace your lost or hidden “Child Genius”.

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