Linda Taylor

LIVE The Truth In Your Heart

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that the attainment of my goals and the fulfillment of my life’s purpose was dependent upon my willingness to listen to what was being revealed to me through the people and experiences in my life. It was here that I would better understand the how that would bring my purpose into being.

      My eyes had to be opened to the fact that, all along, the answers I had been seeking had been safely planted in my heart. God was waiting for me to slow down long enough to seek His will for my life. He was waiting for me to truly accept who I was and where I was in life, own it, then turn the controls over to Him! I had to relax and be present enough in my own life to see what He wanted me to see. He was showing me all I needed, at that time. He was giving me all that I could handle. I had to trust and believe that if He put the dream in my heart He would see it through. He made a promise on my life, for my life, and He does not lie. When I finally stopped and intentionally listened to the whispers of my heart, I heard the message I needed to make my move.

       When God delivers the dream into your heart, He knows you will perceive it as an impossibility. Yet He will not try to reason with you, hoping you understand everything that is in store for your life. He has given you the dream and He is waiting for you to activate your faith and believe it is possible. If you do not take anything else away after reading this book, remember this: God loves you and He wants to give you the desires of your heart. He also wants to use you for his glory. You must also know that He does not play small and neither are the blessings that are stored up for you. Just trust Him. Whatever is in your heart, believe it. Remember, He said inconceivable!

      God uses moments in our lives to fuel our faith and to boost our belief in the impossible. Pause just long enough in your busy life to listen to Him speak. There is something special in your heart that holds the secret to your happiness. You just have to seek His wisdom for your life, believe in His ability to provide you what you need, and be prepared to act.

      My question to you is this: What do you believe your heart is saying to you? When you think about who you are, what do you love to do? When other people see you, what do they say about your talents? Throughout your life, God will allow you to experience people and situations that will bring you great joy. He will also allow you to serve as the centerpiece in trials that will test your resolve and push you to the outer limits of your ability to maintain control. Through all of this, He wants you to grow in every situation, and He wants to build your character. He wants you to look within to see how you respond and recognize where you shine, even in the darkest moments. He wants you to listen to your heart, listen to your life, and then be willing to move in the direction He is leading you toward. Your gifts, your passions, the people in your life, your experiences, and who you are fundamentally will all lead to your greatness!

      Today, even though you don’t know all the specifics about how each day will play out as you work toward living the truth in your heart, I encourage you to be okay with knowing that the promise exists. Be encouraged and know that you will not travel this journey alone because God is your CEO! You must trust that your steps will be ordered, and the right people and situations will come into your life to shine a light on the how of your journey. You simply need to be ready and open to whatever comes your way. Be willing to make the necessary sacrifices and be willing to do whatever it takes to get you to living in your purpose. I need you to be sold out to the calling on your life!

      You can be certain that your destiny, that which has been so masterfully designed for your life can also become a reality. You have to be willing to give up yourself to gain what has been planned for you. Let go and let God work through you! If you are willing to give up your idea of what the world has for you and accept what your heart is saying regarding your passions and how you can use them to live out your life’s purpose, you will have taken the first major step. God wants to lead you through this journey, and He is prepared to carry you when needed. Please, let Him be all He can be in your life.

      My heart speaks to me, and I know that your heart is speaking to you. You have a choice to either listen to what is being revealed to you regarding where joy will spring from in your life, or, you can ignore the whispers, and sometimes the screams that emerge from your heart. Decide today that you will make a bold move in faith toward living your extraordinary life. Decide today that you will surrender your will in exchange for the will of God. Decide today that you will listen to the truth in your heart.

       There was a truth that had been hidden in my heart and it made itself known. For years, with every beat, it spoke to me. Much like a sudden piercing feeling in the chest that comes and quickly disappears, I heard the faint whispers. For many years, I heard the cries within. The discontent, the uneasiness, and the frustration all hung out for far too long. My heart longed for me to listen and take action. I knew this was not who I really was and was not what was meant for me. Your heart knows you too, and every day you are not operating in your purpose it is sending you warning signals. Until you make the choice to go ALL IN for what God has planned for your life, you will continue to live a life that falls just short of your truest potential. Wake up and become aware of what your life is showing you, then make a commitment to accept your calling and to act. Someone needs you to live on purpose!

      A Prayer of Truth

       Heavenly Father, I invite you to reign in my life and reveal your perfect plan for me. Give me the strength and the courage to be honest with myself so that I am living my truth. Help me become aware of what my heart is saying and where joy springs from in my life. Direct my path and bring experiences before me that will expose my potential and my purpose. Expand my thinking regarding what is possible, build my faith, and increase my ability to see only through your eyes. I am open to whatever you have for me, and I will go willingly. I know that your grace is sufficient and whatever I need you will provide. I am comforted in knowing that, regardless of the size of the promise you have given me, you will go before me and you will not put any more on me than I can handle. I am ready, willing, and you have made me able to walk in my purpose. I eagerly wait in anticipation for how you will use me for your glory and for how you will expand my territory!

       - Amen.

      Pulse Check: What Is Your Heart Saying?

       Read John 16:24 then pray and ask for clarity regarding God’s will for your life. Surrender your heart and your mind so you can be open to what He will share with you.

       Listen closely and allow your heart to speak uninterrupted by your mind. Think about your life experiences and where you find joy. Think about your family, friends, your community and determine where there are needs. You have prayed, you have listened, what do you hear?

       When I consider who I am today and who I believe I was meant to become, I feel I am:

       When I listen to my heart, it is saying:

       The life cause that is dearest to my heart is:

       I see a need and I want to make a difference in this area:

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