Casey Reason

Resilience - From Killing Fields to Boardroom

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spontaneous, in the clutch, decision-making moments that oftentimes define us. Gaining capacity to capitulate, navigate and guide or glide through those survival moments is key. It could well mean the difference between getting over the wall, and hitting it.

       Adapt. Clearly, when we accept or are presented with a new challenge in our lives, either personally or professionally, it may well be necessary to adapt. Adapting is like a Rubik’s Cube. You know, you can twist and turn that thing every which way, hoping those colors will line up; well, sometimes, not so much, right? Obviously, some adaptations are more successful than others. Some people adapt by creating more distractions and more problems. Others choose to adapt in a way that leads to more profound learning opportunities and deeper transformations. In this book we’re exploring how successful people adapt and make a positive and constructive difference.

      Love. Love is the most powerful force on earth. In one place it’s written that love “…always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:7 NIV). Love creates a capacity within that causes us to operate outside of ourselves, and helps us understand our place on this earth. Truly successful people love in all quadrants of their lives; they love themselves, their colleagues, their friends, their family, and even their life’s work more than just about anything else. To be truly successful requires you to love with a greater intensity and be willing to consistently love at that level throughout your life. Finally, we have to …

      Transform. To transform is a much more complex conversion than to merely change. People who are willing to transform their lives exert a deliberate and mindful effort to shift into a drastically different state of being. Such conscious action generates change that occurs at a profound, cellular level. They break through old mental models and are willing to challenge their own comfort zones.

      The elements of Survive also includes the following:

       CAPITULATE - sometimes it's necessary to simply surrender; to acquiesce and release control of the situation at hand. Capitulation can be challenging, because in many cases the ego gets involved and a power play ensues. But depending upon the situation, what initially seems like a retreat can sometimes actually constitute an advancement for everyone involved. This option can be especially crucial in the case of possible physical harm or danger.

       NAVIGATE - certain situations may require artful maneuvering through thoughtful consideration, followed by careful placement of both words and actions. It's a positive outcome when consensus is reached.

       GUIDE - not unlike navigate, sometimes it's possible to skillfully steer the situation into a mutually beneficial conclusion; this can also result in a satisfying win-win for everyone involved.

       GLIDE - in this instance, not unlike capitulation, it may be most helpful to simply take the path of least resistance; if possible, let the situation swirl around you with a minimum of intervention.

      Returning to our wall analogy, all of these techniques are designed to help you scale, rather than crash into the wall, because after scaling the wall, you realize you’ve strengthened muscles and gained a confidence that will take you over other walls to come.

       Those who are willing to transform examine their values and beliefs and are aspirational in their thinking. This level of transformation isn’t possible, however, without immense volumes of passion for what they do and who they care about. Without that fervor, individuals don’t survive and adapt in a way that creates the opportunity to love and be transformed.

       As you work your way through the stories and reflective exercises in this book, we hope that you will see yourself in these stories, challenges and situations. Yes, Emad’s story is dramatic with some tragic stops along the way. But his prosperity now provides an antidote to poverty, and highlights a path to sustainability; not just his own but for many others in Cambodia.

      It is hoped that Emad’s tenacity in overcoming such seemingly insurmountable odds serve as an encouraging beacon, or even a clarion call. Hopefully, the wisdom and courage outlined in these pages will challenge you to ask yourself – if Emad could do it, can’t I, as well?

       Perhaps your background is even more difficult. Emad is sharing his story here, throughout the book, to illustrate what is possible in the human spirit if you choose the right methods: Surviving, Adapting, Loving, and Transforming.

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