Carey Rockwell

The Tom Corbett Space Cadet Megapack

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finals is to be awarded a first prize of three days’ liberty in Atom City.…” There was no signature.

      Roger stared up into the stands and searched vainly for some indication of the person who might have sent him the note. The crowd hushed as McKenny stepped forward for the starting of the last period.

      “What was in the note, Roger?” asked Tom.

      “The winning combination,” smiled Roger lazily. “Get set for the fastest game of mercuryball you’ve ever played, Corbett! We’ve got to pull this mess out of the fire!”

      Bewildered, Tom looked at Astro who merely shrugged his shoulders and took his place ready for the whistle. Roger tucked the note into his shorts and stepped up to the line.

      “Listen, Corbett,” said Roger, “every time Richards gets the ball, he kicks it to his left, and then McAvoy feints as if to get it, leaving Davison in the open. When you go to block Davison, you leave Richards in the clear. He just keeps the ball. He’s scored three times that way!”

      “Yeah,” said Tom, “I noticed that, but there was nothing I could do about it, the way you’ve been playing.”

      “Kinda late in the game for any new ideas, Manning,” growled Astro. “Just get the ball and pass it to me.”

      “That’s my whole idea! Play back, Astro. Move like you’re very tired, see? Then they’ll forget about you and play three on two. You just be ready to kick and kick hard!”

      “What’s happened to you, Roger?” asked Tom. “What was in that note?”

      Before Roger could answer, the whistle and the roar from the crowd signaled the beginning of the last period. The cadets raced down the field, Roger swerving to the left and making a feint at blocking Richards. He missed intentionally and allowed Richards to get the ball, who immediately passed to the left. McAvoy raced in on the ball, Tom made a move as if to block him, reversed, and startled the onrushing Richards with a perfect block. The ball was in the clear. Roger gave it a half kick and the ball landed two feet in front of Astro. The big cadet caught it perfectly on the first bounce and kicked it on a line across the goal, seventy yards away.

      Up in the stands, Steve Strong smiled as he watched the score change on the board: “Capella seven—Polaris five!”

      In rapid succession, the Polaris unit succeeded in intercepting the play of the Capella unit and rolling up two goals to an even score. Now, there were only fifty-five seconds left to play.

      The cadets in the stands roared their approval of the gallant effort made by the three members of the Polaris crew. It had been a long time since mercuryball had been played with such deadly accuracy at Space Academy and everyone who attended the game was to remember for years to come the last play of the game.

      McKenny blew the whistle again and the boys charged forward, but by now, aware of the sudden flash of unity on the part of the opposing team, the Capella unit fought desperately to salvage at least a tie.

      Tom managed to block a kick by Richards, and the ball took a dizzy hop to the left, landing in front of Astro. He was in the clear. The stands were in an uproar as the cadets saw that the game was nearly over. Astro paused a split second, judged the ball and stepped forward to kick. But the ball spun away, just as Astro swung his leg. And at that instant, McAvoy came charging in from the left, only to be blocked by Roger. But the force of McAvoy’s charge knocked Roger back into Astro. Instead of kicking the ball, Astro caught Roger on the side of the head. Roger fell to the ground and lay still. He was knocked cold. Astro lost his balance, twisted on one leg unsteadily, and then fell to the ground. When he tried to get up, he couldn’t walk. He had twisted his ankle.

      The Capella unit members stood still, confused and momentarily unable to take advantage of their opportunity. Without a moment’s hesitation, Tom swept in and kicked the ball before his opponents realized what had happened. The ball drifted up in a high arc and landed with several bounces, stopping five feet from the goal.

      Suddenly Richards, McAvoy and Davison came alive and charged after Tom, who was running for the ball as fast as his weary legs would carry him. He saw Richards pull up alongside of him, then pass him. Then Davison and McAvoy closed in on either side to block and give Richards a clear shot back down the field and a certain score.

      Richards reached the ball, stopped and carefully lined up his kick, certain that his teammates could block out Tom. But the young cadet, in a last desperate spurt, outraced both McAvoy and Davison. Then, as Richards cocked his foot to kick, Tom jumped. With a mighty leaping dive, he sent his body hurtling headlong toward Richards just as he kicked. Tom’s body crashed into the ball and Richards. The two boys went down in a heap but the ball caromed off his chest and rolled over the goal line.

      The whistle blew ending the game.

      In an instant, two thousand officers, cadets and enlisted men went wild as the ball rolled across the goal line.

      The Polaris crew had won eight goals to seven!

      From every corner of the field, the crowd cheered the cadets who had finished the game, had won it in the final seconds with two of them sprawled on the field unconscious and a third unable to stand on his feet.

      Up in the stands, Captain Strong turned to Commander Walters. He found it hard to keep his eyes from filling up as he saluted briskly.

      “Captain Strong reporting, sir, on the success of the Polaris unit to overcome their differences and become a fighting unit! And I mean fight!”

      CHAPTER 11

      “Atom City Express now arriving on track two!” The voice boomed over the loud-speaker system; and as the long, gleaming line of monorail cars eased to a stop with a soft hissing of brakes, the three cadets of the Polaris unit moved eagerly in that direction.

      “Atom City, here we come,” cried Astro.

      “We and a lot of others with the same idea,” said Tom. And, in fact, there were only a few civilians in the crowd pressing toward the car doors. Uniforms predominated—the blue of the cadets, enlisted men in scarlet, even a few in the black and gold uniforms which identified the officers of the Solar Guard.

      “Personally,” whispered Tom to his friends, “the first thing I want to do at Atom City is take a long walk—somewhere where I won’t see a single uniform.”

      “As for me,” drawled Roger, “I’m going to find a stereo studio where they’re showing a Liddy Tamal feature. I’ll sit down in a front-row seat and just watch that girl act for about six hours.”

      He turned to Astro. “And how about you?”

      “Why…why…I’ll string along with you, Roger,” said the cadet from Venus. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a—a—”

      Tom and Roger laughed.

      “A what?” teased Tom.

      “A—a—girl,” sputtered Astro, blushing.

      “I don’t believe it,” said Roger in mock surprise. “I never—”

      “Come on,” interrupted Tom. “Time to get aboard.”

      They hurried across the platform and entered the sleek car. Inside they found seats together and sank into the luxurious chairs.

      Astro sighed gently, stretched out his long legs and closed his eyes blissfully for a few moments.

      “Don’t wake me till we get started,” he said.

      “We already have,” returned Tom. “Take a look.”

      Astro’s eyes popped open. He glanced through the clear crystal glass at the rapidly moving landscape.

      “These express jobs move on supercushioned ball bearings,” explained Tom. “You can’t even feel it when you pull out of the station.”

      “Blast my jets!” marveled Astro. “I’d sure like to take a look at the power unit on this