Randall Garrett

The Second Randall Garrett Megapack

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she didn’t attend,” Symes said. “But maybe she’s gotten wise to herself. There was a celebration up at the Temple of Pan in Central Park, starting at midnight, and going on through the morning. Spring Rites. Maybe she went there.”

      “I doubt it,” Forrester said instantly. “That’s hardly her type of worship.”

      “Isn’t it?” Symes said.

      “It doesn’t fit her. That kind of—”

      “I know. Gerda’s like you. A little stuffy.”

      “It’s not being stuffy,” Forrester started to explain. “It’s—”

      “Sure,” Symes said. “Only she’s not as much of a prude as you are. I couldn’t stand her if she were.”

      “On the other hand, she’s not a—”

      “Not an Owl-boy of Owl-boys like you.”

      “Not a drunken blockhead,” Forrester finished triumphantly. “At least she’s got a decent respect for wisdom and learning.”

      Symes stepped back, a movement for which Forrester felt grateful. No matter how far away Ed Symes was, he was still too close.

      “Who you calling a blockhead, buster?” Symes said. His eyes narrowed to piggish little slits.

      Forrester took a deep breath and reminded himself not to hit the other man. “You,” he said, almost mildly. “If brains were radium, you couldn’t make a flicker on a scintillation counter.”

      It was just a little doubtful that Symes understood the insult. But he obviously knew it had been one. His face changed color to a kind of grayish purple, and his hands clenched slowly at his sides. Forrester stood watching him quietly.

      Symes made a sound like Rrr and took a breath. “If you weren’t an acolyte, I’d take a poke at you just to see you bounce.”

      “Sure you would,” Forrester agreed politely.

      Symes went Rrr again and there was a longer silence. Then he said: “Not that I’d hit you anyhow, buster. It’d go against my grain. Not the acolyte business—if you didn’t look so much like Bacchus, I’d take the chance.”

      Forrester’s jaw ached. In a second he realized why; he was clenching his teeth tightly. Perhaps it was true that he did look a little like Bacchus, but not enough for Ed Symes to kid about it.

      Symes grinned at him. Symes undoubtedly thought the grin gave him a pleasant and carefree expression. It didn’t. “Suppose I go have a look for Gerda myself,” he said casually, heading up the stairs toward the temple entrance. “After all, you’re so busy look­ing at books, you might have missed her.”

      And what, Forrester asked himself, was the answer to that—except a punch in the mouth?

      It really didn’t matter, anyhow. Symes was on his way into the temple, and Forrester could just ignore him.

      But, damn it, why did he let the young idiot get his goat that way? Didn’t he have enough self-control just to ignore Symes and his oafish insults?

      Forrester supposed sadly that he didn’t. Oh, well, it just made another quality he had to pray to Athena for.

      Then he glanced at his wristwatch and stopped thinking about Symes entirely.

      It was twelve-forty-five. He had to be at work at thirteen hundred.

      Still angry, underneath the sudden need for speed, he turned and sprinted toward the subway.

      * * * *

      “And thus,” Forrester said tiredly, “having attempted to make himself the equal of the Gods, Man was given a punishment befitting such arrogance.” He paused and took a breath, surveying the twenty-odd students in the classroom (and some, he told himself wryly, very odd) with a sort of benign boredom.

      History I, Introductory Survey of World History, was a simple enough course to teach, but its very simplicity was its undoing, Forrester thought. The deadly dullness of the day-after-day routine was enough to wear out the strongest soul.

      Freshmen, too, seemed to get stupider every year. Certainly, when he’d been seventeen, he’d been different altogether. Studious, earnest, questioning…

      Then he stopped himself and grinned. He’d probably seemed even worse to his own instructors.

      Where had he been? Slowly, he picked up the thread. There was a young blonde girl watching him eagerly from a front seat. What was her name? Forrester tried to recall it and couldn’t. Well, this was only the first day of term. He’d get to know them all soon enough—well enough, anyhow, to dislike most of them.

      But the eager expression on the girl’s face unnerved him a little. The rest of the class wasn’t paying anything like such strict attention. As a matter of fact, Forrester suspected two young boys in the back of being in a trance.

      Well, he could stop that. But…

      She was really quite attractive, Forrester told himself. Of course, she was nothing but a fresh, pretty, eager seventeen-year-old, with a figure that…

      She was, Forrester reminded himself sternly, a student.

      And he was supposed to be an instructor.

      He cleared his throat. “Man went hog-wild with his new-found freedom from divine guidance,” he said. “Woman did, too, as a matter of fact.”

      Now what unholy devil had made him say that? It wasn’t a part of the normal lecture for first day of the new term. It was—well, it was just a little risqué for students. Some of their parents might complain, and…

      But the girl in the front row was smiling appreciatively. I wonder what she’s doing in an Introductory course, Forrester thought, leaping with no evidence at all to the conclusion that the girl’s mind was much too fine and educated to be subjected to the general run of classes. Private tutoring… he began, and then cut himself off sharply, found his place in the lecture again and went on:

      “When the Gods decided to sit back and observe for a few thousand years, they allowed Man to go his merry way, just to teach him a lesson.”

      The boys in the back of the room were definitely in a trance.

      Forrester sighed. “And the inevitable happened,” he said. “From the eighth century B.C., Old Style, until the year 1971 A.D., Old Style, Man’s lot went from bad to worse. Without the Gods to guide him he bred bigger and bigger wars and greater and greater empires—beginning with the conquests of the mad Alexander of Macedonia and culminating in the opposing Soviet and American Spheres of Influence during the last century.”

      Spheres of Influence.…

      Forrester’s gaze fell on the blonde girl again. She certainly had a well-developed figure. And she did seem so eager and attentive. He smiled at her tentatively. She smiled back.

      “Urg…” he said aloud.

      The class didn’t seem to notice. That, Forrester told himself sourly, was probably because they weren’t listening.

      He swallowed, wrenched his gaze from the girl, and said: “The Soviet-American standoff—for that is what it was—would most probably have resulted in the destruction of the human race.” It had no effect on the class. The destruction of the human race interested nobody. “However,” Forrester said gamely, “this form of insanity was too much for the Gods to allow. They therefore—”

      The bell rang, signifying the end of the period. Forrester didn’t know whether to feel relieved or annoyed.

      “All right,” he said. “That’s all for today. Your first assignment will be to read and carefully study Chapters One and Two of the textbook.”

      Silence gave way to a clatter of noise as the students began to file out. Forrester saw the front-row blonde rise slowly and gracefully. Any