Jodi Lynn Copeland

Body Moves

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temptation. “Why, yes, I remember now. Mr. Cantrell, right?”

      He nodded. “Great memory to go with a great smile.”

      Diane fidgeted with the papers on the counter in front of her a few seconds before picking one up. “Ah, here’s the appointment log.” She frowned. “Oh, but I don’t see your name on it.”

      If she was younger, he would add a bit of sensuality to the mix, give the back of her hand a teasing touch while he pretended to search the log for his name. Since she was his mother’s age and already appeared flustered, he stuck with the smile. “Strange. Dr. Crosby asked her assistant to schedule a follow-up appointment for today. I believe her name was Lena.”

      She stood from her desk. “Give me a moment.”

      Diane disappeared through a door on the right side of the closed-in reception area. Within a minute, a grinning Lena appeared through the door connecting the waiting area to the business offices. She gave his blindingly obscene shirt a glance and her grin faltered. Like she had room to talk with those obnoxious earrings. Jordan was no fashion guru, but it didn’t take one to know the hideous pink and green hula girls were no match for her sleeveless red shirt and white capris.

      Her grin warmed again, revealing an attractive dimple. “Nice to see you, Mr. Cantrell.”

      “You, too.” If she assisted him without question, the way she had last night when she’d supplied Danica’s address, it would be even nicer. “I was telling Diane I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Crosby this morning.”

      “Of course you do,” Lena said without hesitation. “You’re a few minutes early, but I doubt that’ll be a problem. Why don’t you follow me on back?”

      Could it really be as easy as that? If so, Danica had told Lena about last night. The way Lena was grinning suggested Danica had only good things to say.

      Jordan’s blood warmed with the thought of getting Danica naked again, this time completely. Only, that wouldn’t be happening. The plan was to get close to her in the same way his father had, and that damned well better not have included sex.

      “Thanks.” With a farewell smile to Diane, he followed Lena down the hall toward Danica’s office. “I don’t know why you’re being so helpful, but it’s appreciated.”

      “Just doing Hi’iaka’s bidding.”

      “Hi’iaka is…?”

      Glancing over her shoulder, she fingered the hula girl dangling from her right ear. “The goddess who created the hula and my vision guide. I’m psychic.”

      Lena being gifted might explain her easy acceptance of him. Jordan still had a hell of a time believing she was serious. “You don’t say.”

      “Danica doesn’t believe me either.” She stopped a couple feet from Danica’s closed office door. “Wait here.” At his nod, she continued to the door and knocked.

      With the rap on her office door, Danica looked up from her computer monitor, where she was researching fund-raiser ideas online since last night’s brainstorming session had been a complete bomb, to the alarm clock. Ten o’clock. She wasn’t expecting anyone now, or for the rest of the day, for that matter. “Come in.”

      The door pushed in, and Lena filled the entryway, just as she had yesterday at this exact time of morning. A not-very-pleasant feeling of déjà vu settled over Danica.

      Lena glanced at the candy dish on her desk. “How’s the almond supply?”

      “The dish is half full.” She narrowed her eyes. “Or is it half empty? What’s going on? You look devious.”

      “Nothing’s going on. Just letting you know your ten o’clock is here.”

      “I don’t have a ten—”

      Lena disappeared before she could finish, and, like yesterday, Jordan took her place in the doorway. Unlike yesterday, he wasn’t wearing a power suit and Kenneth Coles. Today, he had on knee-length dark blue board shorts and a Hawaiian print shirt so loud Danica’s fingers tingled to tear it off and send it through her paper shredder.

      Her sex joined in on the tingling with the thought of him shirtless. She hadn’t seen his torso last night, but she’d had her hands on it and his back through his shirt. Both had felt very nice, as did his mustache brushing against her lips. His nowhere-near-to-miniscule cock had felt incredible pushing into her wet pussy while his hands gripped her ass.

      Moisture jetted to her core, and she made a mad grab for the chocolate-covered almonds. She frowned at him as she chewed a small handful of nuts.

      He smiled back. “You really do have a fetish.”

      God, she hated the way his smile intensified his already too-potent eyes. It made her think of Lena’s omen they were destined to have sex again, maybe even this morning.

      Danica reminded herself he was a potential patient and kept her voice calm while her heart sped. “We don’t have an appointment today.”

      Jordan moved into the office. The scent of his cologne infiltrated her senses and tented her nipples. She crossed her arms over her breasts.

      His attention wavered to her chest, and his smile grew as he again met her eyes. “Sure we do. Lena must have forgotten to tell you about scheduling me in last minute.”

      Big surprise, Lena was in on this. “She must have.”

      “Or maybe she had a vision about it and never actually got around to doing it in real life.”

      “She told you she’s psychic?” What else had Little Ms. Big Mouth shared? If she’d told him they were fated to have a second screw, it wouldn’t matter how much Pepsi Lena had to barter with, Danica was going to kill her.

      “And that you don’t believe in her abilities,” he added.

      What she didn’t believe was that he—a virtual stranger—was standing in her office essentially calling her a lousy friend. “I never said I don’t believe in her. I just have yet to see proof. Take last night. Lena said she told you where I live because she had a vision of you coming to my villa and me waiting for you at the door. The thing is, she sent you to my villa, and I wasn’t waiting for you, but her. So should I buy that she had a vision or just saw an opportunity to play matchmaker and decided to go for it?”

      “Do you always masturbate right when Lena’s due over?”

      Her pussy thrummed with his words. She guessed he knew what she’d been doing when he arrived but until now had held out hope she was mistaken.

      She blew out a breath. “Why are you here?”

      Jordan looked around her office, assessing each inch of the space as he’d done yesterday. Only, his approach wasn’t quite the same. The oppressive air was gone. Now he seemed to notice the disarray had a certain feng shui appeal—all right, Danica had never considered it that way before, but Lena would appreciate the step outside of her “normally boring” box.

      He looked back at her and nodded approvingly. “Organized chaos. It’s never worked for me, but I have friends who swear by it.”

      “You haven’t answered my question, Mr. Cantrell. I have a full day planned, so if it’s another tour you’re after, Lena will need to set you up with one of the resort guides.”

      “It’s Jordan, remember, like the almond?” His eyes warmed to the same shade of dark turquoise they’d been last night, right before he’d pushed her up against the wall and fucked her stupid. “I do want another tour. Several of them.”

      “Let me get Lena to—”

      “I want you.”

      Therein lay the problem and the reason his presence in her office yesterday precisely at ten was, in fact, the third bad thing to happen to her. Danica wanted him, too.

      Another day