
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

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she whispered. “I understand what you’re going through, baby, and I am here for you. We’re together for life, and when you are down, I am here to help pick you up. You take care of me, Free; you always have, and I know you always will. I was just aggravated with everything. It was hard for me while you were away. I put pressure on you when it wasn’t necessary. I love you, Free, and I’m here with you. I know it’s only a matter of time before we’re on top again, but I want you to know that I’m with you even when we’re on the bottom.”

      Free sat back and listened as Six talked. He knew the type of chick who he had on his team. Free understood why Six was worried, but he was a man, and he was going to make their ends meet by any means necessary. She was his queen, and he had spoiled her so much that she had become accustomed to living the life. He was determined to provide her with that lifestyle again. He knew that until he could do that she would stick by his side.

      Looking down at Six as her head rested in his lap, all of his tensions melted away. Just being near her again felt good. Everything about the two of them was always so right…so on point as if their existence had been synchronized to the same clock. He looked at her voluptuous figure and felt the swell of his dick rise against his jeans.

      Six sat up and straddled Free, grinding her hips against his concealed manhood. She kissed him seductively, exploring his mouth with her tongue. Her body moved to the rhythm of the song, and Free’s hands gripped her ample behind, his fingertips leaving dents in her soft skin as her breasts pressed against his chest. Free grabbed Six’s backside firmly and looked down at the thong that had disappeared between the crack of her ass. He picked her up with her legs still wrapped around him and carried her into the bedroom.

      Her fat lips were a beautiful sight to Free. He had gone his entire stretch in prison without feeling the inside of a woman, and her engorged clitoris made his mouth water in anticipation. He licked his lips as he placed a finger to Six’s opening. She sucked his long finger inside of her, using her vaginal muscles to entice her man.

      Free closed his eyes as he felt her walls tighten around his finger. Six was soaked in her own juices, and she couldn’t wait for her man to please her. She held onto him tightly as he gently placed her on the bed and pulled off the tiny thong. Six sat up, reached for his belt buckle, and removed Free’s jeans. His thick eight inches stood at attention in her face, and she couldn’t help but to taste him. She devoured him into her mouth, making him disappear and reappear over and over. Free placed his hands on her head and gently guided her as she sucked him like a lollipop, her tongue stroking the vein on the back of his shaft.

      Six’s head game was superb and it was designed just for him. Her full lips, deep throat, and slick tongue were all trained personally by Free, and all she wanted to do was please him. She ran her tongue up and down his length and kissed the tip gently, causing his toes to curl.

      Free pushed Six back onto the bed, and they positioned themselves into the sixty-nine position. He opened her lips with his tongue and tasted her wetness as he gently ravaged her womanly pearl. His tongue flicked back and forth, fast and then slow…firm and then soft.

      “Aggh,” she moaned as she rotated her hips, making love to Free’s mouth. The better he made her feel, the better she sucked his dick. She couldn’t help it, he was making her go crazy, and she wanted to please him until he exploded. She wanted him to release all of the built-up tension from years of lockup.

      Moans couldn’t help but to escape her lips as he tickled her insides with his fingers and caressed her clit with his tongue. She was riding his face like a cowboy and moving her head up and down like she was bobbing for apples. Free was large, and she wanted him inside of her, but she was feeling too good to stop him. He ate her out, and she hit him off until they both reached their climax. She swallowed his seed leaving his manhood spotless, and her back arched with the grace of a ballerina as she came in his mouth. They both had reached ecstasy and in the process released all of their built-up anxiety.

      Makeup sex was the best between Six and Free. It was so good that sometimes they looked forward to fighting just so they could make up all over again. Too exhausted to get up and do anything, Six wrapped herself in Free’s arms.

      “I’ma take care of you. You deserve the best, and that’s what I’m gon’ give you. That’s my word.”

      “I already have the best. The world is ours, Free.”

      Free had to smile at her words because he knew that she was the perfect woman for him and that she would always hold him down.

      “The world is ours, ma.”

      With those words, they drifted into a comfortable sleep.

      Chapter Two

      It seemed like the morning came too quickly because Six was still groggy and exhausted from the night before. She felt the covers being lifted off her and frowned as the draft of cold morning air caused goose bumps to form on her skin. She knew that Free wanted to pick up where they had left off, but she was too tired.

      “Baby stop…” she mumbled as she felt him run his finger down her thigh. “Free, your hands are cold…stop,” she whined as she kept her eyes closed, not wanting to awaken fully. It wasn’t until she heard the shower running did Six realize something wasn’t right. The sound of running water sparked confusion in her mind.

      “Six! Bring me some soap out of the closet!” she heard Free yell. The hands that were touching her body suddenly felt like tiny knives scratching her skin as she realized that they didn’t belong to Free. She sat up instantly to find three white men standing in the room, one of whom was standing over her tracing the outline of her ass with a black .38.

      “Fre—” Six tried to yell out to Free, but before she could even get his name out of her mouth, a sweaty hand covered it, silencing her, and three pistols were aimed in her direction, the .38-caliber pistol pointed directly at her temple.

      “Shut up, bitch,” one of them calmly instructed.

      Six’s heart felt like it had sunk into her stomach, and fear filled her body. In any other situation she would have known how to react. She would have taken her chances and reached for the nightstand where her .22 pistol was kept. She would have warned Free that someone was in the house. She would have done something, but this situation was different. She had been caught off guard, and the man that had the steel pressed to the side of her head intimidated her. There was something about the way that he looked at her that told her he wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. For the first time in a long time she was afraid. She didn’t know what was going to happen or even why they had come.

      The men’s eyes ogled her body, and she wanted to pull up the covers, but was frozen in place. Everyone in the room heard the running water stop. The men cocked their weapons, and Six’s body stiffened when she heard the hammer to the .38-caliber pistol pull back. Six did the only thing that she could do and lifted her eyes to the sky and prayed silently. Please God, don’t let them kill Free…please don’t let him come into this room. Six wasn’t even worried about her well-being; The only thing that she could think of was Free. She didn’t know what she would do if something happened to him.

      Free wrapped a towel around his waist and then made his way into the bedroom. He opened the door and the sight of a gun threatening Six’s existence enraged him. He ran toward the bed, but was halted by a tall white man who aimed a .357 Ruger in his direction.

      “Free!” Six yelled out, afraid that he would be shot. Her heart was beating like a drum and tears began to swell in her eyes.

      Free’s mind was focused on getting to her; he wasn’t thinking about the hole that the Ruger would leave through his chest if fired. He grabbed the wrist of the man and punched him hard in the face causing blood to flood from his nose.

      “Aghh, fuck!” He man yelled out in pain as he cupped his face with both hands and dropped to his knees in excruciation. In one swift movement, Free snatched the weapon from his hands and pointed it toward the bed where the infamous Claude Jean, member of the Russian mafia, stood next to a terrified Six. Free was working straight off of emotion