Aimee Carter


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hip. I was taller, too.

      Knox sat down beside me. “They did a good job on you,” he said, glancing at my legs. “If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t be able to tell.”

      “Good for them,” I said faintly. “I need some air.”

      “Excellent idea. I could use some myself.”

      Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to stand on my unsteady legs. This time I knew what to expect.

      “Let me,” said Knox, offering me his arm. I pushed it away and shuffled across the carpet. I needed to do this on my own.

      By the time I finally reached the door, I was panting, my muscles burned, and a bead of sweat trickled down my forehead. Knox had left it open, and I poked my head around the corner, only to see a long white hallway that looked about a mile long. My heart sank.

      “Stubborn little thing, aren’t you?” Knox reappeared beside me with a wheelchair. “You really should learn when to ask for help. There’s no shame in it, you know.”

      “I’m not letting you push me around in that thing,” I said flatly.

      “You have two choices—stay in this tiny room all day and mope, or go for a ride.” He paused. “Well, you could also try to walk farther than you already have, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Doubt the doctors would, either.”

      I didn’t particularly care about what the doctors thought—or the fact that Knox thought the bedroom was tiny—but my legs were shaking so badly underneath me that my knees were practically knocking together. A wheelchair might have been embarrassing, but it had to be better than collapsing.

      “Promise to take me wherever I want to go?” I said.

      Knox placed his hand over his heart. “You have my word as your loving and devoted fiancé.”

      I rolled my eyes and eased myself down into the chair. My legs ached with pain beyond anything I’d ever felt before, and I could feel where they’d elongated the bones and tissue. No wonder they’d kept me unconscious.

      “Where to, Your Highness?” said Knox as he handed me a blanket. I tucked it in around my lap, grateful for the warmth.

      “Think you can manage a tour?” He’d never let me leave the building, but I might as well learn the layout.

      Knox pushed me forward. “I’ll see what I can do.”

      The long hallway was only the start of it. Knox wheeled me down another one, then another, and another, and I struggled to remember where we’d turned. It wasn’t until I started imagining the hallways as the sewers that I figured out a way to keep track. I knew the sewer system better than most city workers, and it was dangerous to get lost down there. I was willing to bet it wasn’t half as dangerous as it would be getting lost in this place, though.

      “Where are the exits?” I said. The doors all blended into the walls, and none of them looked like they would lead to the streets.

      “Thinking about leaving us so soon?” said Knox.

      “There might be a fire,” I said lamely, and I could practically hear his grin as he pushed me into an elevator. They were rare in the Heights, most being rickety and the sort that broke down once a week, and I hated the way I felt trapped inside them. But I was stuck in the chair for now, and I doubted this elevator broke down much at all. It was exquisite, with the ceiling made of white molding and buttons that shone like gold. Mirrors surrounded us on all four sides, and I saw the scowl on my unfamiliar face. Lila even looked pretty when she was miserable.

      That was also the first good look I had at my new body. As the elevator flew upward, I stared at myself, trying to find any connection to my real appearance. Everything from my hair to my feet had been changed into an exact copy of Lila’s, and the harder I looked, the more I realized even I couldn’t tell the difference.

      My eyes widened as I caught sight of my chest, and my hands flew upward. “You gave me implants?”

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