Ian Johnstone

Circles of Stone

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truth, relations between Simia and Triste had only become more strained since they had left the valley. At lunch she had continued to talk to him as though he was more hindrance than help and now, even though he had implored her to stay close for her own safety, she seemed wilfully to be extending her lead.

      “She’s like this,” said Sylas, panting as he struggled to pick up speed. “Feisty. Always doing things her own way. She has … you know –” he grinned – “sharp edges. But it’s never boring.”

      “Well, I’m not against feisty, but I am against stupid,” said Triste archly. “She has no idea what’s around that bend. I can’t Scry so far ahead and even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to warn her. She could paddle straight into a shoal of Slithen – or worse.”

      Sylas thought back to the hideous reptilian creatures that had chased them from the Meander Mill. “Worse than Slithen?”

      Triste looked surprised. “Much worse.”

      Sylas glanced into the murk of the river and wished he hadn’t asked.

      “I guess she’s just tired of waiting for me,” he said, pulling his eyes away.

      “No,” said the Scryer. “It’s not you, it’s me.”

      “You? Why?”

      “Because she doesn’t want to be near me.”

      Sylas laughed. “I think that’s a bit—”

      “I remind her of her father,” said Triste, stopping his paddling.

      “Her father? What makes you say that?” asked Sylas.

      “I see it,” said Triste, tapping his tattooed skull. “Whether I want to or not.”

      Sylas searched his face. “Is that what you meant this morning … ‘I see more than you think’?”

      Triste nodded. “Just bad luck, I suppose. Especially since she was so close to him.”

      “She was. Very close,” said Sylas. He gazed ahead. “That’s his coat that she wears all the time.”

      Suddenly he felt unforgivably selfish: he had almost forgotten about her father. Over the past few days he had spoken endlessly about finding his mum and Simia had just been doing her best to help – it couldn’t have been easy for her. Was that why she had said nothing to him about Triste? Because he was too wrapped up in his own problems? His own mother? At least his mum was still alive.

      Poor Simsi.

      As though sensing Sylas’s darkening mood, the bright winter sun faded above their heads, not because it was late but because a blanket of grey cloud had rolled in, obscuring it from view. The forest too seemed drained of its colour, losing it to the thirsty grey skies. Its bare canopy no longer rang with the sounds of its residents, but had fallen silent and still – a stillness that they knew.

      The Barrens were drawing near.

       image missing

      “High upon the headland stood a tiny girl, turning Neptune’s own tempest to her will.”

      AS SYLAS’S PADDLING FINALLY grew more confident, Triste no longer insisted on following him and drew alongside. When he thought he might not be noticed, Sylas could not resist the occasional glance over at the Scryer – and most of all at the strange tattoos around his scalp. He was drawn to the two mutilated eyes – the ones where the skin seemed to have been burned or twisted until they had lost their shape, almost as though they had been closed behind mangled lids.

      “If you’re so interested, you should ask,” grunted Triste without turning.

      Sylas dropped his gaze, horrified that he had been seen. But then, of course he had been seen.

      “I was just wondering what happened to your tattoos,” he said. “The eyes … the ones that look … burned?”

      Triste let out a long sigh. “I tried to close my Scrying eyes. It was the first time I ever used Kimiyya. It’ll be the last, I can assure you.”

      “Why would you do that?”

      “Why wouldn’t I?” said the Scryer with a bitter laugh. “I became tired of seeing as a Scryer sees. Like I told Simia, wars are no place for Scryers. Normal people see all the violence and the death and the suffering, which is awful enough. We see great tides of anguish and oceans of hate. We see despair and loss surging like great waves over the battlefield.” He looked at Sylas with his dark, tired eyes. “You see the broken bodies; we see the breaking of hearts again and again and again until the entire world seems full of sadness and pain and grief, until there is nowhere to hide, no hope of sleep. Until all we can dream about is being able to close our eyes.”

      Sylas had stopped paddling several strokes back, and now just gazed at Triste as he rowed on. He hadn’t really thought about what had been said by the lake – he had been too consumed by his own emotions – but now he understood. What a torture it must have been to be a Scryer during the Reckoning. He thought back to Bowe at the Meander Mill, struggling with the gathered emotion even of a Say-So … what must it have been like when people were gathered to kill and be killed. He shuddered. How insensitive his question seemed now.

      He dug in with his paddle and set out after Triste, but he could not quite bring himself to draw alongside. He felt too ashamed.

      They travelled on in silence, passing deeper into the dreary landscape, and only spoke again when they finally caught up with Simia. As they rounded a bend, they saw that she had pulled into the outside bank, her red hair sharp against the drabness of the forest. Sylas noticed how quickly he was gliding between the trees and saw that the entire river was surging forward, swirling and churning as it veered around the bend.

      And then they heard the unmistakable roar and thunder of rapids. The air became cool and moist and carried traces of spray, as though to warn them of what lay ahead. When they drew near to Simia, they found themselves having to back-paddle to control their speed.

      The river divided, turning slowly away to the right while the left bank fell away down a slope, spilling the winter flood in a deluge of frothing, bubbling water over the rough ground beyond. They could not see all the way down, but even in the topmost stretch there were giant standing waves, deep, churning whirlpools and great eruptions of angry foam.

      “This should be a bit more interesting!” grinned Simia over the roar.

      “We won’t be taking the rapids,” said Triste firmly. “We’ll follow the meander – the two stretches join up again later.”

      Simia’s face fell. “We took the meander on the Windrush – it took ages!”

      “The canoes are fast enough. And anyhow, we’re going downstream now.”

      “But the rapids will be so much quicker!”

      “And much more dangerous,” said Triste, his tone final. “The stakes are too high to take that kind of risk.”

      “Well, I’m going down the rapids,” announced Simia, launching herself out from under the trees. She plunged her paddle into the water and wheeled the canoe around. “Sylas, are you coming?”

      Sylas dropped his head between his shoulders. “Simia,” he sighed. “Triste’s right, and anyway I’m not as good in a canoe as you are.”

      “You’ll be fine. It can’t be very long.” She looked from one to the other. “Look, if you won’t come I’ll go on my own and meet you later.”

      “Simsi, it just doesn’t make—”
