Barry Hutchison

Mr Mumbles

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care,’ I shouted, my voice sounding much bolder than I was feeling. ‘He’ll come back one day, you’ll see.’

      ‘Oh, and what then?’ Mum demanded, throwing her hands up into the air. ‘You’ll go off with him and live happily ever after, will you?’

      From the way she said it I knew Mum was only looking for reassurance. She just wanted to know that I loved her and that I wouldn’t choose someone over her who’d walked out before I was even born. I knew that was what she needed to hear, so I don’t know why I said what I did.

      ‘Maybe I will.’

      She stared at me for a few long moments, her face a melting pot of betrayal and shock. I bit my lip, wishing I could take the words back. She took a steadying breath and patted down a crease on the front of her World’s Best Mum apron.

      ‘I think you should go to your room, Kyle,’ she said. Her voice was flat and controlled. Suddenly the kitchen felt as frosty as the glass in the window frame.

      ‘But what about dinner?’ I protested. ‘It’s Christmas dinner!’

      ‘Your room,’ she repeated. ‘Now.’

      Usually I like lying on top of my bed. It’s a comfy place to come and read, or just to think. I hoped I might get a games console for Christmas, so I could play it up in my room, but no such luck. I have a TV, but it’s old and falling apart. On the rare times it actually picks up a channel, the picture is usually too snowy to watch. Still, I have my books and comics, and can normally pass a few hours with those.

      Apart from the dodgy TV and the lack of games consoles, the only real downside to my room is the view from my window. Mum has a great view from hers. Our terrace is right up on top of a hill, so from Mum’s room you can look out over the whole village. OK, so the village itself doesn’t look all that impressive, but on clear nights you can make out all the lights of the next town, twinkling away happily in the distance.

      It’s a four- or five-mile trek to town, but it’s worth it. If you’re looking for decent shops, or a cinema, or anything at all, you’ll find it in town. Even my school is there, which means a twenty-minute bus journey there and back every day during term time.

      Our village has nothing very exciting in it. We’ve got houses, a couple of churches and a tiny supermarket whose shelves are always half empty.

      Oh, and there’s a police station. A lot of the time it’s unmanned, but sometimes – maybe when they need a rest, or something – one of the officers from the town comes over there for the day. They usually spend the whole time sitting with their feet up because – to be honest – there’s not a lot happens in our village.

      Beyond the town lie the mountains. They look brilliant at this time of year – the snow is almost right down to the bottom – and if I get my binoculars out I can sometimes see some of the kids from school sledging on the lower slopes. It looks like fun. Maybe one day I’ll ask them if I can come. Then again, they’ll probably only say ‘no’, so maybe I won’t bother.

      So, yeah, anyway, it’s a good view from Mum’s room. Mine isn’t so great. In fact it’s fair to say that my view gives me the willies. You see, unluckily for me, my bedroom faces straight on to the creepy abandoned house next door. The Keller House.

      When I was eight or nine I kept asking Mum why we couldn’t just move into the house. It’s much bigger than ours, with a massive garden. It also has a room built on to the side with a private pool, but I hate water, so I wasn’t too bothered about that. I just liked the idea of having a gigantic bedroom.

      But that was before I heard the stories. Before I found out all about the Keller House. After that, I didn’t want to go near the place. No one did.

      So, as I was saying, I usually liked lazing on my bed, but lying there playing the conversation with Mum over and over in my head, it was the most uncomfortable place in the world.

      I shouldn’t have said the stuff I did, I knew that. The fact was, though, I did want to know about my dad. Mum never told me anything other than that he disappeared the day she told him she was pregnant with me.

      Maybe she was right. Maybe he really didn’t want anything to do with me. He’d made no effort to get in touch my whole life, after all. Still, something kept telling me I should keep asking, and it seemed as if I was powerless to fight the urge.

      Up above me a shiny plastic Santa swung gently backwards and forwards on an invisible breeze. My eyes tick-tocked left and right, following his jolly pendulum sway. On each upward swing the glow from my light glinted off his oval eyes, making them appear glistening and alive.

      Then, without warning, the overhead light went dim. For a moment it flicked and flickered, sending distorted Santa shadows scurrying up the wall. The wind shook the window, rattling it in its wooden frame. The bedroom door creaked loudly as a draft slowly pushed it closed.

      With a distant fzzzt the room was plunged into almost total blackness. The faint, grey December daylight that seeped into the room barely made a dent in the dark.

      Suddenly, over the howling of the gales outside, I heard a sharp scraping sound. It was slow at first, almost methodical. Quickly, though, it picked up pace, until a frantic, desperate scratching ripped through the gloom.

      There was a crazed urgency to the sound which froze me to my core. I lay still, unable to do anything but listen to the racket. It bounced off every wall, as if it were coming at me from every direction at once, making it almost impossible for me to pinpoint the source.

      It took me several seconds, but eventually I realised where the horrible scratching was coming from: the ceiling above my bed. The blood in my veins ran as cold as ice.

      There was something in the attic.

      And it was trying to claw its way through.

       Chapter Two A FORGOTTEN FRIEND

      Idon’t remember jumping off my bed but I must’ve done, because the next thing I knew I was standing in the middle of the room, listening to the scraping above me. Whatever was up there was ripping furiously at the attic floor, scratching and clawing its way through the wood.

      Outside, the wind screeched and howled and hurled itself against the glass, as if it too was trying to force its way into my bedroom. The darkness seemed to close in. It wrapped around me like an icy shroud, squeezing the air from my lungs and making my heart thud faster and faster and faster.

      My head went light and I felt the carpet turn to quicksand below me, sucking me down. I dropped to my knees, choking and struggling to breathe, as the world began to spin.

      The sound of that scratching grew louder and louder until it was the only thing I could hear. I covered my ears, desperately trying to block it out, but still it grew louder until I was sure my head was going to explode with it.

      With a faint clunk the room was filled with light, and the scratching came to an abrupt stop.

      ‘Nothing to worry about, just a fuse,’ I heard Mum shout. ‘You OK?’

      I opened my mouth to answer, but barely a whimper came out. The carpet was rough against my cheek, and I realised I was lying curled up on the floor, my knees almost to my chest. My arms shook as I tried to push myself into a sitting position.

      ‘Kyle, what’s wrong?’ Mum asked, her voice urgent and panicked as she pushed open my door. My head splitting with a ferocious ache, I turned and looked up at her. She knelt by my side and stroked my face with the back of her hand, wiping away tears I hadn’t even felt fall. ‘What happened?’ she asked, softly.

      ‘The attic,’ I managed to hiss. ‘I heard something in the attic. Scratching.’

      Mum leaned back on her heels, her eyes and mouth – just for a moment – three little circles of surprise.