Narinder Dhami

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at work, or we’d never have fitted. I noticed that Fliss nearly knocked Frankie and Rosie over so that she could grab the seat next to Liam – she really had it bad!

      “I like your shirt, Liam,” Fliss said brightly, as Mum started heaping spaghetti on to our plates. “Is blue your favourite colour?”

      Liam looked a bit surprised.

      “Well, yeah, I guess so,” he said.

      Fliss immediately started pulling faces at me, and raising her eyebrows.

      “OK, OK,” I muttered, quickly writing Liam – blue on my notepad. I’d brought it down with me, and had it hidden on my lap.

      “What’re you doing, Lyndz?” Mum asked. Why do parents always seem to have eyes in the backs of their heads?

      “Nothing,” I said, hiding the notepad under a corner of the tablecloth.

      Kenny turned to Tom. “What’s your favourite colour then?” she asked.

      “Er – purple,” Tom replied, looking as if he thought Kenny had gone totally mad. OK, maybe they all thought we were a bit strange, but we carried on until we’d found out all their favourite colours!

      Then Rosie started off again. “Mm, I love spaghetti,” she said. “It’s my favourite food!” She stared hard at Jack. “What’s your favourite food?”

      By the time we’d scoffed Mum’s toffee apple pudding, we’d found out loads of stuff! I think Tom and the others couldn’t wait to get away from us and our endless questions though, because they legged it back into the garage as soon as they’d finished their pud.

      “What are you girls up to?” Mum asked suspiciously, as she cleared the dishes away.

      “Nothing,” we all chorused.

      “That always means something.” Mum raised her eyebrows at us. But luckily Spike threw his plastic bowl of yucky yellow baby food at Buster just then, so we were able to make our escape.

      We decided that next we’d take some photos, so I got the digital camera, and Frankie showed us how to work it. It was totally brilliant. You took a picture, and then the camera showed you how it looked, so you could decide if you liked it, or if you wanted to take another one before you put it on the computer.

      “OK, leave all the talking to me,” Kenny told the rest of us, as we dashed downstairs again with the camera.

      “Yeah, don’t forget to play it cool!” Frankie teased, as Kenny stepped carefully over the hall rug.

      “Won’t the band think it’s a bit weird that we want to take their photos?” Rosie asked.

      “I told you, leave all the talking to me,” Kenny said breezily. “We can say that Fliss is in love with Liam, and she’s dying for a photo of him.”

      “Don’t you dare, Kenny!” Fliss squealed.

      Tom and the band didn’t look that thrilled to see us, when we all piled into the garage again. I guess we were starting to get on their nerves a bit.

      “Don’t mind us,” Kenny called, beginning to snap away with the camera as if she was some sort of newspaper photographer. “We just want to get a few pictures, that’s all.”

      “Why?” asked Liam.

      Fliss turned pink, and hid behind Rosie, in case Kenny dropped her in it.

      “Oh, no reason,” Kenny said, still snapping away.

      Frankie rolled her eyes. “I thought you said leave all the talking to you!” she hissed, as the boys looked even more confused.

      “Look, they’ll let us take as many photos as we want, if they think it’ll get rid of us!” Kenny whispered. “Go on, Tom, stand next to Liam, will you?”

      Kenny managed to get quite a few pics before the boys got fed up. When Tom started giving me the evil eye, I decided that it was time we left them to it. Giggling madly, we raced upstairs and had a look through the pics Kenny had taken. We decided which ones we were going to use, and then we deleted the rest.

      “Come on, let’s design the website,” Frankie said eagerly. So we got some big pieces of paper, lay on my bedroom floor and began to work out where everything was going to go. To start with, we decided to have Aztec in great big letters at the top of the Home Page, with a photo of the band underneath. Then Kenny suggested that we did a kind of guide to each member of the band, with a photo and loads of info about them. So we started trying to sort that out. It took ages, and we weren’t even half-finished before my mum came in and told us it was time for bed.

      “Thanks, guys,” I said gratefully, rolling up the bits of paper we’d been working on. “This website is going to be so cool. Tom’s going to love it.”

      “Last one into the bathroom’s a hairy chimp!” Kenny yelled, grabbing her pyjamas and toothbrush from her sleepover bag.

      We all scrambled for our stuff, and dashed along the landing. Just as we rushed past Tom’s bedroom, the door opened and my brother came out.

      “Oh, so it wasn’t a herd of elephants after all!” he said teasingly. “Sure you don’t want to ask me any more questions, like what my favourite animal is, or something?”

      “No,” I said, thinking I’d better change the subject – fast. “What’re you up to?”

      “I’ve just finished designing the publicity poster on the computer for our first gig,” Tom replied. “Want to take a look?”

      “Sure,” I replied.

      We all crowded into Tom’s room, and looked at the computer screen. The poster was fab. It had the word Aztec in the middle, which was written in curly letters in different shades of purple, and then there was a kind of sunburst of purples, greens and gold around the lettering.

      “Wow!” Frankie said admiringly. “That must’ve been really difficult. I bet my dad couldn’t do that!”

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