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      Drunk is the past participle of drink.

      dry drier or dryer, driest ADJECTIVE

      Something that is dry has no water in it at all.

      dry VERB

      duck ducks NOUN

      A duck is a common water bird with short legs and webbed feet.

      due ADJECTIVE

      If something is due at a particular time, it should happen then.

      dug VERB

      Dug is the past tense of dig.

      dull duller, dullest

      ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is dull is not interesting.

      ADJECTIVE 2 Dull means not bright.

      ADJECTIVE 3 A dull pain is not sharp.

      dumb ADJECTIVE

      Someone who is dumb is unable to speak.

      during PREPOSITION

      Something that happens during a period of time happens in that period. I worked during the holidays.

      dusk NOUN

      Dusk is the part of the day when it is beginning to get dark.

      dust NOUN

      Dust is dry fine powdery material such as particles of earth, dirt or pollen.

      dusty ADJECTIVE

      dustbin dustbins NOUN

      A dustbin is a large container with a lid, for rubbish.

      duty duties NOUN

      A duty is something you feel you should do. He only went to see his aunt because he felt it was his duty.

      duvet duvets NOUN

      A duvet is a bed cover filled with feathers or other light material.


      DVD is an abbreviation for digital video disc. It is a disc on which a film or music is recorded.

      dye dyes, dyeing, dyed VERB

      If you dye something such as hair or cloth, you change its colour by soaking it in a special liquid.

      dying VERB

      Dying is the present participle of die.

      each ADJECTIVE

      Each means every one taken separately.

      She gave each child a pencil.

      eager ADJECTIVE

      If you are eager, you very much want to do or have something.

      eagle eagles NOUN

      An eagle is a large strong bird with a sharp curved beak and claws.


      ear ears NOUN

      Your ears are the parts of your body that you use for hearing.

      early earlier, earliest

      ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB 1 Early means near the beginning of a period of time. We took the early train to school.

      ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB 2 You also use early to mean sooner than expected. I arrived at the party early.

      earn earns, earning, earned VERB

      If you earn something, such as money, you get it by working for it.

      earphones PLURAL NOUN

      Earphones are a small piece of equipment which you wear over or inside your ears so that you can listen to music or talking without anyone else hearing.

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