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types of dinosaur:









      dirt NOUN

      Dirt is any unclean substance such as dust, mud or stains.


      Below the sink, the shelf was caked with filth.


      Grime from a thousand mill chimneys had blackened the local buildings.


      It took me hours to clean the muck from the wheels of my bike.

      dirty (1) ADJECTIVE

      Something that is dirty is marked or covered with dirt.


      “Get rid of that filthy rag,” my dad ordered.


      The windows were so grimy we could barely see out of them.


      Mum suggested my little brother wash his grubby hands.


      My father enjoys mucky jobs like gardening.


      Everywhere in the wood, mud-caked motorcyclists roared like angry wasps.


      The sign said, “Please place soiled nappies in the bin provided”.


      The penny was badly stained, but came up shining after it was polished.

      ANTONYM: clean

      dirty (2) ADJECTIVE

      Water that is dirty is made unclean by poisonous substances.


      The contaminated stream was an ominous red colour.


      Polluted lakes and waterways cannot support any wildlife.

      dirty (3) ADJECTIVE

      Dirty language is unpleasant and offensive.


      “That joke is very crude and not funny at all,” the girl snapped.


      The player was sent off for using foul language.


      Rude words offend many people.


      “There’s no need to be vulgar,” Mum told my big sister.

      disadvantage NOUN

      A disadvantage is something that makes things difficult.


      The drawback of being late for school was that I missed out on Nicky’s birthday cake.


      My brother’s broken leg was a handicap to him for a couple of months.


      Mum doesn’t find walking to work an inconvenience. It helps keep her slim.


      The only snag with the hotel was that it was a long way from the beach.

      ANTONYM: advantage

      disagree (1) VERB

      If you disagree with someone, you have a different opinion or view from them.

      argue with

      “If you argue with me,” Mum said stiffly, “you will go to your room!”


      Dad and Mum differed in their attitude to bedtimes.

      disagree (2) VERB

      If you disagree with an action or proposal, you believe it is wrong.


      The player disputed the umpire’s decision and was disqualified.

      object to

      Fran objected to what I’d said about her.


      The mayor opposed the government’s policy on city traffic.

      disappear VERB

      If someone or something disappears, they go where they cannot be seen or found.

      drop out of sight

      The toddler had dropped out of sight before his mother realized he was not at her side.


      The wizard uttered his spell and evaporated into thin air.


      The flight of geese faded into the twilight.

      melt away

      The crowd melted away, taking their memories of the music with them.


      Without a second thought, Hermione made herself vanish in an instant.

      ANTONYMS: appear or reappear

      A disaster is a very bad accident, such as an earthquake or a plane crash.


      Mr and Mrs Hassan suffered a calamity when they lost all their savings.


      The earthquake killed 1500 people – a catastrophe on a huge scale.


      The fire in the old couple’s home was a tragedy for them.

      discuss VERB

      When people discuss something, they talk about it in detail.

      chat about

      Lisa and I chatted about our favourite movie.

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