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Easy Learning French Conversation

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vivre seul.I’d rather share a flat than live on my own.On aimerait mieux vivre à la campagne que d’avoir un appartement en ville.We’d prefer to live in the country than have a flat in town.

      You may well be asked what you think of your accommodation. Whether it’s perfect or not up to scratch, you can use je trouve to say what you think. This comes from the verb trouver. For more information on -er verbs like trouver, see here.

      I think…

Je trouve la chambre un peu petite.I think the bedroom’s a bit small.
Je trouve la maison très accueillante.I think the house is very welcoming.
J’ai trouvé le service excellent.I thought the service was excellent.
Je trouve qu’il y a trop de bruit la nuit.I find that there’s too much noise at night.

      In my opinion…

À mon avis, c’est trop cher pour ce que c’est.In my opinion, it’s too expensive for what it is.
À mon avis, c’est parfait pour ce dont on a besoin.In my opinion, it’s perfect for our needs.
À mon avis, la chambre est trop petite.In my opinion, the room is too small.
À mon avis, c’est complètement inacceptable.In my view, it’s completely unacceptable.

      If you would like to suggest that you do something, use je peux (I can) followed by the infinitive and si vous voulez (if you like) – or si tu veux for a person you know well – at the end. peux comes from the verb pouvoir. For more information on pouvoir, see here.

      I can… if you like

Je peux confirmer les dates demain, si vous voulez.I can confirm the dates tomorrow, if you like.
Je peux vous envoyer un acompte, si vous voulez.I can send you a deposit, if you like.
On peut chercher un autre hôtel, si tu veux.We can look for another hotel, if you like.

      If you wish to ask what someone would like you to do, you can use Vous voulez que je…? (Would you like me to…?) followed by a verb in the subjunctive, which you can find out more about here.

      Would you like me to…?

Vous voulez que je vous paye en liquide?Would you like me to pay cash?
Vous voulez que je vous montre ma réservation?Would you like me to show you my booking?
Tu veux que je prenne le lit du haut?Would you like me to take the top bunk?
Est-ce que vous voulez qu’on vous laisse nos passeports?Would you like to keep our passports?

      You may want to ask for advice or a recommendation concerning your accommodation. To ask for advice, use Est-ce que vous me conseillez de…? (Would you advise…?). This comes from the verb conseiller. For more information on -er verbs like conseiller, see here.

      Would you advise…?

Est-ce que vous me conseillez de réserver à l’avance?Would you advise me to book in advance?
Est-ce que vous nous conseillez d’amener des sacs de couchage?Would you advise us to bring sleeping bags?
Vous me conseillez d’amener de quoi manger?Would you advise me to bring something to eat?

      Would you recommend…?

Est-ce que vous recommandez cet hôtel?Would you recommend this hotel?
Est-ce que vous recommandez cette agence immobilière?Would you recommend this estate agency?
Est-ce que vous nous recommandez de louer à la semaine?Would you recommend that we rent by the week?
Vous nous recommandez de prendre un appartement en ville?Would you recommend us to take a flat in town?

      If you want to say that you have to do something with regard to your accommodation in French, you use il faut que je (I have to) or il faudrait que je (I ought to) and then the verb in the subjunctive, which you can find out about here.

      I have to…

Il faut que je passe à la réception pour payer.I have to go to the reception to pay.
Il faut que je note l’adresse de l’hôtel.I have to write down the address of the hotel.
Il faut qu’on parte à six heures demain matin.We have to leave at six tomorrow morning.

      I ought to…

Il faudrait que je fasse une lessive.I ought to do a load of washing.
Il faudrait que je décharge la voiture.I ought to unload the car.
Il faudrait qu’on se lève avant sept heures.We ought to be up by seven am.
Il faudrait qu’on ait le double des clefs.We ought to have a spare set of keys.

      Alternatively, you can use je dois (I must), from the verb devoir. For more information on devoir, see here.

      I must…

Je dois me lever tôt demain.I must get up early tomorrow.
Je dois rendre les clés au propriétaire.I must give the keys back to the owner.
On doit absolument trouver un logement avant la fin du mois.We absolutely must find accommodation by the end of the month.

      In French you can tell