Collins Dictionaries

Easy Learning French Conversation

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Est-ce que je devrais inviter Anna?Should I invite Anna?
Est-ce que je devrais la rappeler?Should I call her back?
Est-ce qu’on devrait aller dans un restaurant italien?Should we go to an Italian restaurant?

      When talking to people in a social or work situation, you may wish to express your opinion of something. In French you can use je crois or je pense (I think). When you use croire and penser with a negative, as in je ne pense pas que or je ne crois pas que, the verb which follows is in the subjunctive. For more information on the subjunctive, see here.

      I think…

Je pense que Sonia a raison.I think Sonia’s right.
Je pense vraiment qu’il est trop tard pour aller au cinéma.I really think it’s too late to go to the cinema.
Je pense qu’on devrait partir à minuit.I think we should leave at midnight.
Je ne pense pas que ça soit le cas du tout.I don’t think that’s the case at all.
Je crois que c’est une excellente idée.I think it’s a great idea.

       BON À SAVOIR!

      Don’t forget to add que (that) after croire and penser. It’s optional in English, but not in French.

      In my opinion…

À mon avis, c’est une bonne proposition.In my opinion, it’s a good suggestion.
À mon avis, ça va poser des problèmes.In my opinion, it’s going to cause problems.
À mon avis, ce n’est pas vrai.In my opinion, it’s not true.
À mon avis, c’est un bon employeur, cette société.In my opinion, it’s a great company to work for.

      If you want to ask other people what they think of something, use Qu’est-ce que tu penses de…? (What do you think of…?).

      What do you think of…?

Qu’est-ce que tu penses de son dernier film?What do you think of his latest movie?
Qu’est-ce que tu penses de cette idée?What do you think of this idea?
Qu’est-ce que vous diriez de sortir dîner ce soir?What do you think about going out for dinner tonight?
Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez?What do you think?

      To agree or disagree with what other people say, use je suis d’accord or je ne suis pas d’accord.

      I agree…

Je suis d’accord.I agree.
Je suis d’accord avec Nigel.I agree with Nigel.
Je ne suis pas d’accord avec cette décision.I don’t agree with this decision.
Je ne suis pas tout à fait d’accord avec Claire.I don’t completely agree with Claire.
Je suis entièrement de ton avis!I entirely agree with you!

      You’re right…

Tu as raison!You’re right!
Je pense que vous avez raison.I think you’re right.
C’est Matthieu qui a raison.Matthieu’s right.
Je crois que tu as tort.I think you’re wrong.
Tu as tort de ne pas l’écouter.You’re wrong not to listen to her.

       BON À SAVOIR!

      Where we use the verb to be in English in the phrases to be right or to be wrong, French speakers use avoir (to have): avoir raison (to be right), avoir tort (to be wrong).

      When talking to your colleagues and friends you will want to tell them about your plans. In French, as in English, the present is very often used to talk about plans, especially for things that have been arranged and that are definite. For more on the present tense, see here.

      I’m seeing…

Je vois Philippe jeudi.I’m seeing Philippe on Thursday.
Je la vois cet après-midi.I’m seeing her this afternoon.
On va au cinéma ce soir.We’re going to the cinema tonight.
Nous allons déjeuner ensemble vendredi prochain.We’re going for lunch next Friday.

      In English, when we talk about the future we often say I’m going to. French works the same way. To say that you’re going to do something, use je vais (I’m going to) or on va (we’re going to) before a verb in the infinitive. vais and va come from the verb aller. For more information on aller, see here.

      I’m going to…

Je vais lui téléphoner.I’m going to phone him.
Je vais le prévenir que je ne peux pas venir.I’m going to let him know I can’t come.
Je vais leur dire de venir un peu plus tard.I’m going to tell them to come a little later.
On va sortir au restaurant demain soir.We’re going to go out for dinner tomorrow night.
On va se revoir.We’re going to see each other again.

      Are you going to…?

Est-ce que tu vas lui annoncer la nouvelle aujourd’hui?Are you going to tell him the news today?
Est-ce que vous allez le revoir?Are you going to see him again?
Tu vas aller à cette soirée?Are you going to go to this party?
Tu vas acheter une maison?Are you going to buy a house?

      When talking about what you intend to do, you can use j’ai l’intention de or je compte (I intend to) followed by a verb in the infinitive.