Reginald Hill

Arms and the Women

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to get in a man’s mind and divide and rule. Look at him now, sitting here when he should be heading home, checking out his vague suspicions like a good professional, uncertain whether he would be bothering if he hadn’t felt so ready to submit to this lovely creature’s control, with part of him hoping even as he started the process that he was going to come out of this looking a real dickhead.

      Women. How come they didn’t rule the universe?


      Arms and the Men they sang, who played at Troy

      Until they broke it like a spoiled child’s Toy

      Then sailed away, the Winners heading home,

      The Losers to a new Play-pen called Rome.

       Behind, like Garbage from their vessels flung,

      – Submiss, submerged, but certainly not sung –

      A wake of Women trailed in long Parade,

      The reft, the raped, the slaughtered, the betrayed.

      Oh, Shame! that so few sagas celebrate

      Their Pain, their Perils, their no less moving Fate!

      But mine won’t either, for why should it when

      The proper Study of Mendacity is MEN?

       BOOK ONE

      ‘Your pretty daughter,’ she said, ‘starts to hear of such things. Yet,’ looking full upon her, ‘you may be sure that there are men and women already on their road, who have their business to do with you, and who will do it. Of a certainty they will do it. They may be coming hundreds, thousands, of miles over the sea there; they may be close at hand now; they may be coming, for anything you know, or anything you can do to prevent it, from the vilest sweepings of this very town.’

      CHARLES DICKENS: Little Dorrit


       spelt from Sibyl’s leaves

      Eleanor Soper…

      The little patch of blue I can see through the high round window is probably the sky, but it could just as well be a piece of blue backcloth or a painted flat.

      licks up the blood from the square where a riot has been…

      Distantly I hear a clatter of hooves. They’re changing guard at… I’ve heard them do it thousands of times. But hearing’s as far as it goes. They could be mere sound effects, played on tape. You don’t take anything on trust in this business. Not even your friends. Especially not them.

      I who know everything knew nothing till I knew that.

      what does it mean?…

      The only unquestionable reality lies in the machine.

      But while reality hardly changes at all, the machine has changed a lot. It grows young as I grow old.

      Shall I like my namesake grow old forever?

      My namesake, I say. After so long usage, am I beginning to believe as so many of the young ones clearly believe that my name really is Sibyl? Strange that the name my parents gave me also labelled me as a woman of magic, but an enchantress as well as a seer. Morgan. Morgan Meredith. Morgan le Fay, as Gaw used to call me in the days of his enchantment.

      But now my enchanting days are over. And it was Gaw who rechristened me when he saw that I had no magic to counter the sickness in my blood.

      A wise man hides his mistakes in plain sight, then over long time slowly corrects them.

      My dear old friend Gawain Clovis Sempernel is a wise man. No one would deny it. Not if they’ve any sense.

      Aroynt thee, hag. Ripeness is all. And I have work to do.

      When I first took on my sacred office, the machine loomed monumentally, like a Victorian family tomb. Thirty years on, it’s smaller than an infant’s casket, leaving plenty of room on the narrow tabletop for my flask and mug, and also my inhaler and pill dispenser, though generally I keep these hidden. Sounds silly when you’re in a wheelchair, but I was brought up to believe you don’t advertise your frailties.

      That’s a lesson a lot of folk never learn, which is why so many of them end up frozen in my electronic casket where there’s always room for plenty more.

      If I wanted I could ask it to tell me exactly how many people had passed through my hands, or rather my fingertips, for that’s the closest I get to actually handling people. But I don’t bother. This isn’t about statistics, this is about individuals.

      Eleanor Soper…

      My casket is also an incubator. Here they make their first appearance, often looking completely helpless and harmless. But, oh, how quickly they grow, and I oversee their progress with an almost parental pride as their details accumulate and their files fatten out.

      Some live up to their promise. (By which I mean threat!)

      Others, apparently, change direction completely. Such converts I always regard with grave suspicion, even if – especially if – they make it to the very top. They’re either faking it, in which case we’re ready for them. Or they’re genuine, which means the contents of these files could be a serious embarrassment.

      It’s always nice to know you can embarrass your masters.

      But the great majority merely fade away, become ghosts of their vibrant young selves.

      married a cop, had a kid, didn’t march any more…

      what was it for?

      Let’s take a look at your protesting career, Eleanor Pascoe née Soper.

      Amnesty – member, non-active; Anti-Fascist Action – lapsed; Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – lapsed; Gay Rights – lapsed; Graduates Against God – lapsed; Greenpeace – member, non-active; Labour Party –member, non-active; Liberata Trust –member, active; Quis Custodiet? – lapsed; Third World United – lapsed; Women’s Rights Action Group – lapsed; World Socialist Alliance – lapsed.

      Once you squawked so loud in your incubator, Eleanor, now you rest so quiet.

      Gaw Sempernel (let no dog bark) says there is nothing so suspicious as silence. Must have watched a lot of cowboy films in his youth. It’s quiet out there, Gaw… too damn quiet!

      Certainly neither sound nor silence gets you out of my casket. Once inside, there you stay forever. And if your presence is ever needed, you can be conjured up in a trice, like the wraiths of the classical underworld, which, as my classically educated Gawain likes to remind me, were summoned to appear and to speak by the smell and the taste of fresh blood.

      For machines may change, and fashions change, and human flesh, God help us, changes most inevitably of all.

      But some people, my people, have at their hearts something which refuses to change, despite all that life shows them by way of contra-evidence. Perhaps it is a genetic weakness. Certainly, once established, like the common cold, no one has yet found a way of eradicating it.

      Which is why I, practising what I preach, have demonstrated to the world (or that section of it which shares this remote and lonely building in the heart of this populous city), that there is life after death by staying in gainful employment all these years, Sibyl the Sibyl, sitting here in my solitary cell, hung high in my lonely cage, laying the bodies out neatly in my electronic