Victoria Janssen

The Duke and the Pirate Queen

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matter, as Imena had.

      Her good mood was spoiling rapidly. Imena concentrated on the wooden pier beneath her bare feet, and the warmth of the sun on her scalp. Slowly, her mood improved. She missed the sea, as always when a voyage had ended, but shore had its own charms.

      Here in port, the briny sea air mingled with the bite of boiling tar from the shipyard and tantalizing whiffs of sugary fried dough, overlaid with the scents of ripe fruits and steaming mint tea served hot and honeyed, of sticky rice balls and steamed fresh fish and hot spices. Her mouth watered; she would snack on a fish cake before she reported to Maxime.

      Perhaps she would ask his advice on what to do about her parents’ demands. He was past forty and unmarried, though his position was much different from hers; he could pick and choose his potential spouses. She shook her head. Doubtless, he had no time for personal conversations of that nature. Or if he made time … she didn’t want his pity. She wanted … she didn’t know what she wanted from him.

      She stopped at the harbormaster’s office to drop off the necessary paperwork from her last voyage. She made a brief call at the shipyard to deliver a list of supplies she and Chetri had prepared, bought a fish cake and a sugared dumpling for good measure, then waved over a donkey cart to carry her up the long hill to Maxime’s castle.

      The ride was the first time she’d had entirely to herself in months. She savored each bite of her fish cake as she watched the traffic around them, mostly traders, but a few locals, as well, who divided their work between the castle and the nearby town. One day, she planned to be one of those locals. She thought the duchy would be a better home to her than the land of her birth, where her position suffered from her mixed race. Her mother might be an admiral in the empress’s navy, but even now her father was considered barely higher in rank than a concubine, despite all her mother’s efforts to the contrary.

      If Imena lived in the empire, with them, she would have to endure low status. Privateers were considered far inferior to sailors in the navy, and in the company of her mother’s people, her darker skin and paler eyes marked her out to even casual view. If she married here, however, she would be a citizen. Mixed race was less of a sin here, and she would be far from the only person of foreign birth, as well.

      However, her past as an imperial privateer would still be against her. It was emblazoned forever on her skin. Even here, in a coastal town that knew the difference between pirates and privateers, she was often looked at askance, and sometimes worse. After all, she hadn’t been a privateer for the duchy, but for a country that was only nominally an ally. Her motives would always be suspect.

      She imagined presenting a list of her failings to a potential husband in the duchies. She could write each problem in a different color of ink: foreigner, mixed-race daughter of a not-entirely-respectable potentially-enemy naval officer and her exotic barbarian husband (acquired in dubious circumstances), and had she mentioned she was a suspected pirate?

      Of course, she needn’t marry. She could bear a child to a citizen of the duchy and gain citizenship through that route, but she didn’t plan to go through the rigors of childbearing unless she was married already. Owning land in the duchy was another path to citizenship, except she was always at sea and wouldn’t be able to oversee the land properly; also, even if she met all the other legal conditions, she would need to steward the land for a period of ten years before her petition would be heard. Marriage was the most direct path, and the most appealing to her.

      An ox-drawn wagon trundled by, loaded with vegetables. Two children rode on the tail, their bare legs dangling over the edge. They whooped when they saw her; she waved a casual salute and they bounced with excitement until her donkey cart passed them. She glanced at her driver. “You’d think I was the duke.”

      He grinned. “His Grace they can see any day. It’s not often they get to see Captain Leung.”

      Imena rubbed her hand over her scalp. “No, I suppose not.” Sometimes it still took her by surprise that people she’d never met might be impressed with her; she was more used to wariness or outright fear from those who’d heard about her past and linked her with piracy and other crimes. Being viewed with admiration had never happened in her previous postings; but then, before her employment with the duchy she’d worked for and around the empire, where she would always be her mother’s daughter, who could not inherit her mother’s position as was proper. Where her appearance would always set her apart.

      She could make her own position, here.

      The duke’s castle was built of local stone, green alternating with white in striped layers, the whole topped with crenellations and spiky observation towers, lending a resemblance to fish she’d seen when swimming among tropical reefs. The donkey cart crested the hill, passed the castle’s first low wall and approached the bronze gates, heavily ornamented from top to bottom with representations of octopuses and different species of fish. The gates stood open on a path made of crushed white shells leading to the castle’s ceremonial main doors, used for occasions such as when Maxime had been made duke.

      Imena paid off her driver and approached a side entrance. Two guards with pikes checked her credentials and the handwritten note that allowed her to carry weapons into the castle, then a boy in livery swung open the door and waved her through. The temperature dropped inside, the deep green floor tiles cool against her bare soles. Imena was led down a corridor where oil lamps flung colored light on the white walls. Near the corridor’s branching, she entered a chamber full of clerks, all busy calculating the duchy’s wealth. Her own cargo would soon be written in the long books, minus her own share, and that of Chetri and her sailors.

      The duke’s aunt, Lady Gisele, was seated on a high stool near the door, reviewing columns of figures while a senior clerk stood by attentively. The pen Gisele held looked more incongruous in her scarred hand than the sword that hung at her hip. She looked up when Imena entered. “Captain! How very good to see you back. Will you have time for an evening of cards while you’re here?”

      Imena was always surprised that Lady Gisele welcomed her personally. She’d seen the older woman stand on much more ceremony with other captains in Maxime’s employ. She replied, “I’ll find out shortly, from His Grace. Chetri is arranging for your special shipment to be carried to the castle.” Imena usually obtained some of Gisele’s favorite teas on each voyage, along with new types for her to try. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a tin box. “I’ve also brought you more of the balsam ointment.”

      “Thank you!” Gisele beamed. “I used the last pot you brought me on an old scar. It’s much better, look.” She swung her arm in a full circle and added, “Sylvie is visiting. Perhaps she will join us for cards later. Maxime is in the baths. He asked that you be sent to him whenever you should arrive.”

      Imena had last seen Sylvie, the duchess Camille’s bodyguard and lady’s maid, at Maxime’s accession. Sylvie had lost to her at cards, but, Imena later learned, had seduced Imena’s card partner, a wealthy merchant. And the wealthy merchant’s male paramour, an acrobat. And the acrobat’s female performance partner, a contortionist. All at the same time. Imena was not in the mood for hearing about such adventures today. She resolved to avoid seeing Sylvie this trip.

      She said, “I’ll find His Grace in the baths.”

      Maxime often welcomed his guests in the extensive system of steam baths in the castle’s lowest level. Sometimes sexual pleasures were offered, as well. Imena wasn’t often entertained there, and she wondered at it now. Though they’d never spoken of it, Duke Maxime clearly found her attractive, and she just as clearly never encouraged him in the least. He was her employer, and off-limits.

      She’d made that mistake once before. Never again. One unmitigated disaster was enough for any lifetime.

      If Maxime hadn’t been her employer, though, he might have been a candidate for a shore-leave affair, except that now he was also a duke, and clearly out of her reach. He definitely wasn’t husband material. Dukes couldn’t afford companionate marriage, and she refused to be merely a concubine or occasional lover.

      She tried not to regret his accession to the dukedom. He’d been denied