Stanislas Rhodes de

The Autobiography of a Flea

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between his legs.

      ‘You told me that the tightness of this little slit,’ and here Bella placed his large hand upon it with a gentle pressure, ‘would make you discharge abundantly of the spunk you possess. What would I not give, my father, to feel it poured into my body from the top of this red thing?’ It was evident how much the beauty of the young Bella, no less than the innocence and naïveté of her character, inflamed the sensual nature of the priest. The knowledge of his triumph – of her utter helplessness in his hands – of her delicacy and refinement – all conspired to work to the extreme the lecherous desires of his fierce and wanton instincts. She was his. His to enjoy as he wished – his to break to every caprice of his horrid lust, and to bend to the indulgence of the most outrageous and unbridled sensuality.

      ‘Ay, by heaven! it is too much,’ exclaimed Ambrose, whose lust, already rekindling, now rose violently into activity at this solicitation. ‘Sweet girl, you don’t know what you ask; the disproportion is terrible, and you would suffer much in the attempt.’

      ‘I would suffer all,’ replied Bella, ‘so that I could feel that fierce thing in my belly, and taste the gushes of its spunk up in me to the quick.’

      ‘Holy Mother of God! It is too much – you shall have it, Bella, you shall know the full measure of this stiffened machine, and, sweet girl, you shall wallow in an ocean of warm spunk.’

      ‘Oh, my father, what heavenly bliss!’

      ‘Strip, Bella, remove everything that can interfere with our movements, which I promise you will be violent enough.’

      Thus ordered, Bella was soon divested of her clothing, and finding her confessor appeared charmed at the display of her beauty, and that his member swelled and lengthened in proportion as she exhibited her nudity, she parted with the last vestige of drapery, and stood as naked as she was born.

      Father Ambrose was astonished at the charms which now faced him. The full hips, the budding breasts, the skin as white as snow and soft as satin, the rounded buttocks and swelling thighs, the flat white belly and lovely mount covered only with the thinnest down; and above all the charming pinky slit which now showed itself at the bottom of the mount, now hid timorously away between the plump thighs. With a snort of rampant lust he fell upon his victim.

      Ambrose clasped her in his arms. He pressed her soft and glowing form to his burly front. He covered her with his salacious kisses, and giving his lewd tongue full licence, promised the young girl all the joys of paradise by the introduction of his big machine within her slit and belly.

      Bella met him with a little cry of ecstasy, and as the excited ravisher bore her backwards to the couch, already felt the broad and glowing head of his gigantic penis pressing against the warm moist lips of her tender virgin orifice.

      And now the holy man, finding delight in the contact of his penis with the warm lips of Bella’s slit, began pushing it in between with all his energy until the big nut was covered with the moisture which the sensitive little sheath exuded.

      Bella’s passions were at fever height. The efforts of Father Ambrose to lodge the head of his member within the moist lips of her little slit, so far from deterring her, spurred her to madness until, with another faint cry, she fell prostrate and gushed down the slippery tribute of her lascivious temperament.

      This was exactly what the bold priest wanted, and as the sweet warm emission bedewed his fiercely distended penis, he drove resolutely in, and at one bound sheathed half its ponderous length in the beautiful child.

      No sooner did Bella feel the stiff entry of the terrible member within her tender body, than she lost all the little control of herself she had, and setting aside all thought of the pain she was enduring, she wound her legs about his loins, and entreated her huge assailant not to spare her.

      ‘My sweet and delicious child,’ whispered the salacious priest, ‘my arms are round you, my weapon is already half-way up your tight belly. The joys of paradise will be yours presently.’

      ‘Oh, I know it; I feel it, do not draw back, give me the delicious thing as far as you can.’

      ‘There, then, I push, I press, but I am far too largely made to enter you easily. I shall burst you, possibly; but it is now too late. I must have you – or die.’

      Bella’s parts relaxed a little, and Ambrose pushed in another inch. His throbbing member lay skinned and soaking, pushed half-way into the girl’s belly. His pleasure was most intense, and the head of his instrument was compressed deliciously by Bella’s slit.

      ‘Go on, dear father, I am waiting for the spunk you promised me.’

      It little needed this stimulant to induce the confessor to an exercise of his tremendous powers of copulation. He pushed frantically forward; he plunged his hot penis still further and further at each effort, and then with one huge stroke buried himself to the balls in Bella’s tight little person.

      It was then that the furious plunge of the brutal priest became more than his sweet victim, sustained as she had been by her own advanced desires, could endure.

      With a faint shriek of physical anguish, Bella felt that her ravisher had burst through all the resistance which her youth had opposed to the entry of his member, and the torture of the forcible insertion of such a mass bore down the prurient sensations with which she had commenced to support the attack.

      Ambrose cried aloud in rapture, he looked down upon the fair thing his serpent had stung. He gloated over the victim now impaled with the full rigour of his huge rammer. He felt the maddening contact with inexpressible delight. He saw her quivering with the anguish of his forcible entry. His brutal nature was fully aroused. Come what might he would enjoy to his utmost, so he wound his arms about the beautiful girl and treated her to the full measure of his burly member.

      ‘My beauty! you are indeed exciting, you must also enjoy. I will give you the spunk I spoke of, but I must first work up my nature by this luscious titillation. Kiss me, Bella, then you shall have it, and while the hot spunk leaves me and enters your young parts, you shall be sensible of the throbbing joys I also am experiencing. Press, Bella, let me push, so, my child, now it enters again. Oh! Oh!’

      Ambrose raised himself a moment, and noted the immense shaft round which the pretty slit of Bella was now intensely stretched.

      Firmly embedded in her luscious sheath, and keenly relishing the exceeding tightness of the warm folds of youthful flesh which encased him, he pushed on, unmindful of the pain his tormenting member was producing, and only anxious to secure as much enjoyment to himself as he could. He was not a man to be deterred by any false notions of pity in such a case, and now pressed himself inwards to his utmost, while his hot lips sucked delicious kisses from the open and quivering lips of the poor Bella.

      For some minutes nothing now was heard but the jerking blows with which the lascivious priest continued his enjoyment, and the cluck, cluck of his huge penis, as it alternately entered and retreated in the belly of the beautiful penitent.

      It was not to be supposed that such a man as Ambrose was ignorant of the tremendous powers of enjoyment his member could rouse within one of the opposite sex, and that its size and disgorging capabilities were of such a nature as to enlist the most powerful emotions in the young girl in whom he was operating.

      Indeed Nature was asserting herself in the person of the young Bella. The agony of the stretching was fast being swallowed up in the intense sensations of pleasure produced by the vigorous weapon of the holy man, and it was not long before the low moans and sobs of the pretty child became mingled with murmurs, half-choked in the depth of her feelings, expressive of delight.

      ‘Oh, my father! Oh, my dear, generous father! Now, now push. Oh! push. I can bear – I wish for it. I am in heaven! The blessed instrument is so hot in its head. Oh! my heart. Oh! my – oh! Holy Mother, what is this I feel?’

      Ambrose saw the effect he was producing. His own pleasure advanced apace. He drove steadily in and out, treating Bella to the long hard shaft of his member up to the crisp hair which covered his big balls, at each forward thrust.
