Karen Whiddon

The Wolf Prince

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her head so that her waves of bright, golden hair swung about her in a glorious cloud, Tatiana moved forward and perched on the chair at the side of Willow’s bed.

      “The princes are here,” she said dreamily, though her bright violet eyes remained as sharp as ever. “Prince Eric is nearly as beautiful as me. And Prince Chad …”

      Tatiana laughed, the sound so high-pitched and false Willow had to fight the urge to put her hands over her ears.

      Tatiana’s perfect red lips widened into a mocking smile. “He’s perfect for you.”

      Since Tatiana showed no signs of leaving and hadn’t yet arrived at the reason for her visit, Willow played along. “In what way? Is he also short and dark?”

      “No. Quite the opposite. As a matter of fact, in his own way he’s very … appealing.” Tatiana gave a nervous laugh that was totally unlike her normal high-pitched giggle. This, along with the fact that her sister rarely even visited her room, made Willow instantly suspicious.

      Slowly, she sat up, keeping as much of herself covered as she could for protection. She wouldn’t put it past her older sister to get in a few jabs about Willow’s lack of serious cleavage. About to ask for a second time what Tatiana wanted, Willow closed her mouth as Tatiana continued speaking.

      “There’s a big breakfast this morning.” The words came out in a breathless rush, again not like her. “Since you missed the welcome reception last night, they’ve arranged for you to meet your intended in a few minutes over coffee and pastries. I was sent to fetch you.”

      “A few minutes?” It took every ounce of restraint not to jump from her bed. Not only would she be rushed, but she’d be late for her worst nightmare. A big breakfast with a male stranger whom she was supposed to marry.

      “I’ll stall them for you,” Tatiana offered.

      Since her sister never did anything without expecting payment, Willow tilted her head. “Why would you do that?”

      Tatiana abruptly fell silent, her huge violet eyes filling with tears. This made Willow instantly suspicious, as she knew her sister only cried to manipulate someone.

      “I’m sorry I’ve been so awful to you lately,” Tatiana said. And there it was, or at least the beginnings of it. Exploitation. Though what Willow could possibly have that Tatiana would want, was beyond her.

      Instead of acknowledging the apology, Willow simply crossed her arms and waited, knowing eventually Tatiana would get to the point.

      But even she was shocked when her older sister suddenly burst into tears. And not fake tears either, but gut-busting, mascara-ruining real tears.

       Chapter 3

      After her initial surprise wore off, Willow got out of bed and hugged Tatiana awkwardly. Years ago, Tatiana had trained her that any attempt at touching her would not only be rebuffed, but ridiculed. Apparently, that rule had been suspended, at least temporarily.

      Still silent, Willow patted her sister’s shoulder and let her cry.

      “I don’t want to marry Prince Eric,” Tatiana finally sobbed, raising her mascara-stained face to Willow’s.

      Doubly shocked, Willow stared. Tatiana’s ruined appearance, combined with her words, proved she actually meant it.

      Aware she needed to tread carefully, Willow ventured a comment. “I thought he was the golden one, the prize among all princes.”

      “And the way our two kingdoms can join forces against the Shadows,” Tatiana recited, as if by rote. “I know, I know.”

      “You said he was beautiful.” In the past, appearances had been all that had mattered to her gorgeous older sister.

      “He is, he is,” Tatiana moaned. “Like I said, he’s almost as beautiful as me.”

      What would have been extreme vanity in others was a simple statement of fact. Tatiana was the most beautiful among the Bright. And all knew it.

      Again, Willow waited, knowing it would be better if she didn’t speak just yet.

      “But …” Tatiana began.

      And here it came. The big but. For the life of her, Willow couldn’t figure out what it might be. Prince Eric was wealthy, powerful and the heir to the East-Ward throne. Once married to him, Tatiana would be in line to become Queen of the EastWard and, if their parents’ dream came true and the SouthWard and EastWard people united, Queen of all the Brights.

      A power that had never before existed.

      If Willow knew her big sister—and she did—it would have to be something awful to make her want to give up that much power.

      “That’s the problem,” Tatiana sniffed. “He’s too beautiful. Everyone will be looking at him. No one will even notice me.”

      Willow shook her head. “That’s not possible. And think of the adorable children you’d have.”

      “Children born of two good-looking parents are usually ugly. And I’d rather …” When Tatiana didn’t finish but instead dissolved into another bout of sobbing, Willow continued to pat her back and wait her out.

      Meanwhile, she tried to figure out why Tatiana was acting this way. Was she drunk? Had she gone without her much vaunted beauty rest for the entire night and this breakdown was because of simple exhaustion?

      Or—and darker thoughts began to arise—was Prince Eric some kind of sadist? Had he—horrified, Willow swallowed hard—had he hurt Tatiana? Abused her in some way?

      Finally, as Tatiana continued weeping, Willow prodded. “But?”

      “I think I could fall in love with Prince Chad.”

      “Huh?” Willow blinked. “Eric’s younger brother? The one our parents promised me to?”

      Tatiana’s perfect, creamy skin blushed bright red. “Yes. And I’m quite certain he could love me, too, if he were given a chance.”

      Skeptical, Willow crossed her arms. “And you determined this in, what, a few hours last night?”

      Tatiana shook her head so vigorously her hair whipped Willow in the face. “Don’t say it like that.” Her sorrowful expression hardened. “You’ve always treated me like I was stupid. I’m not. When I see what I want, I know it. It’s as simple as that.”

      Willow’s head had begun to ache. Rubbing her eyes, she tried to make sense of her sister’s words. “And you’re telling me this because you want me to do … what?”

      Tatiana snapped her head up, her tears drying instantly. “Switch with me. Seduce Prince Eric. Make him want you.”

      Willow couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Switch with you? Listen to yourself. As if someone as perfect, as golden, as Bright as you’ve described would want someone like me over you.” Not to mention the outcry such a public rejection would cause. The gossip! The rumors! Tatiana would never live them down.

      Which meant there had to be a catch. And because she was who she was—tigers didn’t change their stripes—Tatiana wouldn’t mention this catch until it was way too late for all involved.

      In her childhood and teenage years, Willow had been down that road more times than she could count. She wouldn’t make this mistake again.

      Her self-depreciating comment had pleased Tatiana. Grinning with a false modesty, she dipped her head in acknowledgment. “True, but Prince Chad has told me one something about his older brother that isn’t well known. Eric’s magic is weak, like yours. Again, I have to think of my future children.”

      Since Willow’s magic was more than weak, it was nonexistent, she crossed her arms. “Prince Chad told you this why?”
