Robin D. Owens

Sorceress of Faith

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that!” Bossgond yanked open one side of the doors, letting late-spring sunlight flood into the room, and faced a woman smaller than he. Alexa.

      She wore thick tights and a tunic that came to mid-thigh. And chain mail, with sheaths for sword and her wand—baton. Grinning at Bossgond, she said, “Shalutashuns, Bossgond.”

      Marian realized several things all at once: Alexa was about Marian’s own age, small for an Earth woman—about five foot even—and very small for a Lladranan. And she had a terrible accent.

      “Shalutashuns, Marian,” Alexa said, sounding drunk. She sighed and switched to English. “It’s the accent. I’m not good at languages and Lladranan still tangles my tongue.”

      “Kind of you finally to visit me,” Bossgond huffed. “I’m only the most Powerful Circlet on Amee.”

      Alexa blinked at him. Her next words were carefully pronounced. “I had no idea you wished to see me. You could have invited me, or come to the Castle.”

      Bossgond drew himself up so he could tower over the smaller woman. It didn’t faze her. “I do not travel.”

      “Huh,” said Alexa. “Sounds like you were just as interested in me as everyone else in Lladrana and irritated because I didn’t come and satisfy your curiosity.” She grinned widely. “As a matter of fact, I’d never heard of you until a couple of days ago.”

      He narrowed his eyes and looked like an evil mage. “Th-those arrogant Marshalls. Those impertinent younger Circlets…” he sputtered.

      “I’m sure you’re right.” Alexa nodded. “Sometimes prying information out of them is like pulling teeth.”

      He looked horrified.

      Alexa glanced at Marian. “You think they use that idiom?” she said in English.

      “It doesn’t look like it. I think you’ve shocked him to his core.”

      “Hmm. I haven’t had any dental problems since I’ve been here.” She ran her tongue around her teeth. “I wonder what they do. I hope it’s better than on Earth. I hate dentists.”

      “How long have you been here?” Marian asked.

      “Nearly three months. The weeks and days are about the same as on Earth, you know.”


      Alexa heaved a sigh. “I suppose we’d better find out what you know and what you don’t.”

      “A good idea.”

      “You must have a million questions.”

      “Somewhere around that.”

      “Did the feycoocu come with you?” asked Bossgond.

      “What?” Marian didn’t catch the word.

      “Fey-coo-cu,” Alexa said slowly. She fingered the baton sheathed at her side. “She’s my sidekick.” Alexa grinned. “A magical shapeshifter.”

      Marian stared. “If you say so.” But a little thrill went through her.

      Alexa laughed. “Yep, we have plenty to talk about.” She turned to a simmering Bossgond. “I am not proficient on volaranback. My husband brought me. The feycoocu accompanied us in her hawk form.”

      “Husband?” Marian asked. “Did two of you come from Colorado?”

      “Nope, I met him here.” Alexa shifted, flushed slightly. “I know it’s been quick, but you know that old saying about extreme circumstances and love. You don’t get any more extreme circumstances than these on Lladrana.” All humor left her face, and she rubbed at the scar on her cheek. “Let’s walk and talk.”

      “I think we’d better,” Marian said, swallowing apprehension. On the whole, she’d been treating this lightly, but there was no denying that if a bunch of people summoned you from another world, they were probably desperate and wanted something from you.

      Alexa made a half bow to Bossgond. “May I visit with your Apprentice, Circlet Bossgond?”

      He nodded regally. “Send the feycoocu to me if you see her. I have never met one.” His lip curled. “And if you don’t see her, I will talk to your Pairling. I’ve heard he is a black-and-white. We need to study those unfortunates more.”

      “I’m sure he’ll be glad to let you examine him,” Alexa said dryly.

      “Pairling?” asked Marian.

      “Husband, partner.” Alexa frowned. “Isn’t there a word ‘shieldmate’?”

      “Yes,” Marian said.

      Alexa nodded. “Then he’s my shieldmate. We fight together.”

      A chill slithered down Marian’s spine and she glanced at Alexa’s sword out of the corner of her eye. It appeared well used, with plenty of nicks on the fingerguard. Marian couldn’t imagine fighting with a sword or shield. A hint of the dreams she’d had at home drifted through her mind. She’d fought, though, with magic. This was feeling more and more ominous. She ran her hands up and down her arms.

      “You may go, Apprentice,” Bossgond said in a tone he hadn’t used before with her.

      She stiffened and frowned at him. But that made her think, too. Alexa apparently was a Marshall, which Marian had deduced was a powerful elite. She was stuck as an Apprentice.

      Alexa jerked her head to the door. “You should have seen the horrible Tests the Marshalls put me through the minute I arrived,” Alexa said under her breath.

      She shuddered, and Marian knew the woman was utterly sincere.

      Marian followed her. “Bossgond showed me an image of you walking in the mountains. Colorado?”


      “You had brown hair.”

      Throwing open the door, Alexa stepped into the sunlight. It gleamed on her silver hair. She looked back at Marian. “It was one of those turn-white-overnight deals. The night I came.”

      “Really?” Marian’s mouth had dried. As she went through the door she welcomed the cheery warmth of the sun.

      “Yeah, and my eyes deepened in color, too,” Alexa said, her curled fingers showing white knuckles as they clasped the top of her baton.

      The door slipped from Marian’s grasp and slammed shut.

      Alexa smiled at Marian and switched to English again. “You know your way around here?”

      “Not much.”

      Chuckling, Alexa said, “It’s only been a couple of days since you arrived—but I’m sure they’ve been jam-packed with experiences.”

      “Oh yes,” Marian said fervently. “I remember a nice forest path and a peaceful meadow a few minutes away—will that suit?”

      “For sure.” She tilted her head. “I’m connected mentally to my husband, Bastien. He’s giving us privacy and hiding from Bossgond. He says he’ll talk to the old mage when he’s ready.”

      Marian led the way from Bossgond’s Tower. They paused at the forcefield for Marian to open a “door” for Alexa. Outside Bossgond’s sphere of influence they stood in the sun and studied each other.

      “I like the looks of you,” Alexa said.

      Marian felt relief from an anxiety that she hadn’t known she was feeling. “I like the looks of you, too.”

      She held out her hand and they shook, then Alexa turned Marian’s arm over to see her wrist. Alexa’s eyes sharpened.

      “You’ve blood-bonded with Bossgond?”

      “Yes, as Master and Apprentice.” Marian pouted a little.

      “Won’t be long until