Reginald Hill

Midnight Fugue

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Vince, she averred, would do the heavy work. She would do the planning, guaranteeing speed, discretion, and absolutely no lines back to The Man.

      To employ someone like Vince Delay directly wasn’t an option for Goldie. Such men were by their very nature likely to prove as unreliable as the unreliables they were seeing off. But the prospect of having someone as heavy as Vince under the control of someone he still trusted as implicitly as Fleur was not unattractive.

      He agreed to a trial run. Three days later the designated target fell while out walking his dog and cracked his skull against a fence post with fatal results.

      That had been thirteen years ago and up till now neither party had had occasion to complain about the arrangement. Rapidly the Delays’ reputation for reliability and discretion drew in offers from elsewhere, some of which Fleur accepted, though as a Gidman pensioner, she had sufficient income to permit her to be choosy. But on the increasingly rare occasions The Man put work their way, she dropped everything else and came running.

      It was important to please The Man, partly for pride, principally for preservation.

      Her policy of keeping Vince as ignorant of the fine detail of their jobs as possible seemed to work. As a notorious ex-con, he got pulled in from time to time when the police had nothing better to do. Silence underpinned by ignorance and bolstered by the rapid arrival of a top-class brief had kept him safe. She used these occasions to point out to The Man just how ignorant Vince was. She felt pretty certain that as long as she was around and functioning efficiently, there would be no problem.

      But take her out of the picture, and she knew beyond doubt that Goldie Gidman would be running his cold eyes over her brother.

      She ran her own eyes over him as finally he emerged from the cathedral and headed towards the VW.

      The fat guy was already getting into his ancient Rover.

      Vince slid into the passenger seat beside his sister.

      ‘What’s happening?’ she asked. ‘Where’s the woman?’

      ‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist,’ he said. ‘She’s still inside. They’re meeting up later for lunch at the hotel. Twelve o’clock. I heard them fixing it.’

      The Rover was nosing its way out of the car park. She started the VW and followed it out into Holyclerk Street.

      ‘We not tailing Blondie any more then?’ asked Vince.

      ‘We’ll let the bug do that for us. If she stops anywhere, we can check it out. You keep an eye on the laptop. Now tell me exactly what you saw and heard in the cathedral.’

      When he finished, she squeezed his arm and said, ‘You done well, Vince.’

      He basked in the glow of pleasure that praise from Fleur always gave him.

      They had left the cathedral area behind them and were approaching the main urban highway. The Rover signalled left towards the town centre. Fleur signalled right.

      ‘We not going to see where’s he’s heading?’ said Vince, puzzled.

      ‘I’m starting to have a good idea where he’s heading,’ said Fleur. ‘What I want to see is where he’s coming from.’


      It was funny, thought the Fat Man. Turning up at the Station by mistake on his day off would have been disastrous, but striding in now and taking them all by surprise felt like old times.

      ‘Morning, Wieldy,’ he said breezily. ‘Got a couple of little jobs for you.’

      Detective Sergeant Edgar Wield had the kind of face that didn’t do surprise, but there was a slight pause for adjustment before he said, ‘Morning, sir. Be right with you.’

      Dalziel noted the pause and thought, Gotcha! as he flung open the door of his office.

      The evidence of his uncertain return to work was visible in the room’s relative tidiness. Pascoe had been using it latterly and the bugger had got everything ship-shape and Bristol fashion. The Fat Man had found himself thinking it was a shame not to benefit from this orderliness and for ten days he’d been replacing files in the cabinet, closing drawers, removing clutter from his desk, and even striving to keep the decibel level of his farts under control.

      That he could take care of instantly. As he sank into his chair he let rip a rattler.

      ‘Didn’t quite catch that, sir,’ said Wield from the doorway.

      ‘Would probably have broken your wrist if you had,’ said Dalziel. ‘Seven years back there were a DI in the Met, Alex Wolfe, under investigation for corruption or summat; resigned, I think, then disappeared. I’d like all you can find about him. Same with Mick Purdy; DCI back then, now he’s Commander. But softly softly, eh? Don’t want to set any alarm bells ringing.’

      ‘What sort of alarm is that likely to be, sir?’ said Wield.

      ‘No idea. Probably none. But you know me, discretion’s my middle name.’

      No it’s not, it’s Hamish, thought Wield. But that was a piece of knowledge he didn’t care to flaunt.

      ‘This something likely to come up at tomorrow’s case review, sir?’ he asked.

      The Fat Man glanced at him sharply. The bugger can’t have picked up on me mistaking the day, can he? No way! But that blank, unyielding face could make a nun check if her lacy knickers were showing.

      ‘Nowt official yet. That’s why I’m here on my day off,’ he said. ‘Pete around?’

      ‘No, sir. His day off, too. He’s going to a christening.’

      ‘Eh? Ellie’s not dropped another? I weren’t out of the loop that long, surely.’

      ‘No. They’re guests. Like you, seeing as you’re not official.’

      ‘Don’t get cheeky. Was a time when I’d be met with smiles and coffee.’

      ‘Was there, sir? Can’t bring it to mind. Shall I organize a coffee?’

      ‘I’d rather have it than one of thy smiles, Wieldy. No, you get right on to Wolfe. I’ll wake one of them idle buggers out there.’

      He followed the sergeant to the door and looked around.

      His gaze lit on DC Shirley Novello, engrossed in her computer screen.

      ‘Ivor!’ he bellowed. ‘Coffee!’

      The young woman looked up and replied, ‘No thanks, sir. I’ve just had one.’

      Something that on another face might have been called a grin touched Wield’s lips, then he moved away swiftly.

      ‘Now!’ bellowed Dalziel. ‘Why else do you think we let women into the Force?’

      He went back into his office and sat at his desk. The encounter with the blonde at the cathedral had kick-started his day but he still felt a bit out of sorts. He’d got the problem of the lost day sorted, so what was left to bug him? If he did any more internal digging, he’d be looking at his belly button from the inside, so he changed his point of view and looked around the room. After a few moments, he got it.

      Problem solved, or just about to be!

      Six or seven minutes later Wield dead heated with a coffee-bearing Novello at the Fat Man’s door. No plastic beaker from the machine this; she’d have had to go down to the canteen to get half a pint of the Super’s favourite blend in his own mug. It smelled good, but from the look on Novello’s face, Wield thought it might be wise if Dalziel got her to taste it before touching it himself.

      He opened the door for her and followed her into the room.

      It had changed. Most of the drawers on the