Karen Whiddon

The Texas Shifter's Mate

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somehow, though no doubt this feeling was extremely one-sided, due to the depth of his attraction to her.

      When she finally moved, he could breathe again. Aware he couldn’t show his relief, he looked anywhere but at her. Despite that, he couldn’t help but be far too conscious of her every movement, the way she shifted slightly in her chair, her graceful movement as she reached for her wineglass and took a small sip.

      He cleared his throat. “There’s not a lot to tell. Nothing unusual happened that weekend. Nantha and her father Ion came ashore Friday afternoon for a weekend visit. As usual, they came ashore on the private beach near my mother’s house. I met them at our meeting place, a rocky cove that’s roped off and marked as dangerous to humans.”

      “Which kept it mostly free from both locals and tourists alike,” Shayla added. “Most humans are pretty good about obeying the signs.”

      He nodded. Though it had only been two days, that evening would forever be impressed in his memory. Like always, Ion and Nantha had swum up to the rocks with the sea caressing them. They’d poked their heads up out of the choppy waves, waiting for Zach to give them the all-clear signal before they climbed up on the rocks and changed their form. Sparking lights surrounded them as they did, reflecting on the water like a thousand fireflies. Though the light show was identical to what happened when Zach shape-shifted into Wolf, the combination of water and lights never failed to mesmerize him.

      Fifteen years ago, when Zach’s mother had announced she was marrying a Merman with a young Mermaid daughter, Zach had been skeptical. But even at ten years old, Zach had seen his mother’s grief over his father’s passing become a kind of stoic acceptance. She’d been lonely and sad, and she’d directed all her energy into raising her young son. Then she’d met Ion, and her entire world changed.

      Zach had recognized the happiness that made her glow when she’d gone someplace with Ion. The fact that she’d actually introduced him to Zach told him the relationship had grown serious. When Ion had wanted to ask her to marry him, he’d asked Zach’s permission first. In all the years since, they’d all become a tight-knit, loving family.

      Which had now been ripped apart. He swallowed.

      “Are you okay?” Shayla asked, making him realize he’d gone silent.

      “Sorry. I’m worried about my sister. This isn’t at all like her.”

      “How did a Shifter like you come to have a Mermaid for a sister?” Maddie asked, clearly recognizing his aura.

      “My mother, who’s also a Shifter, married her father. He’s Mer. Nantha was very young.”

      “What happened to her mother?” This from Shayla.

      He forced himself to meet her gaze. When he did, again the flare of attraction zinged through him. “She died shortly after Nantha was born.”

      “When exactly did your sister vanish?” Maddie asked, pen poised. “How long has she been missing?”

      “Sunday. Two days ago.”

      “She’ll be needing to get back to the water soon,” Shayla added. “Especially if she spent the weekend on land. One week is about as long as we can go. But I imagine you already know that, right?”

      He nodded. “That’s one of our main concerns. Though Ion says it’s ten days.”

      Lips pursed, which somehow made her look even sexier, Shayla considered. Finally, she shrugged. “That’s pushing it, but he’s right. I’ve made it that long. It wasn’t pretty—I got sick. But once I was back in the water, I was fine.”

      “What have you done so far attempting to locate her?” Maddie asked. “Did you check with the Pack Protectors? I think they might help in a case like this, since she’s related by marriage.”

      Momentarily startled, he stared. Even though he knew she could tell by his aura that he was a Shifter, he hadn’t told her what kind of animal he became. While he was Wolf, and definitely part of the Pack, he could just as well have been another species entirely.

      However, if this helped with finding his sister, he saw no problem with breaking a few rules. “Yes, I’ve already enlisted the help of the Pack Protectors. They promised to let me know if they heard anything about a missing Mermaid.” He grimaced. “I have to say, they didn’t seem really concerned.”

      “They’ve probably got more pressing Pack business,” Maddie said, her tone commiserating. “But at least you got the word out with them.”

      “True. I really wish there was some sort of investigative agency where supernatural beings could turn to for help, besides the Pack Protectors.” He took a deep breath, willing himself to sound calm rather than desperate. “I’ve done all I could think of on land. And since I’m not a Merman, I have to believe my stepfather is conducting a thorough search under the water. I’m trying really hard not to think about the horrible things that might have happened to a naïve and sweet young woman like my sister. I just wish I could hire someone to look for her. Someone who could travel under the sea.”

      Shayla went very still. She and Maddie exchanged a glance.

      The two women exchanged another glance.

      “That might be possible,” Shayla began, her voice low and serious.

      “It just might,” Maddie agreed, looking at him. “But Shayla and I were just talking about starting up our own private investigative agency. It’s been a lifelong dream of mine.” When she paused, Shayla took over.

      “Maddie’s family used to run one. She got her feet wet, so to speak, working for her father. Maybe you could be our first customer.” She grimaced. “I guess it depends how desperate you are. While she knows her way around the business, I have zero experience. But I’m Mer, and can search underwater.”

      Looking into her emerald green eyes, he didn’t even hesitate. “Yes. I’m in. Find my sister.”

      Shayla shook her head. “Don’t you even want to know what we charge?”

      Though he wanted to say he didn’t care what it cost, as long as they were successful, he knew better. “I’m sure it will be reasonable. Just get me the details as soon as possible. Of course, I’ll also pay any expenses incurred in the search.” He couldn’t believe his luck. Having another Mermaid hunt for his sister beneath the sea, and a Shifter who could help with the on-land search, was more than he’d hoped for. He glanced at his watch, jiggling his leg in impatience. “The sooner you can get started on finding her, the better.”

      “We’ll need you to sign a contract,” Shayla said smoothly. “We’ll need to get that document drawn up. Can you meet us back here tomorrow night around eight?”

      “Definitely.” He pushed to his feet. “Finally, I feel like I’m doing something constructive. I’ll see you ladies tomorrow.” Bracing himself, he looked at Shayla first and held out his hand.

      When she took it, an electric shock rushed from his fingers up his arm. Her eyes widened, letting him know she likely felt it, too. The way she jerked her hand free confirmed it. So it wasn’t just one-sided. Interesting.

      Curious to see what would happen, he turned to Maddie; they also shook. Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. He wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or worried.

      “Until we have the paperwork signed, please consider this a handshake agreement,” he said. “That way, you can get to work immediately.”

      “We will,” Shayla replied. “We’ll do our best to find her.”

      “Thank you.” He felt like a bit of the weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Even if they were totally inexperienced, having a Mermaid assisting was huge. At least he was no longer searching alone. “I appreciate your help more than you know.”

      “Do you mind leaving the photo with us?” Shayla asked. “We can show it around. I assume you have another copy?”
