Riley Pine

My Royal Sin

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struck a hidden nerve, but then she relaxes into that coy smile again. “You wouldn’t want to claim me?” There is a challenge lurking there. “Graffiti your name? Mark your territory with greedy thrusts?”

      I shake my head. “I’d rather bring you pleasure.”

      She freezes, staring at me as if transfixed. “But why?”

      “Because if it is good for you, it would be good for me,” I say simply. “My pleasure must hinge on yours.” I don’t know why, but instinctively I understand that it’s the way that I am wired.

      A shudder runs through her as she lowers her lashes. “Mmmmm. My prince, you do say all the right things. For a man not experienced in the ways of the flesh, you certainly are getting me all worked up with just your words. Look how wet I am. It feels so good.” She rolls her hand with wanton abandon, dips her fingers deeper inside until they circle an engorged, rosy bud. “So wickedly good.” She pauses, arching a brow. “Dare me to offer you a taste?” She drags her hand free, shows me her glistening fingers.

      Saints take my immortal soul. I burn as if with a fever.

      But I sense she is hiding, that she’s back to showmanship.

      I wonder if she’d enjoy being stripped of her defenses?

      I clear my throat. “You take a taste. Describe your flavor.”

      “Sir?” She pauses, hesitant, a flush heating her own cheeks.

      I’ve caught her off guard. A flare of pleasure rushes through my veins. I get up from the small game table and saunter to the fireplace, resting my elbow on the mantel. “You heard me.”

      She obeys, and my own pleasure grows sharper than I’d imagined it could.

      Ever so slowly, she raises her fingers to her mouth, full lips parting as she sucks on the tips with a deliberate lick.

      Hunger flares in me. The tenor of the room shifts. Her coy, artful smile is lost, replaced by a look of shock. Of wonder. Her pupils grow wide, and a flush spreads in the delicate skin between her breasts.

      “Describe it.”

      Her breath hitches at the dominating timbre of my voice. Her gaze turns thoughtful. Inward. And I know she is going to give me the truth.

      “Sweet,” she begins slowly, “almost like wildflower honey.” Her voice is a shy whisper. “But slightly spicy with a salty tang.”

      My tongue presses against my teeth. It’s absurd how natural this feels—me, fully clothed and standing, towering over a naked woman pleasuring herself at my command. It’s like opening up a door and walking into a part of myself that’s always been here, waiting for me to find the way. “Keep going,” I grind out. “Tell me your darkest fantasy.”

      “You’ve already had a turn,” she says with a fake pout. “I did the dare.” Her hands are already sliding back as if of their own accord, spreading her most secret part, revealing every inch of the tantalizing landscape to my view. She is so wet I can hear it, the sucking slide of her fingers. Perhaps she has done this five hundred times to five hundred different men, but tonight, in this moment, she is mine.

      And if her soaking wet pussy is any indication, she loves every second.

      The fire beats against my legs but is a cool breeze compared to the blaze in my cock.

      “This is my game now, angel. My rules.” My voice is kind but inflexible. The log in the hearth hisses and pops, but hellfire doesn’t scare me, not now when salvation lies between Ruby’s parted legs. “I want you to expose not only your body to me, but also your mind.”

      Her thick lashes flutter. “You do?”

      I incline my head. “I have a theory that you might be as desirable on the inside as on the outside. So tell me...” I lower my voice an octave. “What fantasy makes your thighs quiver, your nipples tighten into tight, aching peaks? Let me inside. Let me see.”

      “What?” Her voice quavers, her toes curl against the thick wool rug. “What do you want to see?”

      I cross the small room as if in a dream. Then I’m standing above her, my hand tilting her chin, ensuring her gaze is fixed on me and me alone. “A glimpse of your soul.”


      He holds a hand out to me, and I take it, letting him guide me from the chair, out of the hearth room—and to my bed. With a look, he tells me to lie on the plush duvet as he moves toward the rocking chair under the window.

      “Relax,” he says softly. “Close your eyes and let me inside you the only way I am permitted to do so. Show me what you’d want me to give you if only I could.”

      I swallow hard and nod, my chest tightening at the unexpected emotions brewing within me—my core burning with unbridled need.

      This is not what I expected. Everything up until now has been a show. But what he’s asking...

      “Touch yourself, angel. Touch and tell me what it is you desire.”

      I think of his words, that his touch would be like brushstrokes on a canvas. He couldn’t have known. Could he? That painting is my passion, but this—using my body for money—is the only way to save my family.

      My lips part as my finger circles them softly. “I want featherlight kisses to start. Ones that tell me with each sweep of his mouth on mine that I am what matters. That for all I do to protect those I love, there is someone out there whose one true desire is to protect me. To love me.”

      The truth falls from my lips without pretense, and I don’t know where it is coming from. I’ve never said any such thing anyone.

      “Continue,” Benedict says, breaking the silence.

      So I do.

      “His kisses trail down my neck to my breasts.” I give one of my nipples a soft pinch and gasp. “He takes me into his mouth, his teeth nipping, tongue swirling.” I lick my thumb and forefinger, rolling them around the peaked nipple of my other breast, pinching harder this time. My pelvis bucks upward, and I moan. “More,” I say. “I tell him I need more, that the teasing is driving me mad, and the kisses continue, lower and lower. They are still soft, still sweet, and though he hungers for me, he is in control. And he will tease because as much as I beg, he knows I love every second of it.”

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