Deborah Mello Fletcher

To Tempt A Stallion

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when or if he’d be able to squeeze in a run and time in the gym with the weight machines.

      Nathaniel lost track of time. When he finally stepped out of the shower, refreshed and invigorated, it could have been a few minutes or a good hour that had passed. He only knew he needed to get down to the restaurant to meet with his new suppliers. He dressed quickly and moved back to the living space.

      As he moved down the short length of hallway he called Rebecca’s name. When she didn’t answer he shook his head. He didn’t need to look to know that his best friend was gone. A note scribbled on lined paper rested where she’d laid her head. The print was neat and bold, her handwriting familiar in her favorite green ink. A few quick lines promised that she’d catch up with him sometime during the day. She too had work to do.

       Chapter 3

      Freshly showered, Rebecca sat buck naked in the center of the hotel’s king-sized bed with her laptop, her iPad and two cell phones. Technology had made conducting her business behind the privacy of a closed door a luxury she had no intentions of ever losing. Being her own boss allowed her perks a regular nine-to-five job didn’t afford.

      She scrolled through her list of things to do, ticking off the last few items for the day. Signage, menus and paper products had been ordered for Nathaniel’s restaurant. He’d approved the final logo and designs and with the many pieces needed for him to open falling into place, his excitement fueled hers.

      Carl and his crew were already knee-deep in the renovations and they were only two short weeks from the tables and chairs being delivered. Both she and Nathaniel had pulled every favor ever owed to them to make everything happen as quickly as it needed to. Rebecca had snapped her fingers, cajoled and coddled egos, and had begged and prayed in order to help her friend achieve his goals. Others would have balked at the challenge. She’d embraced it. For him.

      She knew from his text messages that he wasn’t too thrilled about her walking out without at least saying goodbye first. But she knew he’d get over it and forgive her that small slight. When she’d woken and found him in the shower she’d resisted the urge to strip out of her clothes and join him. Slipping out of the door like a thief on a mission had been her only option. Because everything in her had just wanted to strip off her clothes.

      Her cell phone chimed, interrupting the memory. She bit down against her bottom lip to stall the quiver of heat that pulsed for attention, focusing instead on the call.

      Felicia Marks began to rant the minute Rebecca said hello.

      “I have been calling you since you took off without telling anyone where you were going. Have you completely lost your mind?” Rebecca’s older sister admonished.

      “I left you a message.”

      “Be back in a few weeks. That’s what your message said. That’s all your message said. Be back in a few weeks. Not where you were disappearing to. Not if you were with someone. Not what your plans were. Not how many weeks was a few. Your note said nothing. And then you stopped answering your cell phone!”

      “But I left one!” Rebecca said, her singsong tone meant to annoy her oldest sibling even more. She sensed her sister shaking her head on the other end of the phone and imagined the glare painting the woman’s expression.

      “You are so lucky that I can’t get my hands on you right now.”

      “You worry too much. I’m perfectly fine.”

      “Where are you?”

      “Carmel-by-the-Sea. With Nathaniel Stallion. Helping him to open his new restaurant. I think I told you about it when he first mentioned the idea.”

      “Really, Rebecca? I know you do not expect me to believe that you just snuck off without telling anyone just to continue pretending you’re not in love with that man. Restaurant my behind!”

      “Nathaniel and I are just friends. That’s all.”

      “So who’s handling your other clients while you’re away?”

      “I do have employees and I can work from wherever. Technology has come a long way since your DOS-based computer programs and HP calculators. We use the internet now. You should give it a try,” she said facetiously.

      “Don’t be a wise-ass, Rebecca. I’m concerned about you.”

      “You shouldn’t, sissy. I’m a big girl and I know what I’m doing.”

      “Are you ever going to tell him, Rebecca?”

      “Right now I am going to get dressed and go take a walk along the beach. It’s been a long and productive day and I deserve to treat myself. That is what I’m going to do. I might even buy myself some ice cream.”

      “Here is where I’d give you my lecture about not being afraid to take risks and how you should step out on faith and trust in what fate has in store for you. Because you are so in love with that man! You should tell him, Rebecca. But since I know you’ll ignore me and pretend you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, I won’t waste my breath. I’ll just tell him myself the next time I see the two of you.”

      “You wouldn’t dare!” Rebecca quipped.

      Felicia laughed. “Wouldn’t I?”

      “I am so done with you right now. Are we good? Are you satisfied that I’m still alive and breathing so you can go back to whatever it is you do?”

      “Call me tomorrow, Rebecca, or I will call you.”

      “Bye, Felicia!”

      “That really isn’t cute anymore,” Felicia laughed. “It’s not cute at all!”

      Rebecca disconnected the line. She waited a quick second and then she sent her sister a text message, simply saying, I love you.

      She dropped into reflection, thinking about her situation. Rebecca knew she didn’t always make it easy for the people who cared about her. Her sister Felicia and Nathaniel especially. It was bad enough that she still had to explain her disappearing act to him but she didn’t have the energy to also explain herself to her sister. Especially since her sister knew her so well. Felicia read her as easily as Nathaniel did, and Rebecca didn’t always need to say things out loud.

      Her sister was her best female friend. Most times they were like oil and water, Felicia holding her up while she floated all willy-nilly in the atmosphere. It had been that way since they’d been little girls. She had only told Felicia what she felt for Nathaniel and that was after way too many alcoholic beverages. The two had been on a girl’s weekend bender, determined to have a good time while still managing to stay out of trouble. She’d let her secret spill and Felicia had been giving her a hard time ever since. But the more she thought about it, the more she was starting to think that maybe her sister was right. Maybe it was time to tell Nathaniel how she felt, to expose her hand and hope he was open to the possibilities.

      Another message chimed on the device in her hand. She had lost count of the number of messages Nathaniel had sent to get her attention. She hadn’t lost sight of the fact she’d ignored most of them. She stole a quick glance to the digital clock on the nightstand. She’d missed lunch and the biscuit she’d eaten for breakfast was a distant memory. She was hungry and finally texted him back about when and where.

      She could do dinner, she thought, beginning to gather her belongings from the bed. And because she knew he would have questions, she began to prep her answers, getting her excuses and story in order.

      * * *

      Nathaniel’s brow was raised, his eyes wide, as he stared at her. The two were seated at Bar Mars, a popular dinner spot that catered to a wealthy crowd of pretty people. Rebecca had insisted he check out his competition, wanting to critique the food and the ambience. After one size-thin woman too many had vied for his attention as if Rebecca weren’t standing by his side, she’d been having second thoughts