Yahrah John St.

Miami After Hours

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up from her computer screen.

      “Hey, there,” she said, “how are you? How’s your day been?”

      Daniel was jolted by just how different Angela looked today. She was back to her usual work attire of a sleeveless fuchsia silk blouse tied at the neck and a black pencil skirt, but no less sexy than she’d been on Friday.

      “Busy,” Daniel replied, “and about to get even busier. I have a listing appointment at four on Sunny Isles. Care to join me?”

      “Sure, just give me a minute. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

      A few minutes later, Daniel was leaning against the edge of the reception counter chatting with Myrna when Angela came toward him. He stood upright as she approached, desire instantly surging through him when he noticed her long, shapely legs emphasized by a pair of strappy heels. He willed the hard throb of his desire to disappear, but it didn’t. His attention was focused so entirely on her sleek body that he ignored Myrna. Instead, he headed swiftly to the door to open it and Angela slid right past him, allowing him to catch sight of her tight bottom as she walked ahead of him.

      “So tell me about the estate and the seller,” Angela said when Daniel met her at the elevator bank just as the doors were opening. They both stepped inside, but when he opened his mouth to speak he realized just how close she was standing to him. His gaze traveled from the elegant line of her neck to the curve of her shoulders to the smooth, silky strands of hair that hung generously down her back. Angela had returned to the boundaries of their previous encounters, and that was just fine with him. He needed to get his head back on business.

      He blinked rapidly and then finally answered her. “Well, it’s a seven-thousand-square-foot two-story home that sits on the water and has a private dock. Not to mention there’s a spa, a gym and a gorgeous infinity pool with a large outdoor entertaining area.”

      She smiled. “Impressive. Have you determined a listing price?” Angela asked once he’d finished describing the house and they’d made it to the garage. This time she didn’t ask whether she should get in his sports car; she just slid in and buckled up.

      “No, but I’m hoping to convince them that seven point five is the right price.” He roared the Ferrari to life and exited the garage.

      “Are they thinking of more?”

      Daniel nodded. “They would love eight million, but the comps in the market aren’t supporting it. So I’ll talk them off the ledge. They are motivated to sell and don’t want it to sit on the market.”

      “Wise move.”

      * * *

      Angela did her best to keep the conversation focused on selling the Sunny Isles home, but it wasn’t easy. She hazarded a glance Daniel’s way when his eyes were on the road. He was dressed in a linen suit that was exquisitely cut and showed off the hard muscles she suspected were underneath it. She marveled at the size of his large masculine hands wrapped around the wheel. Sitting beside him right now, Angela was very aware of him.

      She’d felt it Friday night, too. Felt the pull of desire between them, but had blown it off as the excitement of the evening. But now? Today? There was no excuse for the way she was feeling. Daniel was off-limits to her and she knew that. But that hadn’t stopped her mind from wondering what it would be like to feel his incredibly full lips on her.

      Feel the heat of his skin.

      Touch him all over.

      Their short drive to Sunny Isles went faster than Angela expected, and she was happy to escape the confines of the sporty car. As she exited, Daniel was right there to grasp her hand.

      “Thank you.” Angela managed to step out onto somewhat shaky legs. Because that’s exactly what Daniel’s touch did to her. It made her slightly weak in the knees.

      They walked together to the impressive front door of the home and Daniel pressed the doorbell. An older woman with flaming red hair and a bright smile greeted them dressed in a colorful print tunic and flowing white pants.

      “Daniel, darling,” she drawled with a hint of a Southern accent, “please come in.”

      “Thank you, Mrs. Wilson,” Daniel replied as he stepped inside the foyer and Angela followed him. Once inside, he turned to her. “I’d like you to meet my associate Angela Trainor. She’ll be partnering with me on this listing.”

      The woman’s brow rose. “Partner? I thought you would be representing us.”

      “And I will be,” Daniel responded softly. “I’m mentoring Angela on larger listings such as yours. Let me assure you, you will have my expertise at the helm.”

      A smile returned to her face and Angela tried not to be offended. She knew she wasn’t as experienced as Daniel, but the disappointment on Mrs. Wilson’s face made it clear that she expected Daniel, and nothing less than the best would do.

      “Come, let me show you around,” Mrs. Wilson said as she began walking down the corridor.

      “And where is Mr. Wilson?” Daniel asked.

      “Oh, he’ll be joining us as soon as he finishes his business call.”

      “Of course, lead the way.”

      Mrs. Wilson showed them the main level of the home, and it was nothing short of spectacular. The Mediterranean home with its whitewashed walls and red tile roof felt open and spacious. Then again, Angela should have known that Daniel represented only exclusive listings.

      Eventually, Mrs. Wilson left them to their own devices and Daniel and Angela were able to walk the grounds at their leisure. Their first stop was the private dock.

      “What are your thoughts on marketing strategy?” Angela inquired. She could already see the wheels in his mind turning.

      Daniel rubbed his square chin. “I’ll bring in Elyse to handle staging. Then we’ll have to get some new photos of the property showcasing this.” He opened his arms, motioning to the stunning water view.

      “And the opening?”

      “Has to be big,” Daniel said. “It has to make a splash. Out here on the terrace with nothing but the best food and drink. Then I’m thinking maybe even some kind of entertainment, like a well-known artist.”

      Angela’s eyes grew wide. “Really? You have that kind of pull?”

      “The name Prescott George does.”

      “A private concert will certainly get attention.”

      Daniel pointed to her. “That’s exactly what we need.”

      Later, after they’d said goodbye to Mrs. Wilson—since her husband never materialized—Daniel threw her a curveball.

      “Would you be interested in attending a Heat game with me on Friday? I have floor seats to the playoff game against the Charlotte Hornets,” Daniel said. “I’m taking a buyer I’ve been trying to woo.”

      “That must have cost you a mint,” Angela murmured. And the minute she said it, she wished she could take it back. It wasn’t her place to comment on Daniel’s finances or how he chose to run his business.

      Instead of saying anything to her, he laughed. “Yeah, it did.” Then he told her about the client, Alejandro Rivera. “I’ve been trying to get his business for some time. He owns homes in Chicago, New York, Dallas and LA. Basically every major metropolitan area. Every time he’s in town, I always try to meet up with him for drinks, dinner, tennis, whatever opportunity I can find to get myself in the door. Yet his business has escaped me.”

      “He’s playing hard to get.”

      “Yes, which is why Friday night is very important. I’m hoping to finally convince him to sign with Cobb.”

      “And you’re hoping a little eye candy will help seal the deal?” Angela mused aloud. She wasn’t unaware of her appearance. Men found her