Hannah Harrington

Mean Girls: New Girl / Confessions of an Angry Girl / Here Lies Bridget / Speechless

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vote for yourself, that’s stupid.”

      “Everyone is going to.”

      “No, I’m not voting for us.” He laughed and dropped it in the box.

      Her plan wouldn’t work if they didn’t win. She seethed quietly and dropped in her own ballot.

      “Do you think we’re going to win?” she asked happily a moment later, squeezing his arm. “I hope we do. I really do. We are the cutest couple, obviously.”

      “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, usually it’s a senior couple who gets it.”

      “Well, I’m not giving up hope. Everyone knows we’re perfect together, so …”

      Max was barely listening to her prattle on. But Johnny had caught her eye. She looked away quickly, and pulled Max on.

      “God, Max, can you just stop?

      “Am I really the one that needs to stop?”

      “What do you expect from me, to be standing by your side all night and never talking to anyone else? Seriously, Max. I can talk to other people. That’s what I was doing. Talking. I don’t see why you can’t trust me.”

      Her heart was pounding. She’d been around the back of a column with Johnny. She’d known it was risky, but she couldn’t help it. Not that anything had happened. Johnny had refused, saying it was “wrong” or whatever. She couldn’t believe he was still saying it.

      Every time she was around him, she wanted more and more to just end it with Max and find a way to be with Johnny.

      Max shook his head and bit the inside of his lip. Becca knew when he was really mad. And he was getting there.

      “This is so embarrassing, to be arguing outside the dance.” Becca sighed. She didn’t even care anymore.

      “You know what you’re doing, Becca.”

      She stared at him. “What does that even mean? Ugh, I’m not going to sit here and try to figure out riddles.”

      “I realize you’re flirtatious. You flit around the party like the social butterfly you long to be so badly, charming everyone left and right. All I’m asking is that you stay away from Johnny, seeing as he’s my best friend, and that with other people you just keep your hands to yourself. You always take it too far.”

      Becca tightened her jaw with resolve. His words had scalded her. The “social butterfly” she “longed to be so badly”? Was he serious? How dare he imply that she’s just some kind of desperate, friendless fool?

      There was a pang in her chest as she hoped it was only Max who saw her that way.

      “I do not ‘always take it too far.’” She repeated his words in a nasty tone. “And don’t suggest that I’m just some kind of jackass around Johnny. He flirts with me just as much as I do with him. God, it’s not like he just wishes I would back off him.”

      She couldn’t bear the thought of Johnny hating when she was all over him. Max didn’t know what Johnny said when they were alone. And she couldn’t tell him.

      “Are you serious? It’s just not okay to flirt with everyone around you all the time.”

      “You’re so annoying. Just an insecure little boy.”

      He didn’t freak out. He didn’t yell back. He just looked at her, and laughed.

      Panic rose quickly in her chest. He couldn’t break up with her. She couldn’t let him. They were about to win king and queen. Maybe later she could end things, but not right now. Not right now.

      “Something has to change.” His voice was emotionless.

      “Max! Max, please!” She couldn’t get herself to cry, but she was really trying. She took his hand. He tried to pull it away, but she wouldn’t let him. “Look at me.”

      She yanked his arm and gazed sweetly at him, working in as much worry and desperation as she could into her blue eyes. Time for the last resort.

      She’d have to phrase it just right. “But … I mean, I lost my virginity to you … and now you’re just …” She looked as emotional as she could.

      He froze.

      On the inside, she smiled. Bingo. Yeah, she’d told him she wasn’t a virgin, just in case this sort of moment arose.

      He sighed, and looked out to the great hall, clearly trying to decide what to do or think. “You said I wasn’t your first.”

      “I didn’t mean to say that. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Shit!

      “Is that true?”

      She paused. “Yes, it’s true.”

      Max clearly didn’t know how to react. After a moment, he said, “Why would you tell me I wasn’t?”

      “Because I didn’t want you to stay with me because you felt guilty or anything.” In fact, she was one hundred percent sure that was why he’d stayed with her anyway. Lucky her that he wasn’t usually the type to get drunk and sleep with the new girl everyone else wanted already.

      “I wouldn’t. I liked you.”


      He breathed in deeply. “Like. But you’re acting different lately. I don’t know if this is who you are or what. Stop trying so hard, just act like yourself again.”

      How many times had her mother begged her to be herself again? It was fruitless. Useless. There was no point in begging Becca to stop or change or be someone nicer or easier to be around. This was Becca. And that was all.

      The only person who’d ever thought she could really change, apart from her hopeful mother, was Dr. Winthrop. He told her it wasn’t her fault, and that if she just took this, this and that medicine for the rest of her freaking life then her moods would level out.

      Screw that. She wasn’t going to do it.

      Dr. Winthrop had tried to talk her through her “compulsive lying” and her “pathological desire” to do what she thought would make people like her, instead of what was right. You have to control yourself, he’d said. Or someone else will get hurt again.

      She shivered and pushed the memory from her mind.

      “Or maybe this is you,” he added after a moment.

      She was realizing now that she couldn’t let him go. She liked being the golden couple. She liked being enviable, she always had. What would she do without him? No one else could give her what Max could.

      The music faded quickly in the dining hall. “And now it’s time for the reveal of Halloween King and Queen.”

      Cheering. Quieting. Drum roll. Max looked Becca in the eyes the whole time.

      “Maxwell Holloway and Rebecca Normandy!”

      She tried to mask her delight, but he knew how important it was to her.

      “Come on, your highness,” she said, grabbing his arm. “Let’s go claim our crowns.”

      They walked onto the stage. Everyone cheered.

      “Would either of you like to say anything to your public?”

      Max shrugged. “Thanks to everyone for voting for me, I’m really flattered, thank you.” He gave an insincere but winning smile and handed the microphone back to Professor Crawley.

      Becca took it. “I’d actually like to take a moment to say something if I could.”

      “Sure, go ahead.”

      Max looked at her nervously. She smiled.

      “First of all, I just want to say