Робин Карр

Bring Me Home For Christmas

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shrugged. “That’s how it is with friends.”

       “Well, it’s not an issue. He broke up with me. Over three years ago.” Actually, she could easily figure out the number of days….

       “That’s probably a pass,” Troy said. “Wouldn’t you say, Dirk?”

       “God,” Rich said. “I’m going to need another beer! This is my sister! Even if she is a pain in my—”

       Luke coughed. Colin laughed. “You starting to feel old?” Luke asked his brother.

       “Elderly,” Colin answered. “Much as I’d love to stay and watch this, I think I’d better hit the road. Happy hunting.” He winked.

       “Cabin number four, boys,” Luke said. “It’s unlocked. Jack or Denny will give you directions.”

       “Oh, are you Mr. Riordan?” Becca asked. To his nod, she asked, “Any chance there’s another cabin out at your place that I could rent? Otherwise I have to stay with Rich, and God knows…” She shook her head and shuddered as if in revulsion.

       “You bet,” Luke said. “Try number two—also unlocked.”

       “Cool,” she said.

       “Very cool,” Dirk said. “Thanks, man. See you around.”

       “Yeah, thanks,” Troy said. “Nice meeting you guys. See you later.”

       And then Denny was back. The expression on his face wasn’t much improved. It was starting to irritate her that he couldn’t at least fake being happy to see her. Maybe being finally finished with him would be easier than she’d thought.

       He walked around the bar and stood right in front of Becca. “I need to talk to you for a minute, Becca. All right?”

       That made her a little nervous; it sounded like he might be getting ready to tell her when her bus was leaving for San Diego. She hoped her emotions didn’t show. She tilted her head to one side, smiled into his brown eyes and said, “Sure. Shoot.”

       “Privately.” He stepped back. “Come outside with me. It’ll just take a second.”

       He turned and she followed. It wasn’t even five-thirty, yet it was almost completely dark outside. Though she could see there were space heaters on the porch, they weren’t lit. She faced him, waited, shivering in the cold.

       “I apologize,” he said. “If I’d known you were coming, if I’d had time to get used to the idea, I would’ve been a lot more…”

       “Civil?” she added for him, lifting both tawny eyebrows.

       “Becca, this is a hunting trip!”

       “I know that, Denny. Rich hasn’t stopped talking about it for weeks.”

       “What are you doing here?”

       She took a breath. “It was very last minute. I packed last night. When I showed up at his condo at three this morning to go with, Rich pitched a fit. I told him I needed a change, a break. He said it was a bad idea, because it was all guys, and I said I’d skip the getting drunk and smoking cigars part, that I’d get my own place to stay and, you know… I just wanted to get out of town. Too early to ski, too cold to surf without a wet suit.”

       “What about work?”

       “Well…I got laid off. The private school where I’ve been teaching shut down. We’d seen it coming but it was still a shock. I’m going to substitute until I can land something permanent. But for right now, it’s a holiday week, my parents are going out of town and I wanted something fun to do, to kind of offset being so bummed about losing my job.”

       He looked into her eyes for a long moment, then slowly reached for her left hand, pulling it out of her jacket pocket. “I don’t see a ring,” he said. “What about the boyfriend? He can’t like the idea of you going on a guys’ hunting trip?”

       “He’s tied up with finals and stuff,” she said. “And he’s going home to Cape Cod for Thanksgiving with his family.”

       “Finals?” Denny asked. “You’re marrying a college kid?”

       “Law student,” she said. “And we’re not engaged. Yet.”

       “But you’re going to be engaged?”

       “Probably. We’ve talked about it. We looked at rings. And stuff.”

       “Right,” Denny said. “And he’s okay with you going on a hunting trip with a bunch of guys, including your ex?”

       “He trusts me,” she said. And there was the little fact that she hadn’t told him all the details. It wasn’t that she couldn’t, but she might’ve overestimated his casualness about this event. She’d probably keep the fact that her ex was also present to herself. After all, that was the whole point of the trip. She had to figure this thing out before Christmas.

       She told Doug she was with her brother. Doug liked her brother.

       “Okay, okay,” Denny said, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck. “All right, listen. If you insist you’re going to do this stupid thing—”

       “Careful,” she warned, crossing her arms over her chest.

       “Are you here to hunt, really?”

       She narrowed her eyes. “Why else would I be here?”

       “Do you even have a gun with you?”

       She leaned toward him. “Yes,” she hissed.

       “Stick close to me. Or maybe Rich. We’ll make sure you’re safe and know what to do. With the gun, that is.”

       “I know what to do with the gun,” she said indignantly. “I’ve never killed anything but skeet, but I know what to do. I’m in danger of getting hooked in the ear trying to fly-fish, but I’m a good shot.”

       “You’ve been shooting skeet?” he asked. Denny was a Marine marksman. He had a sniper ribbon. “Since when?”

       Her dad had taught her, but she said, “The boyfriend.” She wasn’t really sure why she’d lied. So he wouldn’t think she was just a loser who still wasn’t over him? She’d have to think about that.

       “Great. But there’s a lot more to know than that. You staying with Rich? Out at Jack’s?”

       “No,” she said, shaking her head. “Mr. Riordan has another cabin. I’ll go out there. I don’t share space with Rich—he’s a slob.”

       “No,” Denny said. “You can take my place—it’s just an efficiency, but it’s right in town, just down the street. The landlord and landlady will look out for you if you need anything. You’ll be safe there.”

       “It’s not your job to keep me safe, Denny. And where will you be, if I’m in your place?”

       “With the slob.”


      When Becca was a nineteen-year-old college student at the University of Southern California, she began dating Denny, a Marine. He was at Camp Pendleton with her brother at the time. For a few blissful months, they saw each other every time Becca came home from USC for a weekend. She fell in love with him immediately. She spent the summer at home and every time Denny could get away from the base, they went to the beach and surfed or played volleyball, hiked into the mountains or biked along the coast, spending every possible minute together.

       Rich and Denny went to Iraq together for a year and her emails to Denny were long, gushy and frequent—several a day. Her care packages were stuffed with lovingly collected treats. Then he came home from Iraq, exited the Corps, and for almost a year, life was heaven. When Becca was home from USC, they were inseparable. They had so much fun together. They could laugh for hours; they could make love