Karen Whiddon

Runaway Colton

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weight from foot to foot, he dragged a hand through his hair. To her amazement, this ruffled look made him even sexier.

      “We need to set up some boundaries,” he continued. “I don’t sleep with my clients.”

      “I’m not your client,” she promptly replied, still smiling. “Technically, Fowler is.”

      He sighed. “True. But I’m helping you try and find out what really happened to Eldridge and you’re going to assist me in locating my niece. You really need to take this seriously. It’s important.”

      “You’re right.” Sobering, she nodded. “Sorry. I do take this seriously. It’s just you’re so darn good-looking, it’s distracting.”

      After a second of startled silence, he burst out laughing. “Thanks, I guess. You’re not bad yourself. Now, that said, can we focus on business?”

      “Of course.” Debating, even as she tried not to be offended that she apparently didn’t have the same effect on him as he did on her, she shot him a quick, narrow look. “After breakfast. If you have any eggs, I’m making an omelet. If you’d like one, you’d better speak up. Otherwise, I’ll just make one for myself.”

      Just then, Truman came padding into the kitchen.

      “There you are,” Cord said, setting down a large dog bowl full of kibble. “You’re late for breakfast.”

      “He slept with me,” Piper volunteered. “He’s really an awesome dog.”

      Cord nodded. “Yes, he is.”

      She ended up cooking two omelets. He made toast and poured them each a glass of orange juice. He took a seat across from her and they both ate quickly and in silence, though she had to curb the impulse to speak.

      Once they’d finished, he grabbed the plates, rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher, an act that made her smile. She enjoyed watching him move around the small kitchen. Even if they managed to act completely businesslike around each other, she figured that would never change.

      “More coffee?” he asked. When she nodded, he poured them both a cup.

      “What’s on the agenda for today?” Eager to get going, she pushed to her feet. Since he hadn’t taken a seat, she figured that meant he was ready to get started.

      He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got a personal errand to run first thing. After I get back, I figured we could discuss Renee. I can show you some pictures—she’s a big fan of selfies on her Facebook and Instagram pages. Maybe if you get a feel for what she’s like, her personality and looks, you might have some new insights into where she might be hiding.”

      “How about we talk in the car?” she countered. “Once you tell me her info, I can pull up her social media accounts on my phone.”

      “I thought you could stay here until I get back.”

      “What?” She cocked her head. “You weren’t going to take me with you? Why not?”

      Though he tried hard to appear annoyed, she could see the way he tried to keep from smiling. “It’s a personal errand,” he reiterated. “Which means it’s something I have to do alone.”

      Suddenly, with a gut-wrenching realization, she understood. “Damn.” She only swore in certain situations. This definitely felt like one. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend? I wouldn’t have come on to you if I’d known.”

      Hurriedly, he bowed his head. At first, she thought it was to hide his anger, but as soon as she saw his shoulders shaking she realized he was laughing.

      “What’s so funny?” she asked, her voice cross. “I’m not one to poach on another woman’s man.”

      He apparently found her last sentence hilarious, because he busted out laughing. Arms crossed, she eyed him while he attempted to rein in his amusement.

      “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he finally said. “And, Piper, you jump to conclusions quicker than anyone I’ve ever met. You take off at a tangent before I even get a chance to explain.”

      She nodded. “I’ve heard that before. I’ve been told I might be a bit...overly enthusiastic.”

      “That’s an understatement.” He spoke gently. “I’m going to pay a visit to an elderly widow who used to know my father.”

      Of course her mind whirled at that. She could think of several different scenarios now, especially since she’d known his father. There were drunks and there were abusive drunks. Cord’s father fell into the latter category.

      She ventured a guess, choosing the imaginary scenario least likely to offend him. “Collecting rent?”

      “No.” Draining the last of his coffee, he set the mug down with a thump. “It’s actually none of your business.”

      “Of course you realize your evasiveness only makes me want to know the truth, right?” She grinned. “Sorry, but I’m nosy like that. And if you didn’t want me to be all up in your business, you shouldn’t have insisted I stay with you.”

      He nodded, conceding her point. “Fine.” Checking his watch once more, he faced her. “You can come with me. I’ll explain in the car. But on one condition. No matter what you think or believe or how you feel about the situation, I’d appreciate if you’d keep your opinion to yourself. Can you do that?”

      She had no idea. In fact, she rather doubted it. “Of course,” she replied, intrigued. One thing she had begun to learn about Cord was that he certainly wasn’t boring. Or dumb. She’d met other male bodybuilder types before who were equally great to look at until they opened their mouths. Not him. He was the most fascinating man she’d ever met.

      “When do we leave?” she asked, since he’d glanced at his watch a third time.

      “Whenever you’re ready. It’s about a forty-five-minute drive each way, without traffic.”

      “Okay.” Placing her mug next to his, she smiled her brightest smile. “Give me a minute to freshen up. I’ll be right back.”

      He nodded, his expression either downright unenthused or simply resigned.

      “We’ll also discuss your niece while we’re driving.” Glancing back over her shoulder, she raised her brows. “I promise I won’t waste your time.”

      Back in her room, she checked her appearance in the mirror, then used her phone to see the outside temperature. November in Texas, even this late in the month, could run the gamut from freezing to downright balmy. Since today’s high had been forecast in the low fifties, she grabbed a light jacket, just in case.

      When she reemerged just a few minutes later, Cord waited in the living room, jiggling his car keys in his hand. The sunlight streaming in the eastern window turned his dark hair to gold. “Ready?”

      Temporarily struck dumb, she pushed away the aching need to touch him and nodded.

      She waited until they’d backed out of his driveway and turned off his street before speaking, even though she wanted to bounce up and down in her seat like an impatient child. “Okay, so where exactly are we going?”

      Unsmiling, he shot her a glance. “Did you ever know Ms. Berens? Most people called her the Widow Berens. Her first name is Lorraine.”

      The name didn’t ring a bell. Piper finally shook her head. “I’m afraid I don’t.”

      “Her husband used to own the pharmacy on Main Street, though he passed away, probably before you were born. She sold it and banked the money, intending to use it to live on for the rest of her life. I believe she supplements her income by making and selling custom quilts.”

      Piper nodded. “I’ve seen some of her quilts. They’re beautiful.”

      “Yes they are. Well, back when my daddy was alive, he ran a scam on her. This was