Jeanie London

Pillow Chase

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I was having a good time.”

      “I noticed.” Urging her forward, he slid onto the chaise behind her, cradling her between his spread thighs.

      He was all hard muscle and warm skin as he nestled her in the curve of his body. She felt surrounded by him, that hot erection pressing against her lower back, and she savored the feel of skin against skin, appreciated being together.

      Miranda missed Troy when he was away, but somehow never so much as when he came home again. Only then could she allow herself the luxury of remembering how his strong arms felt around her, how his body sheltered her in its heat, how she felt loved and cherished and so glad they were together again.

      She gave a sigh, and the sound turned into a purr as he slid a hand between her legs to coax the sensitive bundle of nerve endings from its hiding place. With her panty hose gone, Miranda enjoyed the full potency of his touch as Troy idly fondled her, coiling the tension inside until she parted her thighs to increase that drive-me-wild friction that was swiftly driving her wild.

      He’d always had this sort of power over her, the ability to shoot her from zero to sixty with the perfect combination of intimacy and exploration. He knew what aroused her because he’d taken the time to learn, continued to learn, continued to share his likes and explore new pleasures with her.

      Each time he returned from a mission, the process began over again. They reveled in being together. They appreciated the contrast of newness and familiarity. They pleased each other in ways only they could. And right now, with this blindfold, Miranda became more aware of his touches than ever before.

      That tension wound tighter as he dragged his fingers through her damp heat, and she nestled back against him, feeling the solid warmth of him surround her. She was content in the knowledge that they still had another week to play out this fantasy together. Another week to enjoy the pleasures of being together again.

      “Trust me?” he whispered close to her ear as he rested his chin on her shoulder, pressed a kiss into her hair.

      “With all my heart.”

      She’d been so preoccupied with her arousal that she hadn’t felt him move, so when the first icy droplet trickled between her legs, she gasped and tried to pull away.

      “Surprise.” He nudged the tip against her aroused skin, a quick touch to test her response. “The see-through vibrator turned out to be a lot more.”

      “What—” she sucked in another hard breath, eyelids blinking against the blindfold in a rebellious attempt to see “—is this? A water torture device?”

      “A dual temperature vibrator.” Another quick nudge that made her sex contract wildly as the cold blasted her skin. “The extreme sensations are supposed to push you over the edge.”

      “I’ll be over the edge of this chaise if you touch me with that thing again.”

      “Sure you don’t want to give it a shot? You’re so hot that cooling down might feel good.” He used his cool fingers to up her temperature a few more degrees.

      She might be hot, but when another droplet dripped onto her stomach and into her navel, Miranda jumped.

      “How about this to help you decide?” Troy finally went for her bra, lifting the garment under her arms so her breasts tumbled free. He knew exactly how to arouse her, how to make her dissolve in his arms so she’d agree to anything.

      And that was exactly what Miranda needed right now. She needed to abandon herself to arousal, wanted to drown out her thoughts with pleasure, so she couldn’t think of anything but the way he rolled her nipples into a frenzy of sensation. The way he swirled the vibrator around a tip. The way the condensation chilled her, shocking in intensity.

      “How’s that?” he asked.

      She took a few deep breaths, willed herself to relax enough to describe the feeling. As that ache speared through her, she realized that torture wasn’t an adequate description. “It’s…different.”

      “Too much?”

      She shook her head. “Just intense.”

      Touching the tip to her other nipple, he shot the cold through her again, making her arch her back to press into his hands, to feed this icy ache.

      With skilled fingers, Troy obliged. He warmed her skin with knowing touches, and hot pleasure radiated through her, a striking contrast to the cold, an intensity that made her realize exactly what she wanted.

      Curling her fingers over his hand, Miranda guided his newest toy between her thighs. “Let’s try this.”

      She started tentatively, testing the feel of that iciness, pausing to prepare herself for each touch.

      “Still intense?” He glided the vibrator lightly along her in a channel of chilly condensation and warm skin.

      “Mmm-hmm, but nice. In small doses.”

      With the flick of a switch, he made the vibrator hum to life, the pulsation against her oh-so sensitive sex causing her to moan out loud. He rolled it against that bundle of nerves, a glancing caress that made her shiver.

      “I like this.” He dragged his mouth over her throat in an openmouthed kiss and pressed the length of the vibrator between her thighs, catching her everywhere with that pulsating cold.

      Miranda didn’t reply. She was too busy riding the sensation, and she wasn’t the only one. Troy ground his erection against her back, a demand that conveyed his need louder than words. Her pleasure brought him pleasure. What could be better?

      Miranda could think of only one thing.

      Scooting up on his lap, she arched her bottom until his erection rode forward. She didn’t have to say a word. He knew what she wanted. Slipping a hand between them, he maneuvered that hardness against her chilled skin, a hot length that sank inside with an unfamiliar force that stole her breath.

      She was so tight and wet that he growled, a throaty rumble against her ear as he grasped his arms around her, gave a few driving thrusts that made her gasp. And that sexy device…he held it poised where she could feel it most, and condensation mingled chilly water with their body’s heat to create a powerful sensation that had her rocking back to meet his thrusts.

      Only Troy could take her apart this way, could overwhelm her with his body, with his hunger, with his love. He indulged her, took his own enjoyment in her responses, and the simple honesty of his emotions, the overwhelming honesty urged her to reply in kind, to coax him into the same frenzy.

      And Miranda could always satisfy her husband in bed. She was an accommodating wife, the perfect match to her equally accommodating husband.

      So why had life become such a struggle?

      The question sideswiped her, a rational thought that cut through her haze of pleasure, real. And the special connection they shared betrayed her. Troy must have sensed her hesitation, guessed she’d become distracted, because he suddenly slowed his pace to press hungry kisses along her neck.

      She didn’t want anything to intrude on their time together, especially not thoughts that had no place in their bed. So arching her head back, she leaned into his touch, reassured by the feel of his mouth on her skin, the way he could turn unwanted doubts into breathless gasps.

      His every stroke combined with the vibrator, so direct, so intense, so overwhelming, and she forced her focus onto the way her sex clenched in greedy reply, so close to the edge.

      Holding her breath expectantly, she tried to knead her climax into breaking, wanting to lose herself in the ecstasy she knew in Troy’s arms, needing oblivion to drown out the thoughts racing inside her head.

      But the sensation remained just beyond reach. Even though her body burned. Even though she wanted release so much that she clung to her husband and rode him with hard strokes. Even though she tried to crowd out the intruding thoughts by the strength of her will and the blinding force of their lovemaking.
