Mollie Molay

Commander's Little Surprise

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six of his fellow naval officers to serve as groomsmen. With the men in uniform, how will you be able to tell one from another?”

      With her phantom’s face in her mind’s eye, his low, melodious voice still sounding in her ear, Victoria blew Lydia a kiss. “I’m sure I will be able to find him.”

      Lydia smiled sadly and watched Victoria disappear into the bathroom. First as Victoria’s childhood nanny, and now her close companion, she understood her charge all too well. Young blood, a royal wedding and a romantic, uniformed hero were a potent combination not easily cooled by a convent upbringing and the prospect of an arranged marriage. Victoria was no different than other young women of her age.

      As she looked under the bed for Victoria’s shoes, Lydia mulled over the coming wedding. May, Victoria’s royal cousin, had managed to escape the stringent customs of the royal family as practiced in the twenty-first century, but there was a difference. This was to be May’s second wedding, her first, an arranged marriage, having ended with her husband’s untimely death.

      As a member of the extended Baron family, Lydia knew that no matter how Victoria felt about the archaic custom, her charge’s marriage, like May’s first, would be determined by her father.

      She muttered her dismay at what might happen if Victoria did somehow manage to find the man she’d encountered in the palace gardens last night. The only peaceful thought she had was in knowing that whoever the man had been, he would be gone forever in a matter of hours.

      When Victoria returned, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Excuse me, ma’am,” a palace footman said politely, “I have a message for Miss Esterhazy.”

      Victoria caught her breath. Was it possible her phantom lover had found her before she had a chance to find him? Her heart raced as she took the envelope Lydia handed her and tore it open. Seconds later, her face whitened.

      “Something is wrong?” Lydia dropped Victoria’s slipper on the bed and hurried to her side. “Have you had bad news?”

      “My father wishes to see me. At once,” Victoria murmured as she dropped the message to the floor. She glanced at her watch. “With the rehearsal only hours away, what could Papa possibly want that is so important?”

      “Oh, dear! You don’t suppose he knows about last night, do you?” Lydia shuddered. “I blame myself. It would never have happened if I had kept a closer watch over you.”

      Victoria patted Lydia’s ample shoulder. “I’m a grown woman now, Lydia. Papa couldn’t possibly know about last night. I’ll tell you what Papa wants when I come back.”

      Victoria squared her shoulders and made her way to a suite set aside for wedding guests. In spite of what she’d told Lydia, her thoughts were uneasy as she knocked on the door. “Papa? You wished to see me?”

      Basil Esterhazy, tall and stately, with the famous Baron cleft in his chin, smiled down at her. “Come in. Come in and sit down, my dear. Your mother and I have good news to share with you.”

      Victoria dutifully kissed her silent mother’s cheek and took a seat on the velvet upholstered couch beside her. “Good news?”

      “Yes.” Her father beamed at her and cleared his throat. “Weddings seem to bring out the romantic nature of people, do they not?”

      Smiling, Victoria agreed as her thoughts flew to her mystery man and the precious hours they had spent together. “Yes, Papa, I suppose they do.”

      “With May getting married to her American suitor, it appears you are going to be the next bride in the family,” he said as he gazed fondly at his only child.

      “I am?” A cold premonition passed over Victoria’s shoulders. Her worst fears seemed about to be realized as her mother took her hand and squeezed it gently.

      “Yes, my dear. Because you are our only child, I’ve put off arranging your marriage until now. However, you are now twenty-three. Accordingly, I have accepted Rolande Bernard’s suit for your hand in marriage.” He paused to let the announcement sink in. “You will no doubt be happy to know he wishes the marriage to take place as soon as arrangements can be made.”

      “Rolande Bernard?” Victoria’s head swam, a hollow feeling grew in her middle. “He’s much older than I am, Papa. I scarcely know him. Why would he wish to marry me?”

      Her father frowned. “Bernard is a smart man. He recognizes your worth and your position in the family. We both agreed that the marriage will be an asset to our country and to him in his new position as our ambassador to the United States.”

      Victoria’s mother, Clara, generally too docile for Victoria’s own peace of mind, spoke up. Clad in a blue velvet cocktail suit for the upcoming wedding rehearsal, she put an arm around her daughter and frowned at her husband.

      “As usual, Basil, you are being obtuse and thinking as a man. Our daughter wishes to know if Rolande cares for her, not that she will be an asset to him.”

      “Of course he does, or he wouldn’t have asked for her hand in marriage,” her father huffed. “Furthermore, the reason he wishes to marry immediately is that he is about to present his credentials to the United States State Department. He will become Baronovia’s first ambassador to the United States in a matter of weeks.” He turned his annoyed gaze on Victoria. “Rolande feels, as I do, that at his side, you will make a fine showing for our country. I would remind you that it is your duty, Victoria.”

      Victoria nodded faintly. She’d always known that she would eventually marry the man of her father’s choice. It had been that knowledge as well as the romantic wedding of her cousin to her American naval officer that had prompted her to accept her phantom lover last night. But now? Just when she’d tasted love, her world was about to fall apart.

      “I would like to have time to think about this, Papa,” she murmured.

      Her mother patted her on her shoulder. “Not too long, my dear, your father wishes to make the announcement soon. All will be well, you’ll see. Rolande Bernard may seem to be a little too old for you, but he is a fine man with a bright future. I’m sure you will be happy.”

      When Victoria managed a weak smile, her mother went on as if everything was settled. “You will enjoy living in the United States. And just think! Your cousin May will be living nearby.”

      Evading her father’s frown, her dream of finding her phantom lover in ashes, Victoria excused herself and made her way back to her suite. Her heart broken, Victoria wanted to hide from the world. May’s wedding rehearsal, the following dinner and the wedding would have to go on without her.

      Chapter Two

      Eighteen Months Later

      Victoria Esterhazy Bernard stood on the balcony overlooking the gardens of the new Baronovian embassy in Washington, D.C. Dusk had fallen; the bright lights around the perimeter of the embassy grounds had yet to come on. The scene, reminding her of the palace gardens in Baronovia, only added to her uneasiness.

      Newly arrived in D.C. after a year spent with her husband in his diplomatic post in England, she was filled with pain, longing and loneliness at his unexpected demise in an automobile accident. The time in London hadn’t brought her the happiness in her marriage she had hoped for. The only bright light in her life was her baby daughter, Caroline.

      She glanced at the card inviting her to her cousin’s housewarming one more time. If ever there was an invitation to disaster, this had to be it, she thought sadly. What if she accepted the invitation and ran into the man with whom she’d shared that forbidden night in the garden almost two years ago? Even now she knew nothing about him other than that he’d been an American and a friend of the groom.

      What she did know was that as the widow of Baronovia’s ambassador to the United States and her appointment to the position herself, she couldn’t afford to be involved in a scandal. Especially when the suspicious circumstance surrounding her husband’s