Elaine Overton

His Holiday Bride

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the long-barreled Magnum tucked neatly at his side. There was no mistaking the message. My gun could eat your gun for breakfast.

      He glanced around at all the people who’d stopped to watch the confrontation, including several of the hotel staff. He wondered if 911 had been called yet. Probably so.

      Paul quickly regretted letting his temper get the better of him and striking Dashuan. Now he realized this thing could get real ugly. He had to try and reason with the man before someone got shot. Given the way Dashuan was shaking, he hadn’t ever used the weapon. Probably just a showpiece, Paul thought.

      “Now come on, Kennedy. Think about it. Do you really want to get into a shootout in a hotel lobby? Your face will be on the cover of every gossip rag in L.A. by morning. From what I hear your career is struggling as it is. Is this really the kind of publicity you want?”

      Dashuan looked around, as if noticing for the first time that they had drawn a crowd. He quickly tucked the gun back in his pants but it was too late. Everyone had already seen him with it.

      “Amber, please!” Dashuan pleaded. “Stay and talk to me. It’s not what you think.”

      Seeing the desperation in his eyes, Paul could almost feel sorry for the guy. He looked down at the top of the golden head of the woman in his arms, feeling her soft breasts rise and fall with every heartbeat. Okay, he did feel sorry for the guy.

      “I know what I saw, Dashuan. No amount of conversation is going to change that.”

      Paul saw the elevator doors open again and a group of burly men step out. They came up behind Dashuan, and Paul took them for the basketball player’s bodyguards.

      He looked into the faces of the men, sizing them up and knowing he might have to fight his way out of here. “We’re leaving. If you try to stop us this could get ugly, Kennedy. Just let us go.”

      Dashuan was glaring at Amber. “Keep your mouth shut, bitch,” he said under his breath, but he never moved.

      Paul felt Amber’s small, fisted hand dig deeper into his shirt. Don’t worry, I won’t let you go. He resisted the urge to kiss the top of her head in reassurance. Taking her hand, he turned and headed toward the door.

      Halfway there he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. With lightning fast reflexes, he pushed Amber to the side. Paul swung around and saw Dashuan charging toward him. He was holding the small gun backward with the butt extended high over his head.

      Paul heard someone scream “Look out.” He went in low tackling Dashuan right in his midsection. The ball player let out a whiff of air and collapsed on his side. In a second, Paul was back on his feet in a defensive posture as he watched Dashuan’s boys slowly moving in, determined to finish what he’d started.

      He reached in his pocket and tossed Amber the car keys. “Get in the blue Focus parked out front.”

      “What about you?”

      “Don’t worry about me. Just go!” Paul watched the guys closing in on each side. There were six of them and one of him. He would have to take out the ones standing between him and the door first. Then…

      The six men stopped moving. Their attention had been drawn to something over his shoulder.

      “Is there a problem here, Paul?”

      Paul recognized the voice of his friend, LAPD detective Keith Montfield. He glanced back to see Keith and the four uniformed officers who had quietly come up behind him.

      “Nothing I can’t handle, Keith.” He relaxed his stance.

      Keith chuckled. “I know, but how about you let us lend a hand anyway?”

      Paul stepped back, and gestured in front of him. “Help yourself.”

      The officers closed in on the six bodyguards, and one stopped to pick Dashuan up off the floor.

      Paul patted Keith on the shoulder before he turned to leave. “Can I give you a call tomorrow to explain?”

      Keith nodded and looked his friend over. “Sure you’re okay?”

      “Yeah. I’ll fill you in tomorrow.”

      As Paul headed toward the exit he heard one of the bodyguards ask, “Why does he get to go?”

      He heard Keith’s laughter. “Who, that guy? He’s harmless.”

      Paul couldn’t help smiling. He turned and winked at Keith, seeing the humor in the detective’s eyes. Everyone in L.A. knew that statement was the furthest thing from the truth.

      Paul hurried out to the car he’d double-parked in the luggage loading area. Try as he may he could not stem the growing excitement he felt remembering the beautiful woman who would be there waiting for him.

      Feeling ridiculous even as he did it, he checked to make sure his shirt was tucked neatly in his slacks. He ran his hand over his short, curly hair. What the hell am I doing?

      He should be thinking about reassuring the girl. He wasn’t sure what had happened between her and Kennedy, but whatever it was apparently upset her a great deal.

      He reached the car and stopped short realizing the passenger seat was empty except for the small key ring lying in plain sight. He looked in both directions but did not see her. His mind quickly calculated the possibilities that one of Dashuan’s guys had gotten by him when he wasn’t looking. But no, he was fairly certain there were only six of them and they were all accounted for inside.

      A young valet was standing not far from where he was parked. Paul approached him with a description of Amber and asked if he’d seen her.

      “Yeah, she went walking that way.” He gestured toward West Sunset Boulevard. “I offered to get her a cab, but she said no thanks.”

      Paul quickly tipped the guy for his help before climbing into his car. Taking the keys from the passenger side, he started the engine. Amber was distraught, Paul thought. In her current state of mind who knew what she might do.

      He caught up with her within three blocks. “Amber! Amber!” He rolled along slowly, ignoring the horns blaring behind him and the foul language of those that managed to get by him. “Amber, get in the car!”

      She glanced at him. The golden eyes that had pleaded for help in the hotel were now glaring with cold intensity. She was an angry angel, Paul thought, unable to stop himself from making the comparison.

      “Where are you going?” he called out the passenger-side window.

      “Somewhere away from you and my meddling family!”

      Paul forced his way out of traffic and pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store several feet in front of her. He hopped out of the car and came around to wait for her to catch up.

      Amber just ignored him and continued to walk right past, as if she didn’t even see him.

      Paul fell into step beside her. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but when I asked you if you wanted to leave did you not nod your head?”

      “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I did. But that doesn’t mean I wanted to leave with you.” She gave him a sidelong glance. “What is your name anyway?”

      Paul closed his eyes and shook his head, realizing in the mist of all the confusion he’d never introduced himself. “Paul Gutierrez.” He extended his hand but she ignored it.

      “Look, Amber, I know you’ve been through a lot tonight, but if you would just—”

      She stopped dead in her tracks and slowly swiveled around to face him. Her golden eyes were dark with some unidentifiable emotion. “You have no idea what I’ve been through this evening. So don’t even stand there and pretend like you understand!”

      Paul frowned, seeing the tears begin to form in her eyes again. What did Kennedy do to you? He knew he could not ask the question no matter how it ate at him. As far as she was