Patricia Thayer

Familiar Adversaries

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about time there’s someone who will make you work for what you want.”

      The next morning Mariah pressed her fingers against her temples, trying to relieve the headache she’d had since getting out of bed that morning. She shook out two pain pills from the bottle, tossed them in her mouth and swallowed some coffee, hoping the caffeine would make the medication work faster. She hoped Shane wouldn’t show up for at least another hour.

      She walked back to her desk just as the door swung open and the man in question walked in. Dressed in his usual work clothes—navy T-shirt and jeans—he looked too good for that early in the morning.

      “Morning,” he murmured as he strolled to his desk.

      “Good morning,” she returned as she watched him go through the mail.

      “Is this all there is?”

      “Except for the invoices, I have those,” she said.

      “Why? You didn’t think I wanted to see how much money is going out?”

      She had to concede he was right. “In past jobs I’ve always handled paying the invoices.”

      “Go ahead and pay them, but I still want to see them to make sure we’re not being overcharged.”

      “That’s my job.”

      He shot her a glare. “Everything on this project is my job,” he said. “That includes yours.”

      “Are you saying that you don’t trust me?”

      “Why should I? Your father didn’t want me on this project. He lost that battle, but the next thing I know you show up.”

      Mariah refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her upset. “You knew there was going to be a project manager. And I’m more than qualified.”

      Shane folded his arms across his chest. “Your being Kurt Easton’s daughter makes me wonder if you’re in cahoots with him to get rid of me?”

      That did it. “How dare you accuse me of trying to jeopardize a project,” she said, fighting back. “I would never do that.”

      “Not even for your father?”

      She felt as if he’d struck her. She marched over to his side. He was tall and broad, but she didn’t let him intimidate her or stop her. She’d faced down a lot tougher men than him.

      “Let’s get something straight, Shane Hunter. If you ever accuse me of mismanagement again, you better have solid proof, because nobody tarnishes my professional reputation.”

      Seeing the hurt on Mariah’s face, Shane felt like a jerk. It brought back memories of another time he had hurt her. She hadn’t deserved it then and didn’t now. She hadn’t done anything but her job. He just wasn’t crazy about her being here.

      “Okay. Okay. I may have stepped over the line. But believe me, your father has been riding my case since I was awarded this job. I suppose you can understand why I’m suspicious.”

      “I guess I understand, but I don’t have to like it.” She jammed her hands on her hips. “And we still have to find a way to work together, because I don’t have the energy to come in here every morning and spar with you.”

      He couldn’t help but smile. “Sure gets the blood going, though, doesn’t it?”

      She started to grin, and quickly masked it. “Yes, but we need trust and respect between us.”

      Shane wasn’t sure he was there yet. Was it because they had a past together? Was it because she was Easton’s daughter? Or was it because he realized he was still attracted to her? Okay, maybe it was a little of all of the above. “I think that will take time.”

      “Time is something we don’t have. We’re behind schedule by two weeks. And that doesn’t allow for rain delays and—”

      Just then the foreman walked in. “What is it, Rod?” Shane asked.

      “We got trouble. There was another break-in during the night.”

      “The hell you say.” Shane grabbed a hard hat and followed Rod out of the trailer with Mariah close on his heels. They made their way to the chain-link-fenced area where wood and tools were held. Graffiti had been sprayed on the plywood sheets. Vile, disgusting words had been written on the four-by-eight sheets. Several boxes of nails had been dumped around the area.

      “Is anything missing?” Shane asked.

      “Not as far as I can see,” Rod said. “But we haven’t had a chance to take inventory.”

      “I’ll do it,” Mariah said as she looked at Rod. “Why don’t you get the crews started so there are no more delays?”

      The foreman nodded, then walked away.

      Shane was surprised at Mariah’s suggestion. “I can’t leave you to clean up this mess.”

      “Why? You think it’s beneath me? I’ve gotten my hands dirty before. I would appreciate it if you’d send Jason and Mike to help me out. Later, you and I need to talk about better security. The drive-by patrol doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.”

      “I agree with you on that one,” Shane said.

      Her green eyes rounded. “Well, that’s a start. We finally agree on something.”

      Around midnight Shane yawned as he slowed his truck at the turnoff to the site. He couldn’t sleep, so he decided to do something useful. Until they got the new security in place, he was going to do some checking of his own. Anything was better than lying in bed unable to sleep. Nothing he’d done could turn off his thoughts about Mariah. She just kept popping into his head. Those big green eyes, her full mouth and all that wild hair had him wound tight. She’d been pretty in high school, but she was a knockout now.

      And it would be suicide to start up something with her.

      This was business and if he wanted Hunter Construction to fly, he had to pay Nate back the start-up money he’d loaned him over two years ago. That meant he had to keep focused on the project. Any thoughts of Mariah had to be about how hard she’d worked on the cleanup today; how she hadn’t complained; and how she’d made a detailed list of every item by quitting time.

      They both decided whoever vandalized the site wasn’t a pro. More like teenagers or someone just wanting to make trouble for Shane. His first thought was that Easton might be behind the incidents, but he couldn’t see the town councilman taking a chance on dirtying his hands with such an amateurish stunt.

      The truck’s bad suspension jarred Shane in his seat. One hundred yards before he reached the trailer, he turned off his lights and parked. If anyone was trespassing, he wanted to surprise them.

      That was when he saw the faint light in the trailer. Someone was inside. He got out of his truck and ran across the field. Silently he inserted his key, quietly pushed open the door and saw the person’s shadow on the wall. He reached out, grabbed the intruder and pinned him against the wall.

      It didn’t take Shane long to realize that he was pressed against a soft body, a soft body with breasts.

      “Let go of me,” Mariah demanded as she wiggled against him.

      Desire shot through him and he fought to control his response. “Then you better tell me what the hell you’re doing here in the middle of the night.”

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