Gail Gaymer Martin

A Husband For Christmas

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wishing he wouldn’t notice her.

      * * *

      Doug sat on a porch step keeping an eye on Kimmy working on her first school project collecting bugs. Offering science classes seemed a little early for second graders. But what did he know? He shook his head, hoping Kimmy didn’t get stung or bit by something, but her search was in the name of homework so he didn’t say a word.

      Trying to be a good father-type for Kimmy, he usually joined her in projects, but today his thoughts weighted him down. He’d done something to upset Nina. His questions had been too personal for her, he guessed. Something...

      When he looked up, his heart stopped. Nina appeared across the street like a vision, but he knew she was real. Her long hair hung to her shoulders in waves. It fluttered in the breeze, and he longed to brush it from her cheek. He faltered, unsure of what he wanted to do.

      When she glanced his way, he raised his hand, a natural instinct that he hadn’t monitored. Anticipating she’d ignore his greeting, his chest constricted when she crossed the street. Though curious where she’d been, he wouldn’t ask. That question could be too personal, also.

      “I noticed you outside with Kimmy. How are you?”

      He wanted to tell her he was confused, but he changed his answer to something safe. “Good. The weather motivated me to come outside.”

      She strode up to Kimmy. “What are you looking for?”

      “Bugs.” She grinned.

      “Bugs. Hmm? Any special reason or are you just curious?”

      “School started and I’m in the second grade.”

      “Second grade. And you have to find bugs.” Nina tilted her head.

      “Homework.” Kimmy’s face glowed. “It’s for our science class.”

      “Did you find any ladybugs?” Nina looked at the insects in Kimmy’s jar.

      “Those ones who fly away home ’cuz their house is on fire?”

      The girl’s face lit with a smile, and Nina grinned. “I’m sure those are the ones.”

      Kimmy shook her head. “I only found two ants, a fly and something with lots of legs.” She held up her jar with air holes punched in the lid.

      “I have ladybugs at my house. They like flowers, and even though I have only a few blossoms, I see insects there.”

      Doug watched, amazed at Nina’s lighthearted banter with no hint of anger. Still, she was talking with Kimmy, not him. But she’d stopped by and that was something.

      “Uncle Doug, can I go to Nina’s and get some ladybugs?” She gave him a beseeching look.

      He couldn’t hold back his grin. “I don’t want to hinder research. I suppose you can if Nina doesn’t mind.”

      Nina tousled Kimmy’s hair. “Come down whenever you’d like. I’m home for the evening.”

      He opened his mouth but sat speechless.

      “Doug.” Nina closed the distance and sat beside him, running her fingers through her hair. “I owe you an apology. I’m sorry for the way I acted on Friday.”

      “You don’t owe me—”

      “I owe you respect and friendship. You’ve been kind, and I enjoyed your company until my fortress rose to shield me. It does that sometimes without my realizing it. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way.”

      Although her fortress aroused his curiosity, relief flooded him, and he released a strangled breath. “Thank you. I don’t need to forgive you, but I will. We all let our protective devices appear sometimes. I’ve done it myself. You know I question my ability with...” He feared Kimmy would hear her name so he tilted his head. “I would love to have confidence in my parenting skills. Women seem to have those built in.”

      Nina’s crooked grin preceded her head shake. “We are frightened, too, Doug. Women know they’re supposed to have inborn motherly instincts, but that’s a myth. We cover up our worries and plow ahead. We read books and ask friends who won’t think we’re silly. In a way, it’s like anything new. We do the best we can. Whatever you’ve done, Doug, has been right from all I see. Kimmy seems happy and healthy. You can’t ask for more.”

      As if she’d heard her name, Kimmy came skipping toward them. “Can we go now?”

      “We have company, my girl.”

      “But we can take her along.” She beckoned to them.

      Nina grinned. “Thank you for inviting me to join you.”

      Missing the point, Kimmy gave her a big smile. “You’re welcome.”

      He gulped down his chuckle and patted Nina’s hand. “Sorry. I think it takes a few years for a sense of humor to develop.”

      “It’s funnier that way.” Nina rose and extended her hand. “Friends.”


      “Good. Now I’d better go home since I’m expecting company.” She stepped toward Kimmy, but he stopped her.

      “What’s in your hand?”

      She glanced down as if she’d forgotten.

      “It looks like a—”

      “Bible.” She took a step closer. “It was El’s wife’s. He wanted me to have it since I don’t own one.”

      His back straightened. “Did you mind?”

      She shook her head. “I would expect nothing less from him. He lives his faith. I’ve never learned what that is, and I suppose he thought he would help me understand.”

      He didn’t know what to say so he just gave a nod.

      “I’ll see you later, right?”

      “For sure. Kimmy has her heart set on it.” So did he.

      Nina gave a wave and returned to Kimmy’s side. She gave her a pat and whispered something in her ear before heading home.

      He watched her go, both relieved and confused. He couldn’t be happier to see her with the Bible, and he prayed she would look inside and grow in faith. He should do the same with all his doubts and worries. And maybe his new concern was one of those useless worries. Though something about Nina was lovely and intriguing, something else still blocked her from living fully. That’s what he sensed, and it saddened him.

       Chapter Three

      Kimmy skipped along the sidewalk and paused when she reached Nina’s. Doug caught up and faced the house, hoping his big mouth didn’t result in another problem as it had at the block party. Though she’d apologized, he realized his question about the possibility of someone living with her had been blunt. Rude, really. It had been none of his business. On top of that, his ulterior motive was also inappropriate. Why not just ask if she were seeing someone? Or was that also blunt? Women confused him.

      “Come on, Uncle Doug.” Kimmy skipped halfway up the front walk and beckoned to him.

      Before he took a step, Kimmy had already turned her attention to a few clumps of flowers in the beds along the house. He gazed at her creeping around the leaves, loving her curiosity and eagerness to do homework, hoping her attitude would last a lifetime. Having a good work ethic helped a career. He shook his head, realizing how far in the future he’d gone. Instead he should focus on his own future.

      “Coming in?”

      He faced Nina standing in the doorway. “Stay right here, Kimmy, and then let me know when you’ve finished.

      Nina swung the door wider, and again he wished he had a larger living