Glynis Peters

The Secret Orphan

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horse riding and imagined him sitting straight-backed on the farm horse her family had once owned. They’d have made a handsome pair. Her mind then wandered into the harvest fields. Glorious sunshine, bales of hay and Jackson, with rolled up sleeves pitching and exposing his muscles. She’d only ever once admired a male doing much the same – it was last year when a traveller had stopped to earn a summer’s wage. He was also young and handsome, but her brothers ensured she was so busy she never got time to speak with him, just admire from afar. This afternoon she was seated beside another handsome man, and she could see large arms and guessed they’d be firm. Arms she’d happily snuggle into on a dark winter’s night.

      What was she thinking? He probably had a sweetheart in Canada. More than one. He was too good-looking to be alone.

      Throwing her off-balance and distracting her from her daydream, George patted the back of her hand and she recoiled from his touch.

      ‘It is time for you to return home, Elenor. Victoria will need you to assist her with your aunt.’

      He swung her a gap-toothed patronising smile. Smug and sure of himself, he’d managed to establish himself as the superior. He’d taken control. A man no different from the father and brothers she tried to forget. Men whom suffocated women with their superior arrogance. Didn’t they know the world had moved on, and women were equal?

       Horrid little man. I despise you.

      Elenor’s anger surfaced, and she was ready to lash out her objections, but the sudden movement of both Canadian men pulling back their chairs to stand, reminded her to remain calm. Despite her inner thoughts she gave a sweet smile. She didn’t want to give Jackson the wrong impression. She was no longer a country bumpkin. Her aim was to improve herself. George must not be her downfall.

      ‘Gentleman, George is correct. His wife will need assistance with my aunt. George is the husband of my aunt’s housekeeper and is quite right to remind me of my duties.’ She emphasised the word wife. Unsure why, she wanted Jackson to know George meant nothing to her.

      ‘Please, enjoy the rest of your afternoon, and have a safe journey back to Canada, Squadron Leader. I do hope when you return my balance will have improved and I’m no longer a danger to the public.’

      ‘It’s been my pleasure, Miss Cardew. You brightened my visit. I leave my grandson behind should you find the need to step on his toes or knock the wind from him once again.’ The man gave such a loud laugh heads turned and smiled their way. Jackson tapped his grandfather on the shoulder.

      ‘Hey old man, behave.’ He gave his grandfather a deep and loving smile.

      Elenor admired their ease with each other, and of how the affection between the two men was public. Not hidden and constrained. She felt she wanted more of that in her own life.

      Outside the café she drew a deep breath. George needed reining in, much like the old ram when it was first brought to the farm.

      Victoria greeted her with a smile but gained nothing in return.

      ‘Your husband caught up with me and is now enjoying the company of two Canadian airmen. Don’t expect to see him for a few hours. He was in full flow when I left. How is my aunt?’

      Victoria looked flummoxed by Elenor’s abrupt speech.

      ‘Ah, George, once he finds someone to listen, he’ll talk for years. Canadian airmen will definitely capture his attention. Your aunt is awake, in the parlour, and I am pleased to say, pain-free. Rose spent time reading to her but is driving me mad in the kitchen. I warn you, the child is excited by your birthday. Please come and see her before you go to your aunt or we will not hear the end of it.’

      When Elenor stepped inside the kitchen Rose ran to her, her pigtails flapping behind. She greeted Elenor with a hug and proceeded to bounce up and down for Elenor’s attention.

      ‘Elenor. Elenor. You’re home. Happy birthday! Mummy helped me make a cake, and I licked the bowl.’ She stopped to draw breath and pointed to a thin sponge sitting on the table. ‘Can we eat it now? Can we?’

      Victoria crossed the room and touched the top of Rose’s head, chiding her in a firm voice.

      ‘Leave Elenor to catch her breath.’

      ‘Rose Sherbourne, I think you have grown seven foot since I left this morning,’ Elenor said and laughed at Rose still bouncing up and down.

      ‘Let me speak to my aunt first, and then we will enjoy a slice of cake with a cup of tea. Thank you, Victoria.’

      A frail Aunt Maude sat in her usual chair. The room was barely lit, and the shadows from the fire flitted around the walls. It was no longer a cold room in atmosphere or temperature, Elenor felt comforted and much calmer. She was cheered by her aunt’s presence.

      ‘I am pleased to see you are up and about, Aunt. Victoria informs me you are pain free, and young Rose has kept you company.’

      ‘Elenor. I am sorry I could not bear the light this morning. Rose is a good girl, but I can only take her in small doses. I do hope you have enjoyed your birthday. Sit, tell me about it, did you see Mrs Green?’

      Elenor lifted out the present Mrs Green had prepared on her aunt’s behalf and sat down opposite her aunt.

      ‘I have, and I did, thanks to you. It was most kind of you. Mrs Green wrapped the gift, so you could have the pleasure of seeing me unwrapping it. I quite literally bumped into the Canadian gentleman and his grandson today. They – along with George – treated me to afternoon tea. George is still with them, but I confess on being keen to see what treat awaits beneath this tissue paper. You have spoilt me once again.’

      ‘Well, unwrap. I am as curious as you.’

      From the paper Elenor lifted a long box, a round one, and a tiny black velvet bag.

      Inside the long box was a fountain pen. Under a square of silk inside the round one was a strand of amber beads. Elenor held out the necklace.

      ‘This is the first piece of jewellery I have ever owned. It is beautiful.’

      Pulling open the small drawstring bag, Elenor gasped with delight. She lifted out a lipstick container.

      Her aunt lifted both eyebrows.

      ‘Well, we will leave it that Mrs Green achieved two out of three for me, and three out of three for you. Ah, at least it isn’t too bright.’

      Elenor looked at the soft raspberry shade. It was perfect. The past fortnight had taught her so many things and given her so much in the way of affection and material items, it overwhelmed her. She started to cry.

      ‘Forgive me. I am such a lucky young woman, I just wished I could have showed my mother these beautiful things. I have days where I miss her terribly.’

      Her aunt struggled to her feet and patted her on the shoulder.

      ‘Dry your eyes girl. Your face brought me joy, and your mother would have had great pleasure in watching you. Enjoy your gifts. Now go and put your treasures away but leave me the magazine to browse through. I have a sneaking feeling I need to update my visions of what a young woman wears these days.’

      Laughing, Elenor left the room. As she did so, George walked along the hallway. She could see his intention was to enter the parlour.

      ‘Ah, George. Did you enjoy your time with our Canadian friends? I did. Please, do not disturb my aunt. I understand Victoria is cooking me a special meal tonight, we’ll see you then.’

      Without allowing him to reply she went upstairs. She listened out to hear if he defied her, but she did not hear the parlour door open; instead she heard Victoria and Rose’s voices as he entered the kitchen. A small smile played on her lips. George would not win his power struggle with her.

      ‘Elenor Cardew you are ready to evolve. Be strong,’ she whispered to her reflection in the dressing table mirror as she applied a dab of lipstick.

      Back downstairs