Tina Beckett

Rafael's One Night Bombshell

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over her left shoulder. It whispered over her nipple, sending a ripple of sensation through it that jetted straight to the region due south of her breasts. His lips went to the side of her neck, kissing softly, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin he found there.

      “Bonnie, open your eyes.”

      The name jarred her, threatening to send her libido plummeting through the floor. Then she did as he asked, not even realizing she’d closed her eyes. She wasn’t sure how he knew they were closed since he was behind her, and she couldn’t see...

      Her gaze found his.

      That’s how. There was a mirror over the dresser in front of her. She swallowed as she took in the two of them standing there. Rafe’s head was still tilted, his lips less than an inch away from the skin he’d been kissing. All thoughts of the fake name skittered out of reach as his hands slowly skimmed up her abdomen, over her ribcage, his left palm dipping under her length of hair. When he reached her breasts he covered them. The sight was heady. And unsettling. And when his fingers parted, catching her nipples between them and pinching, her lids slammed shut again as a wave of need crashed over her.

      He could take her right now, and she’d come.

      That’s what she wanted.


      She blinked again, although her eyes didn’t seem to want to co-operate.

      His teeth caught her neck, mimicking what his fingers were doing to her breasts. Squeeze. Release. Squeeze. Release.

      “Open.” His words were softer this time. Almost a growl.

      Her eyes were already open, so what did he...

      A knee nudged the back of hers.

      Oh, lordy. Her lips parted, her lungs dragging in air that suddenly seemed still and heavy, while the spot between her legs pulsed with heat.

      Somehow she made her feet shuffle apart, the heels of her shoes giving a warning wobble.

      “Encantadora.” His hips nudged forward, a ridge of hard flesh finding the groove between her buttocks. His hands left her breasts and traveled down to her hips, holding her in place while he slowly pressed against her again and again. All the while his gaze held hers in the mirror.

      She was going to explode, very, very soon, if he didn’t...

      He stopped moving, and all her fears about things ending too soon screamed at her for being an idiot. His hands found hers and lifted them, placing them flat on the smooth wood of the dresser. “Mantenerlos allí.”

      Keep them right there.

      Gulping, she somehow managed a nod, then felt an air-conditioned breeze slide over her calves, up the backs of her knees...her thighs.

      Having her hands on the dresser had tipped her forward at the waist, and Rafe was gathering the fabric of her maxi-skirt in his hands, bunching it time and time again, until the whole length of it was up over her behind, baring her legs and exposing her underwear. Not a thong, but small enough that she started to shift.

      “Don’t move.”

      Heaving in breath after breath, she watched as he removed his wallet, opening it and removing a small packet. Here it came. The moment of truth. If she was going to tell him no, now was the time to do it.

      Are you kidding me?

      Her body evidently had a mind of its own, because it was screaming all sorts of protests at her.

      He set the packet on top of one of her hands, sending another shiver through her. Did he want her to take it?

      No. He’d told her to leave her hands where they were.

      She heard the snick of another zipper. His, this time.

      Cassie’s breath locked in her lungs when the elastic of her panties tightened and then slid over the curve of her backside until they rested just below it, one palm curving around the front of her thigh until he reached the heart of her.

      Her body seized as a finger slid into her with ease.

      “Ahhhh.” She was powerless to hold back the sound.

      “Caliente. Mojado. Tal como esperaba.”

      The rational side of her should feel embarrassed that with barely any effort at all he’d aroused her to fever pitch. And he knew it. But the not-so-rational side felt a stab of pride that her body had obeyed him.

      All too soon, his hand withdrew. When she started to mutter a protest, he stopped her.

      “Shhhh. Almost.”

      He retrieved the condom from its resting place and ripped it open in front of her. He lifted it and stroked it down her cheek and over her lips. It was unbearably sexy. She could picture him against her mouth, asking to come in.

      She wanted it. Wanted to feel him along her tongue.

      “Tell me you want me.”

      “I do.” Her eyes closed and then opened again, fixing on his. “I want you.”


      The condom disappeared below her line of vision, but she could picture him slowly rolling the latex cover over his length. His mouth went to her cheek, following the line he’d taken seconds before. She turned her head so she could kiss him. Their lips fused together as Rafe’s hands returned to her hips, easing them backward, tilting them, his mouth following hers as his movements forced her upper body toward the top of the dresser, until her breasts were resting on the wooden surface.

      “Open. More.”

      He definitely wasn’t talking about her mouth. She spread her legs wide, his chest pushing against her back, hands returning to her breasts.

      With a quick thrust of his hips, he entered her, stretching her wider than she thought possible. He stayed like that, their labored breathing the only sound in the room for several long seconds. Then his thumbs were brushing across her nipples, and it was as if he was caressing her somewhere else. A sharp point of arousal began building rapidly, threatening to overtake her.

      “Rafe... I don’t think I can... Please.”

      “Say my name. Again.”


      Then he was moving with powerful strokes, sending her hips into the edge of the dresser, the sharp pain only adding to the pleasure.

      It was too much. The wave found her. Slammed into her and sent her spinning through the surf, taking her breath away and making her see stars.

      She was vaguely aware of Rafe above her, shouting something in Spanish, but she was too lost to try to make sense of it as he thrust into her again and again.

      Then it was over. His cheek against hers, nostrils flaring as he dragged in air.

      Her own body eased its grip on her senses, and she blinked. The mirror showed that his eyes were closed. She swallowed.

      Who would he be when those dark pupils met hers again?

      She shifted, trying to brace herself for an abrupt withdrawal. A speedy exit into the night.

      “Don’t move.” The eyes opened.


      His body slid from hers, but it was anything but abrupt. He turned her to face him. “Do you have to leave yet?”

      The words sounded as if they’d been forced from him against his will. His sudden frown echoed that thought.

      She should. She should go, tossing him a quick thank you on her way out the door. But she didn’t want to. To leave was to face the ugly reality that awaited her outside that door. “No. I don’t have to leave.”

      One side of his mouth curved, his frown fading as he swung her into his arms. “Then let’s see if we can try that again. In the comfort of a bed