Sheryl Lister

A Touch Of Love

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pretty woman approached.

      “Good morning. Table for two?” She reached for menus.

      “No, thank you.” Khalil pointed to the glass case. “Do you have any more of the low fat apple cinnamon coffee cake?”

      “Sorry. We sold the last piece about an hour ago.” She chuckled. “It’s our most popular item and it goes fast. We still have some other pastries you can choose from.”

      He frowned. He didn’t want any of those sugar-laden sweets. After spending over a decade in the modeling and fitness business, he was very selective about what went into his body. The only allowances he made were family dinners. His mother could throw down in the kitchen and he looked forward to the monthly get-togethers. “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

      She smiled. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

      “Yes, I’ll take...” Khalil trailed off when a woman wearing an apron came from the back and placed a plate on the counter. A wide headband held back her thick, wavy natural hair, and she had flawless skin, wide, dark brown eyes and lush lips, all set in an exquisite mocha face.

      “I saw you this morning and knew you’d be in. You’re later than usual,” she said.

      The deep, throaty sound of her voice caught him off guard and sent a jolt to his midsection. Khalil sent a scathing look over his shoulder at Brandon, then smiled, reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “This is the best thing that has happened to me lately and I just may have to ask for your hand in marriage, lovely lady.”

      Her brow lifted and she gave him a sassy smile. “Sorry, but I only accept marriage proposals from men whose name I know.”

      His grin widened. “Is that right?” Was she flirting with him? She tried to pull her hand back, but he didn’t let go. “Then let me introduce myself. Khalil Gray. And you are?”

      Staring at him, she said softly, “Lexia. Lexia Daniels.”

      “So, Lexia Daniels, exactly how long do we need to know each other before you say yes to my proposal?”

      Lexia shook her head and gently, but firmly withdrew her hand. “I need to get back to work.” She placed a cup on the counter, along with a decaf vanilla chai tea bag—his favorite. “Enjoy your coffee cake and tea.” She turned and headed back the way she’d come.

      “This should improve your mood some,” Brandon said.

      “Mmm-hmm.” Khalil had been here several times since the café reopened under new management almost two years ago and couldn’t recall ever seeing her. His gaze followed the sweet curve of her hips until she disappeared.

      The other woman smiled knowingly and rang up his purchases.

      He handed her some bills. “Is she the chef?”

      She laughed. “No, Lexia isn’t the chef, though she can cook her butt off. She owns the place.” She leaned forward and said conspiratorially, “But she does make that coffee cake.”

      Owner? Khalil was even more intrigued. He craned his neck trying to get another glimpse of Lexia, but didn’t see her. “Can you ask her to come back out for a moment? I didn’t get a chance to thank her.”

      “You bet. By the way, my name is Samantha. But you can call me Sam.” She tossed him a bold wink and strutted off.

      Brandon shook his head.

      “What?” Khalil asked while filling his cup with hot water. He broke off a piece of the warm cake and popped it in his mouth. Lexia must have heated it.

      “I thought you were dating that model you met six months ago. How are you flirting with another woman?”

      “Not dating. It’s publicity.”

      “You said you were done with modeling and appearances.”

      “I am. It’s for her. Rosalyn’s agent and I go way back, and since she’s a relative newcomer, he thought it would help her career. I promised to escort her to the fund-raiser benefiting teen models in New York next month, but that’s—” He stopped short when Lexia approached. Up close, she was even shorter than he thought and he towered over her petite frame by more than a foot.

      “Sam said you wanted to talk to me.”

      “Yes. I just wanted to thank you for the cake. You’ve made my day much better.”

      Lexia let out a short bark of laughter. “If that’s all it takes to make your day—” An embarrassed expression crossed her face and she cleared her throat. “You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoy it.”

      “I am definitely enjoying it.” And he was enjoying her. “Does this mean I can count on you to save me a slice if I’m late again?”

      She averted her attention briefly to wave at a woman entering, then turned back. “I don’t know when you’ll be here.”

      Khalil moved closer. “I’ll be more than happy to call and let you know.”

      “That’s...that’s not necessary,” she said quickly. “Just pop in when you arrive and Sam can set aside a piece if you don’t have time to get it then.” Lexia took two steps back. “Was there anything else, Mr. Gray?”

      “Khalil. And no.” For now. “Thanks, again.”

      She nodded, spun around and headed toward the booth where the woman Lexia had waved to was sitting.

      He removed the tea bag, added a package of raw sugar, a dash of milk and stirred. Brandon was still staring at him. “What now?” He gestured to a nearby table and they sat.

      “You seem a little preoccupied with the owner.”

      He grinned. “It’s nothing but a little harmless flirting. She’s not even my type. I prefer my women a little taller and ones who have legs that go on forever.”

      Brandon studied Khalil for a long moment. “She may not be the type you’re used to dating, but she may end up being exactly your type.”

      Khalil waved Brandon off. “Don’t get all sentimental on me now that you’ve gotten married. I told you before, there’s not a woman alive who can make me give up my single life. After all the relationship drama I’ve seen over the past decade and a half...I’ll pass.” He acknowledged that Lexia was a beautiful woman, but that was as far as it went. Never again would he allow his emotions to overrule his good sense. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

      “I noticed you on your phone and frowning during the meeting. Is everything okay?”

      Khalil took a sip of tea and set the cup down. Just thinking about what Felicia told him incensed him all over again. “I got a call from my assistant manager telling me a few people have complained that they had been double charged for their membership fee this month.” He continued eating.

      “How did that happen?”

      “Hell if I know.” He polished off the last few bites. “She’s already had the charges reversed, but I need to figure out why it happened in the first place.”

      Brandon frowned. “Strange. Well, let me know if there’s something I can help with.” He stood.

      Khalil followed suit. “You have enough on your plate with the company and I can handle it.”

      “I have no doubts about that, but the offer stands.”

      “Thanks.” He passed the table where Lexia sat with the woman. Her wide smile and sparkling eyes held him spellbound briefly and he forced himself to keep moving. Their eyes connected momentarily before she looked away and continued her conversation.

      In the lobby, Brandon chuckled. “You’d better be careful, little brother or else you’ll be the next one down the aisle.”

      Khalil snorted. “Please. I told you she’s not my type. See you later.”