Martha Kennerson

Seducing The Heiress

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       Chapter 24

       Chapter 25

       Chapter 26

       Chapter 27

       Chapter 28

       Chapter 29


      Farrah sat with her back against the tall white-pillowed headboard, holding the sheet to her chest with her right hand as she stared down at the diamond wedding band on her left hand.

      “Unbelievable. I can’t believe we did it... We actually did it.”

      “Which part?” Robert asked as he leaned over and kissed Farrah on an exposed shoulder, moving his way up her neck as he reached for the sheet. “Everything we did in the shower, or what you did to me on that mini-sofa thing by the window—that was my favorite, actually.”

      Farrah swatted Robert’s hand away. “It’s a settee, and that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the fact that we’re married.”

      “Oh, that,” he said nonchalantly as his hand made its way under the cover, down her stomach and in between her thighs where he started stroking her core.

      “Umm...yes...there...yes. Oh, no, you don’t,” she said, pushing his hand away and jumping out of the bed, wrapping the sheet around her body.

      “Come back to bed, baby.”

      “No!” Farrah stared down at Robert’s naked, erect body lying across the bed. “And I’d appreciate it if you put some clothes on so we can talk.”

      Robert sighed but complied. He reached for one of the plush white robes offered by the upscale hotel and wrapped it around his tall, muscular frame. “Better?”

      “Much. We have to figure out how this even happened.”

      “We lost a bet and had to perform a dare.”

      “No, you lost the bet. Who asks for a hit while holding seventeen?” she questioned, tightening the sheet around her when she noticed his gaze lingered on one particular part of her anatomy.

      “I was feeling lucky.” Robert stood with his hands in the pockets, smiling down at Farrah. “I just knew that next card was a four. Anyway, Berkeley’s your friend. Daring us to get married was her idea. Why would she do that?”

      Farrah used her free hand to cover her face and shook her head. She sighed and dropped her hand. “When we were in law school, we made a bet about which one of us would marry first. You have to understand, we were both so ambitious...determined not to let anything or anyone stand in our way or prevent us from reaching our goals. Then we both fell in love, but ultimately got our hearts broken by those guys. So we made that bet—while we were both still nursing those broken hearts, mind you—as sort of a reminder. We were determined never to fall in love again and to focus only on our careers. When we finally started dating again, I guess we both figured that the other would give in first. It looks like she figured out a way to finally win the bet with this dare.”

      “That’s a long time to hang on to a bet,” Robert teased.

      “We’re lawyers. We don’t forget anything, and we certainly never just let stuff go,” she explained.

      “You didn’t have to go through with it, you know.”

      “Neither did you,” she whispered, staring up into his eyes. He wet his lips, causing Farrah’s nipples to harden against the sheet and creating a sensual pulsation at her core. They’d made love all night and all morning...and yet she still wanted more. “Besides, we were drunk. I didn’t think they’d really marry us.”

      “This is Vegas. The home of quickie weddings. You signed the marriage license, I signed it, and that’s all they needed.” Robert pulled Farrah into his arms. “Why don’t you let me take my beautiful wife out to lunch?”

      Farrah’s eyes widened slightly. “You know we can’t stay married, right?” she asked, holding his gaze. “We have to get this taken care of before we return home Monday.”

      Robert’s expression flowed from astonishment to revelation and finally determination. “Well, if all I’ve got is two days...” Robert dropped his robe and pulled the sheet from Farrah’s body. “We’ll order room service. I’m going to enjoy every bit of you while I can...and often.”

      Farrah Blake completed her third conference call of the morning and was putting her phone away as she exited the elevator onto the twenty-first floor when she ran into the back of a tall, large male frame with a firm backside.

      The second born of the highly accomplished Blake triplets, she held the position of corporate attorney and partner in her family’s multibillion dollar international firm, which specialized in both corporate and personal security. “Excuse me,” Farrah cried, stumbling back a couple of feet.

      “No problem,” a familiar baritone voice replied.

      “Robert...” she said breathlessly. Farrah looked up to find the most beautiful set of blue eyes staring down at her just as he gifted her with a sexy smile. Farrah’s body instantly responded to the sound, and her heart skipped several beats. Her nipples hardened and she throbbed at her core, a familiar occurrence that happened only with one man in particular.

      Robert Gold, head of field security for Blake & Montgomery, could be summed up in three words: handsome, wealthy and extremely sexy. The fair-skinned, six-foot, athletically built computer genius had a well-earned reputation for being a playboy with a severe phobia of commitment and no desire to change his status, and now he was her husband because she’d lost a card game and had to perform a bet.

      Farrah stood with her arms folded across her chest. “What are you doing here?”

      “You know why I’m here,” he said, giving her a megawatt smile that made most women melt on the spot. Farrah was definitely included in that number. She’d been fighting her growing desire for Robert since an out-of-town assignment had changed everything between them. Folks might claim that what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas, but the memories were enough to have her waking up, breathing hard, wrapped in moist sheets.

      “We talked about this already. You know that I’m more than capable of handling this on my own,” Farrah declared as they made their way down the hall toward the most exclusive obstetrician and gynecologist’s office in Houston.

      She smiled and nodded as they passed two very expectant mothers who were having trouble keeping their balance, much like a couple of toddlers who were first learning to walk. “Wow,” Farrah heard one of the women say; obviously she was admiring the view of Robert’s backside, too. Farrah always thought pregnant women were beautiful, but seeing their struggle to stay upright, she was very grateful for her flat tummy and the ability to wear lime-green Betsey Johnson stilettos that set off her black-and-white formfitting Chanel dress perfectly. Determined to get her career back on track and her “lapse in judgment” in Vegas behind her, she had every intention of keeping it that way.

      Robert’s forehead creased, something that only happened when he was either deep in thought or really confused. “Is it me or are there far too many Halloween decorations up? Halloween’s still three weeks away.”

      “Don’t try to change the subject,” Farrah scolded, stopping in the middle of the hallway, placing her right hand on her hip. “And no, there aren’t. Look, we agreed that spending time alone together while we’re still technically married wasn’t a good idea, so we’d do our best to stay away from each other unless it’s something business-related.”
