Tara Randel

His One And Only Bride

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stand closer to his wife. Her familiar scent of vanilla mixed with a hint of floral enveloped him. All he wanted was to cup her sweet face and stare into her blue eyes. Instead, he met her gaze, which had finally moved from shock to anger.

      The headache knocking at the back of his skull leaped to a full-blown hammer. He closed his eyes. Took measured breaths.

      A soft touch landed on his tender arm and the muscles seized.

      “Mitch. Are you okay?”

      He slowly opened his eyes. “Pain. In my head.”

      “Do you want to go inside? Get out of the sun?”

      The old Mitch rebelled at her suggestion. He’d been cooped up for too long. Yeah, the bright light wasn’t helping the throbbing in his head, but he needed to feel the warmth on his skin, savor the earthy scent of sea and sand, listen to the waves rush upon the shore and ebb back into the blue water he’d dreamed of while gone.

      “In a few minutes.”

      The current Mitch tried to be more levelheaded, to take the advice of the doctors to not overdo. He hadn’t exactly been a model patient.

      “At least sit down.”

      He shook his head and immediately regretted it. “It feels good to stand.”

      “Okay. Can I get you water?”

      “Not right now. I just want to enjoy being here.”

      A shadow crossed her face. He hadn’t known what to expect in terms of a homecoming. Confusion? No doubt. Awkwardness? Sure. Anger? Most definitely. Now that the conversation had stalled, he wasn’t sure which direction to steer it.

      Zoe ran a shaky hand over her forehead. “So much has happened. Changed, since you’ve been gone.”

      “I imagine. I know it’ll take a while to catch up.”

      “Why did it take so long for you to contact...Wyatt?”

      “I lost my memory after the crash. Only recently was I able to fit the pieces of my life together.”

      The color washed out of her cheeks. “It was that bad?”

      “Apparently. I remember driving down a dirt road, then waking up in the hospital. They told me I was unconscious for a week.”

      “Why didn’t the hospital contact your family?”

      “It was in a pretty remote area. I didn’t have my press credentials with me and my ID got lost in the confusion.”

      Her brow wrinkled. “We got word that you were dead a year ago. What happened?”

      “I kind of went rogue. After I left last time, with all that went down between us, I started traveling, working on my own and didn’t bother to report in to Maria. I don’t know how the rumor of my death started, other than I was near an explosion site early on, so I guess since I hadn’t spoken with anyone, they assumed the worst. The accident happened later.”

      “But before, I tried to find you. I called different publications you’d worked with to see if you were on assignment and no one could get ahold of you.”

      “I was off the grid.”

      “Why would you do that?”

      “It’s a long story. And since we’d decided to separate, I didn’t think it mattered.”

      “This is overwhelming.” Zoe’s gaze swept over him again. Taking inventory of his shortcomings? He pushed himself to stand taller, even with the pain screaming in his leg. “I need to sit down.” She moved to a nearby wrough iron patio chair and dropped into the seat.

      He followed, making sure she wasn’t looking before taking a bracing breath and lowering himself into a chair beside her. There was no way he’d admit how bad his injuries were. At least not until he got a handle on how things stood between them after his sudden reappearance. To his dismay, tears were rolling down Zoe’s cheeks. She brushed them away and said, after a bitter laugh, “When I got up this morning, I never expected to find out my husband is alive and back in Cypress Pointe.”

      “I’m sorry, Zoe.”

      She glanced at her clasped hands, then back at him. “You should have called me, Mitch. I would have come to get you. You are my husband.”

      “Am I? Or was I?”

      Her gaze slid away.

      To be honest, he hadn’t been sure she’d come to his rescue. Sure, he’d never stopped believing, hoping, that her love for him would be bigger than their problems. Enough to push her out of her comfort zone and into his arms. But as his career took off, her connection to the people of Cypress Pointe had grown. Her loyalty to a town had been one of the sticking points in their relationship, so he’d decided to take the easy way out and call his friend instead of his wife.

      “I wasn’t too sure about the husband part.”

      She’d threatened to file for a divorce before he left. Had she followed through? He hadn’t signed any papers, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t had them drawn up. Is that why she’d tried to find him? To end the marriage for good?

      “Yes,” she said in a quiet voice. “We’re still married.”

      Question answered.

      “I had the papers, but when we thought you were dead, I put them aside.”

      The abbreviated relief evaporated. She’d made good on her promise. He hadn’t thought she’d carry through, but he had been wrong. About a lot of things.

      He stretched out his leg to relieve the cramp twisting his calf.

      “Everyone will be happy to see you.”

      “Are you?”

      “How can you ask me that?” Indignation laced her tone. “Of course, I’m glad you’re okay.”

      “Glad he was okay” and “happy to see him” were two different answers. They’d had their share of epic arguments in the past but at her core, Zoe wasn’t mean-spirited enough to wish he’d stayed dead and gone.

      She glanced at his cane. “So you’ll need more recovery time?”

      He’d been told as much. Physical therapy. Probably someone to talk to about his memory loss. Figure out if there was any way to get back the life he’d lived before the accident.

      Traveling for two days had sapped his energy. Layovers. Uncomfortable seats on long flights. Not to mention the unsettling sensation of being watched when he’d flown out of Queen Alia International Airport in Jordan. Did he need to add paranoia to his list of injuries?

      A cough sounded from the steps. Zoe jumped and looked over her shoulder.

      “I’ll be right back,” she said, guilt washing over her features.

      She hurried over to a guy dressed in a suit and they spoke in low tones. Who was he? Why was Zoe so concerned about this other guy? He sent Mitch an I’m-watching-you signal and backed away. Ah. A new guy in her life? The territorial scowl explained it. Mitch wasn’t sure he liked the idea of his wife seeing another guy but, under the circumstances, he had no right to object. He’d made the decision to check out of her life a long time ago.

      Zoe returned but didn’t take a seat. “Sorry. I needed to...um...”

      “Let me guess. Your date to the wedding?”

      Her face flushed. “Yes. I’ve only—”

      He held up a hand. “You don’t have to explain,” he said even with his mind crying, Of course, she does! “You didn’t think I was alive. You never would have dreamed I’d show up here today.”

      “Mitch, we have a lot to talk about.”

      Yeah. They did. He rubbed the jackhammer tempo pounding his temples.