Rachel Brimble

A Stranger In The Cove

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caring and protective really be okay knowing she had a child out there somewhere?

      Kate slid from the booth. “I have to go.” She stared at him. “Just take my advice and don’t go upsetting anyone in town. Whatever your issue is, think it through carefully. I’ve known far too many people who have come close to destroying themselves by holding on to anger, planning revenge, or forever regretting something they can’t change. None of those things solve anything. Believe me.”

      The sudden sadness in her eyes made his chest ache, and he touched her hand before he could consider the crack such physical contact would create in his veneer. “Hey, you okay?”

      She glanced toward the door. “I’m fine.”

      “Has someone hurt you?”

      “Of course not.” She hitched her purse higher on to her shoulder. “Just be careful. That’s all I’m asking.”

      She hesitated, her focus falling to his mouth before she nodded and headed for the exit, breakfast clearly forgotten.

      Mac watched her rush along the street until she was out of sight. Whatever had caused her unchecked sadness, Kate Harrington was strong, feisty and full of determination. God only knew how the unfortunate guy who ended up falling in love with her would get through their years together with his balls intact.

      Picking up his notebook, Mac slowly rose before walking to the counter. He smiled at the young girl serving. “Can I settle the bill, please?”

      “Sure.” She rang up his purchases. “That’s seven twenty, please.”

      He handed her a ten-pound note. “So, when does Marian get back from holiday?”

      “Next week. She’s going to be full of stories. I can’t wait.”


      “Oh, yeah. Her and George, that’s her husband, are a blast. So funny...” Her eyes twinkled with laughter. “So naughty, if the truth be told. Here, that’s two eighty change.”

      “Thanks.” He dropped the coins into a pot on the counter and glanced at the leaflet taped to its side. Proceeds for the fund-raiser at the Coast. Contact Kate Harrington for details.

      He looked up and met the girl’s gaze. She tilted her head toward the pot. “You should come along. It’ll be a fun night.”

      “Oh, I will.” He smiled. “Most definitely.”

       Chapter Four

      KATE EMBRACED THE adrenaline flowing through her as she ducked into the marquee that had been erected at the back of the Coast. Although a little harassed, she thrived on the pressure of creating successful events. Despite the light snowfall, the lit space was warm and inviting. People had been wandering in for the last hour. As the time for the Moon Shadows to play neared, that trickle became a steady stream.

      Couples and families milled around, some grouped by the heaters, laughing and enjoying their drinks amid the growing anticipation of the fun ahead. As the colored fairy lights along the top line of the marquee danced across the faces of the revelers, Kate scanned the room.

      The fund-raiser needed to go off without a hitch. The money already collected was fantastic, and two of the four major donors who’d arrived looked to be enjoying themselves, seemingly impressed with the decorated marquee, stalls and family games scattered around. She glanced toward the makeshift stage at the far end of the marquee.

      Now all she had to worry about was the Moon Shadows delivering three no-holds-barred, hour-long sets to take the crowd into the evening. Then Nick Carson would take over as the DJ for the late-night dance party.

      Kate narrowed her eyes. As far as she could see, only four members of the band had arrived. Where was the replacement?


      She turned at the light touch to her shoulder. “Hi, Vanessa. Everything okay?”

      “Sure.” Vanessa adjusted her hold on the crate of glasses she carried. “I’m just going to deliver these to the drinks table. Hopefully, with an extra bar set up, we can easily cater to the number of people we’re expecting.”

      “I hope so.” Kate glanced around. “There are far too many young mums in the Cove. It’s imperative we do all we can to help them.”

      Vanessa’s gaze softened. “Hey, you do all you can to help everyone. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Everything’s going to be great.”

      “Hmm, I hope so.” Kate cleared her throat. “So, have you seen anything of Mac today?”

      Vanessa’s smile faltered before she lowered the crate to the floor. “No, have you?”

      Concerned by the sudden unease in Vanessa’s eyes, Kate frowned. “He hasn’t done something to upset you, has he?”

      “Not as such. No. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

      Kate touched her friend’s arm. “Hey, what’s going on?”

      Vanessa sighed. “His attitude worries me, that’s all. Dave and I have done all we can to make Mac welcome, but he doesn’t seem to want what we have to offer.” She grimaced. “Maybe I’m too used to people enjoying themselves when they’re here.”

      “He hasn’t been asking you personal questions, has he?”

      “No. Why?”

      Hating that Mac Orman held a secret that was pretty much guaranteed to affect someone she knew, Kate crossed her arms. “I’m just concerned he might be in the Cove for all the wrong reasons.”

      “Such as?”

      “I don’t know.”

      “Well, I for one, trust your judgment. If you think I need to give Mac some space—”

      “I didn’t say that. In fact, I think we need to do all we can to keep him close.”

      Vanessa smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. “There wouldn’t be an ulterior motive in there somewhere, would there?”

      “No.” Kate feigned a glare. “So, you can stop looking at me like that. Considering I caught him in the bakery the other day looking as though he was taking notes on some of the people in there, you can say I entirely distrust the man.”

      “Taking notes? What do you mean?”

      “He had this book and he was scribbling in it as he studied people. The minute he spotted me, he snapped it shut clearly not wanting me to read anything.”

      “Isn’t that understandable? The guy’s entitled to his privacy, right?”


      Unease whispered through Kate as it had time and again since she’d left Mac at the bakery. Right along with memories of the way he’d spotted her vulnerability at the end of their conversation. “Something’s definitely up with him.”

      “And you’re going to find out what.”

      Kate nodded as determination rose inside her once more. “Yes, I am.”

      “Good. I’ll see if I can find out anything, too. But in the meantime, let’s be nice to him. I’m sure he’ll turn out to be an okay guy, and this notebook is nothing to worry about. He’s probably plotting a book or something.”

      “A book?” Kate huffed. “Plotting, period, more like it.”

      Vanessa picked up the crate and shook her head. “I’ll see you later.”

      As her friend walked away, Kate exhaled a shaky breath and headed toward the band as they warmed up their instruments and checked leads and microphones. She really needed to focus and forget Mac Orman. For now, at least. “Hey, guys.”
