Michelle Monkou

One To Win

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Belinda was busy in the kitchen, retrieving fresh glasses for the delicious fruit punch spiked with a touch of white rum. “You, my dear, are a workaholic. You thrive off of four hours of sleep. You are prone to canceling dates. And you’d rather spend your free time with us than staring deeply into a sexy, horny man’s eyes.”

      Dana puckered her mouth and made kissing sounds.

      “Well, sue me for thinking that y’all were cool with hanging out together.”

      “Stop whining. I’m not the one giving you a diagnosis. However, I will say that you need to take these two weeks to relax. Then you can go back and be refreshed for the never-ending wave of cases that come across your desk.” Dana grabbed hold of Fiona’s shoulders and massaged them.

      “Maybe I should change what I’m doing.” Fiona wanted to test the waters with her cousins about the latest thoughts burdening her.

      “What?” Belinda walked out with the second round of drinks and handed one to each. “Okay, you really need to come to the Hamptons. We should talk about all this in a different setting. You sound like you need a life intervention when absolutely nothing is wrong with you.”

      “Oh, right, like I really need to figure out my future under Grace’s nose. If I recall, she has been all over both of you about holding down the family business. You, Dana, stepped up, but it was a no-brainer because you have the passion and business brains to run Meadows Media. And you, Belinda, you stood your ground to build your equine therapy center from the ground up. Now that leaves me to hold my stance with her or surrender and take the offer to be the head of Meadows security.” Fiona batted her eyelashes at Dana. “May I be your bodyguard?”

      Dana waved off her silliness.

      “Oh, this is going to be fun.” Belinda was too cheerful for Fiona’s liking. “Consider the exercise of finding your path a rite of passage. And you get to go through it at a prime beachfront location.”

      Although Belinda’s buildup sounded good, from Fiona’s headspace, the “rite of passage” didn’t fill her with a cheery disposition. She really was questioning her future and to be faced with Grace’s intense focus on the family’s legacy and the cousins’ roles in continuing the decades of success made her stomach flip and flop and tie itself into knots.

      “Would it help if I said that Leo Starks will be there?” Dana’s voice dropped low and seductive.

      “Leo? The same Leo Starks?” Fiona kept her gaze on the golden liquid in her glass, a mix of naturally sweet tropical fruits. She couldn’t blame the splash of alcohol for the instant flush to her cheeks. “Why will he be there?”

      Dana’s expression just about glowed over the news. Her animated hand gestures added emphasis. “Word is that he’s there at Grace’s invitation. She was always impressed with him, from his days as a legal intern several years ago at Meadows to landing a job at Grayson, Buckley and Tynesdale after he earned his law degree. No real information about the reason for his presence, though. And Grace is not telling. But that will make it more fun for you to sniff out why your onetime Brazilian Sweet Lips is coming to the Hamptons.”

      “Don’t call him that.” Fiona had to agree that the moniker was 100 percent accurate, but she wasn’t sure if said lips were still one of Leo’s most attractive points. “So Starks will be there? For the entire stay?” Her cheeks remained warm. The sensation spread over her entire face and down her neck, as if she sat too close to a roaring fireplace.

      Memories of Leo Starks didn’t float away into the black hole of forgotten experiences. Falling in love had the power to keep its hook in for the long haul. Though she’d allowed doubt to creep in like wild weeds and fracture what they had between them, she couldn’t close the door completely on their special time.

      Dana shrugged her slender shoulders. “I don’t know if he’ll be there for the entire month. I can only stick around for the first week.”

      Belinda raised her hands. “I’m there for two, but Jesse will come back to the center after one week. And, yes, I’m making him attend. He might as well see us in all our glory if he’s going to be a permanent part of this family.”

      “Oh my gosh, did he propose?” Dana asked, while Fiona screamed with joy.

      “No. Don’t rush us. But we are truly committed to each other. I haven’t been this happy in a long time.” Belinda’s voice dipped with a tender note.

      The two cousins had stopped their excited outbursts, but they grinned at Belinda’s declaration.

      “I’ll stay as long as you all are there.” Fiona loved seeing her cousins immersed in their loving relationships with the special men in their lives.

      Love had played the chasing game with all of them, but now her cousins had nabbed their perfect soul mates. She tried not to wonder when she’d get so lucky. Or maybe the reality was if she would get so lucky. The thought of falling in love without a safety net, revealing the inner private side of her life, caused a queasy, weak-kneed reaction in Fiona. Not her thing. She’d rather convince herself that the tender side of life, where soulful sighs and sensuous cravings resided, wasn’t a high priority.

      “I suspect that you’ll stay as long as Leo is there,” Dana teased in a singsong voice.

      “He means nothing to me.”

      “Don’t toss that out so fast. You’re not fooling us. I know you sampled those gorgeous lips when he was an intern at Meadows.” Belinda took up the baton of teasing and echoed Dana with a series of exaggerated kissing sounds.

      “Who’s got gorgeous lips?” A familiar deep male voice interrupted the noisy exchange among the cousins.

      Silence. Then the women erupted into fits of giggles.

      “You, baby.” Belinda opened her arms in invitation to Jesse. Without hesitation, he stepped into her embrace, where she locked him to her chest. No complaints came from him as Belinda planted a wet, sloppy kiss before releasing her man.

      Fiona and Dana groaned and made a show of shielding their eyes.

      “On that note, Dana, let’s go. Take me home. I think the lovebirds are not going to wait for us to leave before the scene turns into Mature Audiences Only. And I’m too young to see any of this.” Fiona grabbed her cousin’s arm for their quick goodbye. “Besides, I’m sure your love muffin is also home waiting for you.”

      “Now you sound like you’re hatin’. But yeah, Kent is home. Tomorrow he’s heading back to England to be a coach for the executive staff of an airline. Fingers crossed that he’ll be back in time to spend a few days at the Hamptons. We both need the time off.”

      Fiona nodded. How would she survive being surrounded by couples madly in love?

      As they walked to Dana’s car, her cousin playfully bumped Fiona’s shoulder. “Thinking about the owner of those wicked cheekbones and that chiseled jawline? I remember when those females at Meadows Media were salivating every time he arrived. Emails would whip through the office with the announcement. Yet you were the only lucky one from the company to road test those lips. Maybe more than that?” Dana aimed the car remote at her Audi and popped open the locks. She leaned against the car and continued, “And that’s my dose of encouragement for you to look forward to the Hamptons. In two days, your secret nighttime thoughts and the sexy reality can become one.”

      “And that’s what I’m afraid of,” Fiona mumbled as Dana got into the car.

      “I’m rooting for you.”

      She took a moment longer than Dana to get in the car. Her imagination wasn’t waiting for the darkness of her bedroom to go to work. If the embarrassing memories of those hot kisses kept up, tonight she’d suffer a sleepless night, tossing and turning in her bed from reawakened delicious torment.

      On the ride home, she was mostly silent. Along with recalling the unusual passionate response to Leo’s touch, she also couldn’t ignore the thought