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      Polly MacDonald wasn’t just offering to take care of his children. She was offering him a lifeline he hadn’t known he needed.

      * * *

      Polly hadn’t expected the rush of emotion from Mitch. She could tell he still fought to maintain control, but his eyes were watery, like he wanted to cry, but couldn’t. How many times had she seen that in the people they’d ministered to? People who needed help, and didn’t believe it possible.

      Even though she’d seen this job as a way out, and a chance to carve her own path, now it was something more. They hadn’t even talked terms of her employment, but she knew whatever they were, she’d accept.

      The trouble with wanting her own life was that, if Polly were to be honest with herself, there were pieces of her current life that she loved. They’d been given a nearby barn to use for their mission purposes and were slowly converting it to a real place where they could minister to the down-and-out people of Leadville society. Polly loved every minute she spent there.

      But the coming home...living with everyone else’s expectations...that’s where her life had become drudgery.

      Thinking about Mitch and his children, Polly felt a renewed sense of purpose, more energy than she’d felt even when considering pursuing her teaching certificate.

      Mitch looked up at her. “Aren’t you needed here?”

      Everyone in the room laughed. Polly groaned. “Trust me, they have plenty of help. The others are just over at the mission today.”

      Gertie nodded. “We have Mary and Annabelle, and Emma Jane comes over often to help as well. Plus, Rose has been extremely helpful lately.”

      Polly was grateful that she neglected to mention that all four women were expecting. Somehow she didn’t think Mitch would see four expectant mothers as being much help with such a rowdy brood of children. In truth, each woman had a unique bond with a different child. Annabelle could always get Nugget to behave the best, Mary handled the rest of the Stone children with ease and somehow Daniel, the unruliest of them all, had become besotted with Emma Jane’s son, Moses, and would do anything Emma Jane asked.

      No, Polly wasn’t needed to help care for the children these days. She hardly felt needed at all, other than being an extra hand. Even then, sometimes she wondered what place she had in all of this chaos.

      The latest announcement, Mary’s pregnancy, a scant two months after her wedding to Will Lawson, made Polly wonder where she fit amongst her friends.

      One more reason she should carve out a life of her own.

      She turned to Mitch and smiled. “Truly. I’ve been looking for an opportunity like this for a long time. You could accept me for a trial period, and if things don’t work out, then you can hire another nanny. But in the meantime, you’ll have someone to care for your children.”

      The front door opened, and Polly heard the laughter of her friends long before she could see them.

      “Oh, my feet!” Rose pulled off her hat as she entered the room, rubbing her swollen belly. “Oh! I’m sorry, didn’t realize you had guests.”

      “It’s all right,” Frank said, patting the couch beside him. “Come sit. Rest your feet, and meet Mitch Taylor. He’s considering hiring Polly to be his nanny.”

      Annabelle and Mary followed.

      “What’s this about Polly becoming a nanny?” Though Mary had barely discovered her pregnancy, she rubbed her own belly as she sat in one of the empty chairs.

      “She’d like a life of her own, it seems,” Frank said, smiling at Polly. She imagined he was trying to be encouraging, but as she looked at her three expectant friends, she felt guilty knowing that she probably should stay here to help them.

      Rose made a noise and patted her stomach again. “I had visions of that myself, and look where that got me. I suppose you’re taking a more respectable path, but don’t be fooled into thinking that the world is any better out there. At least here, you have a family who loves and supports you.”

      “It’s not as though she’s running away with an outlaw, Rose, dear.” Annabelle gave her sister-in-law a pat on the shoulder as she moved to sit in another chair. Then Annabelle turned her attention to Mitch.

      “I am assuming you’re not an outlaw, and that you’re a man of good character? Mary’s husband, Will, is a lawman, and I can assure you that if you engage in any funny business, he will bring you to justice.”

      Poor Mitch looked overwhelmed, and she didn’t blame him.

      “I’m sure Will would be happy to make some inquiries,” Mary said, smiling at Mitch in the same way she smiled at the children when giving them a subtle threat.

      Except with so many people staring him down, Mitch could hardly think that any of them were being subtle.

      Polly stood. “I’m sure Mr. Taylor is perfectly respectable. His brother runs Taylor’s Mercantile, and we all know how well he speaks of his other family members. Uncle Frank would have never brought him into our home had it been otherwise.”

      Then she turned to Mitch. “Why don’t we go out back so we can check on the children and discuss terms of my employment?”

      The creases in his forehead softened as he stood. “I think that’s a good idea. My children...”

      He looked as though he wanted to say something about his children’s capabilities but then thought better of it. Polly bit back a giggle. Oh, if only he knew the sort of antics she’d put up with over the years. He was afraid of terrifying her, but after having endured questioning by her family, he should have realized that there wasn’t much that scared Polly.

      Polly led him out the back door, not waiting for any of the others to catch up or comment. That was the other problem with being tied to her family. As much as she truly loved them, it seemed like none of them gave her the space to think for herself. To make her own choices.

      Granted, some of the overprotectiveness was her own fault. Her failed romance was with a man who’d turned out to be an outlaw, and her blind trust in him had nearly cost Annabelle her life. Polly had failed to see the man’s interest in Annabelle, and when he’d kidnapped her, hoping to use her as leverage to gain access to a silver mine, Polly had looked the other way. No, not looked the other way. That implied a level of complacency Polly had lacked. Rather, Polly had been blinded by jealousy and thought Annabelle had stolen her beau.

      Love, or at least the thought of being in love, had stolen Polly’s good sense. A common occurrence in these parts, since she’d seen too many love-struck women have their hearts broken by men interested in gambling, boozing and brothels. When she’d fallen for Tom, she’d been convinced he wasn’t like those men. She’d been only partially right. He might not have spent time in any of those places, but he’d been wicked all the same.

      So it was no wonder none of her family and friends trusted her judgment. She questioned it herself. But this was not a romantic entanglement. Rather, it was legitimate, respectable employment.

      No hearts to be broken here.

      After all, Mitch was mourning the untimely death of his wife. The hint of gray at his temples suggested he was not the sort of man to be interested in her anyway. Although...if she’d been in a room with her friends, before their weddings, she might have indulged in a giggle or two over the fact that despite his age, Mitch Taylor was a handsome man indeed.

      But he would not be interested in her. And while she was sure he was a perfectly respectable man, she was also certain that he was not free of secrets. Secrets that Polly would just as soon not involve herself with.

      Mitch put his hand at her waist to steady her as she walked down the stairs. Though she’d walked down the stairs to the backyard plenty of times on her own before, there was something almost comforting about the warmth of his hand at her waist. Polly looked up at him, and he smiled.
