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taking a breath was not as easy as it should be. Her heart pounded a river of blood through her veins. John reached for his desk phone and hit the call button for his assistant. “Mrs. Ray, get in here quick.”

      Within seconds the door flew open. An older woman with sienna skin entered immediately and noticed Felicia sliding down in her chair. “Sir, what happened?”

      “Help me move her over to the sofa.” They each placed an arm under each of her shoulders and walked her over to the sofa. They laid her down and Mrs. Ray placed a pillow under her head.

      “Get the first aid kit. There should be some smelling salts in it.”

      “I don’t need that.” Felicia waved off the offer as she tried to rise.

      “Take your time, my dear,” Mrs. Ray warned, handing Felicia a glass of water she’d retrieved for her.

      Felicia took several sips as her eyes scanned the two worried faces looking down at her. “My apologies. I think that drink, along with everything else, knocked me off my feet, so to speak.” The corners of her lips rose slightly.

      “I’m sure it did,” John said, returning to the bar and pouring himself another drink.

      “Can I get you anything else...should I call someone for you?” Mrs. Ray asked, her wrinkled brow deepening.

      “Thank you, but I’ll be fine.”

      “You sure? Because I really don’t think you should be driving,” she said, her concern clear.

      Felicia beamed at the woman’s concern. “I have a car service.”

      “Then, if you need me, I’ll be right outside,” she said before walking out the door.

      “Sorry about all this. I guess whiskey wasn’t the best idea, after all,” Felicia offered as a form of explanation.

      “You sure you’re okay?” John asked, leaning against the side of his desk.

      “If you’re worried I’ll faint, I won’t. But as far as being okay? Let’s see.” Felicia tilted her head. “You’ve just informed me that Valerie, the only woman I’ve ever been close to other than my sisters, was never really my friend. She had a biological child with the man that she knew I had deep, valley-like feelings for, and now she wants me to raise that child as my own.” She squished her face and shook her head. “No, I’m far from okay.”

      John held Felicia’s gaze. “You have to understand. After the divorce and finding out that she might not be able to conceive with her own eggs—that her chances were extremely limited—Valerie lost her way a little,” John said, tapping the side of his temple with his index finger.

      “A little?”

      “Okay, a lot,” he corrected. “Valerie became obsessed with having a perfect and healthy child by the perfect guy. Again, her words.”

      “So she decided to steal one, so to speak—Griffin’s. Then just give it to me...like it’s some type of gift. And why me, especially if she didn’t like me as much as you say?” Felicia shook her head in disbelief.

      “I think she felt guilty for what she did,” he said, breaking eye contact for a brief moment.

      “How could she even get away with such a thing?”

      “Money...the power it gives. You of all people should know that,” he said, and she wasn’t sure if that was censure she heard in his tone. “Money can move mountains.”

      Felicia got to her feet fisting her hands at her sides before slowly pacing around the room. “I think everyone involved in this mess should be arrested and I want that place shut down.” Felicia recognized her righteous indignation toward the situation and that her reaction to what Valerie had done was laced with a bit of envy. It wasn’t right, but Valerie knew what she wanted and wouldn’t let anything or anyone stop her from having it. That was something Felicia only did when it came to her career. She’d never had the courage to go after Griffin and a possible future together when she had the opportunity, and now Valerie had done something she never would; she’d borne Griffin’s child.

      A lengthy pause ensued, as though he was weighing his response carefully.

      “I understand you want some type of retribution and that you’re angry—”

      “Angry doesn’t even come close,” she snapped. “And I hope you don’t think this is about money. It most certainly won’t be once Griffin finds out about all this.”

      John’s eyes grew wide as golf balls. “You’re going to tell him?”

      “Of course,” she said, glaring at John. “He has more rights to Valerie’s child than I do.”

      “He relinquished his rights when he donated his sperm, and notifying Griffin isn’t exactly what she wanted. Legally, she’s yours,” John said, scratching his temple.

      Felicia stopped in her tracks. “I don’t give a damn what she wanted and I’m not sure any of this is legal,” she said with a heated glare and hands on her hips. “Valerie brought me into this mess and I’ll handle things the best way I see fit.”

      “Of course, but think about the publicity this will bring if what happened gets out,” he replied smoothly. “Publicity for everyone involved, including the baby...your daughter.”

      Felicia’s legs almost failed to hold her upon hearing those last two words again; only this time she reached for her chair and sat back down. “My daughter...”

      “Yes, your daughter...she needs you.” John reached for the folder on his desk, removed a small photograph and handed it to her. “Valerie named her Alyia Blake Kaile Washington.”

      Felicia accepted the picture without looking.

      She took a deep breath and then lowered her gaze. The round face, a light brown color, complete with gray eyes and topped by a head full of black curls, offered a toothless grin that tugged at Felicia’s heart. She stared at the beautiful image staring back at her through the photo, a miniature version of her father. The eyes were very familiar. This was Griffin’s child.

      “Why me?” Felicia asked, keeping her eyes on the photo. “I mean, Valerie had already ruined any opportunity I might have had with Griffin years ago. I still can’t believe I let her convince me to stay away from him.” And it didn’t take much to convince your scared behind, either. “Why bring me into this mess now?”

      “She felt like she owed you something.” John took a seat behind his desk.

      “What?” Felicia’s eyes widened.

      “Let me explain,” he said, sounding anxious. “About three months into the pregnancy, Valerie started feeling tired. Actually, too tired. A doctor confirmed that the cancer had returned and this time it had spread.”

      Felicia’s right hand flew to her chest. “Oh, how horrible. She got such news at a time when she should have been celebrating.” No matter how angry she might have been at Valerie’s betrayal, she knew what she had gone through before, coming to grips and fighting the cancer, and Felicia couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

      An injured look spread across John’s face. Obviously he’d cared deeply for Valerie. He stood and turned to stare out the window. “Everyone told her that her best option was to terminate the pregnancy. She needed to start fighting for her own life.”


      “Yes. Her doctors...me,” he whispered. “But she wouldn’t hear of it.” The emotion in his voice was almost visible. “All she cared about was having that baby.” Each word was laced in sadness.

      Felicia tilted her head slightly, peering at him through narrowed eyes. “John, just how close were you and Valerie?”

      He remained silent so long that she thought he wasn’t going to answer. John’s back stayed to Felicia as he stood