Janny Wurts

Peril’s Gate

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the back-and-forth, testing exchange of first blows, he matched his antagonist’s form. Not a large man, the Master of Shadow countered weight and force with neat footwork. The polished execution of each thrust and parry displayed the temper of unruffled experience. Fionn Areth gave that spare style his reasoned analysis. He had heard the exalted heights to which this man, as Masterbard, had carried his gift of music. Time demanded limitation: few men might support the same brilliance in two different arenas at once.

      Engage and spring back, then sideslip; the locked patterns of combat stamped overlapped prints in the draw. Each parry cast the ring of sheared steel through the cloaking mantle of darkness. Between whining gusts, the high banks of the millrace funneled the din of each passage. Nor did the muffling snowfall do aught to mask tortured dissonance, as blade locked to blade, then screamed edge to flat upon parting.

      Emerged from the ruin with the horses on lead reins, the Mad Prophet watched the exchange with worried eyes and five centuries of jaded outlook. He had seen Rathain’s liege through stresses and hardship, and the bitter immediacy of forced slaughter. This unfolding encounter was a bald-faced farce. Each contemptuous movement was delivered in the snapping, crisp sarcasm that marked Arithon’s inimical mockery. Nor was Dakar surprised when the moment arrived to pair action with needling satire.

      ‘Very good, boy.’ Arithon effected a lightning-fast disengage. Fionn Areth lurched through an embarrassing stagger as the expected resistance melted away and left him overextended. ‘We’ve practiced each one of the basic attack patterns. Does your repertoire extend to intermediate skill? Go on. Come ahead. Shall we see?’

      Backed off, breathing through tight concentration, the younger man threw off distraction. ‘You won’t bait me into losing my temper.’

      ‘Bait you?’ Tap! Tap! Arithon’s sword struck, controlled to precision that mocked. ‘Shall we pick up the pace?’

      Fionn Areth met the devastating rush of the next lunge, wary, not yet thrown on the defensive. ‘You haven’t been fighting,’ he accused through the clamor as his response hammered Arithon’s brisk parry.

      ‘Oh, I’m fighting,’ assured the Prince of Rathain, his statement a ribbon of provocation. ‘The ground’s not ideal. What’s the point, if I were to push my sweet luck? I might fall on my arse! This duel is serious. Where would the dignity be for the hero? No ballad could applaud you for striking a man when he’s down, freezing the blood from his bollocks.’

      ‘Save yourself!’ Fionn Areth snarled back. Pride nettled him after all. This was his moment, his foreordained destiny. The criminal he battled should be left without leeway for crack comments on his killer’s reputation. ‘Indeed,’ snapped Fionn Areth, ‘let’s pick up the pace and settle things that much more quickly.’

      Through gusts and flurried snowfall, his rapid offensive battered his quick-tongued opponent into gratifying retreat toward the streambank.

      Giving way before that driving rush, Arithon let his defending sword yield again and again, the resistance of his earlier style remade into a wall of substanceless air and fast movement. He skipped backward, melting away from hard contact. Fionn Areth thrust and stabbed in frenetic response to each of a dozen snatched openings. The attacks met no target. Back and back in scissor-fast footwork, Arithon gave precious ground. Behind loomed the locked mill wheel, armored in ice, a fixed barrier to choke off his options.

      Gauging the distance in one snatched glance, Fionn Areth misjudged his footing. The streambank sloped gently downward, and the extended stride of his lunge landed him on a swept patch of glare ice. Sprawled to one knee, sword flung wide for balance, the herder cried out in consternation. The strong counterblow must inevitably dispatch him before he could salvage his victory.

      Yet Arithon merely stood fast and waited, the dark sword in his grasp poised and still.

      ‘You’re not fighting!’ Fionn Areth scrambled back upright, humiliated and stressed by the blazing pain of a pulled hamstring. ‘Damn you to Sithaer’s bleakest of pits! You give me no contest at all.’

      ‘You wanted to fight,’ said Prince Arithon, equivocal. ‘I promised you one chance to test me.’

      Dakar, by the mill, caught his breath as the scalding invective struck home.

      ‘I never once gave my word I’d strike back to cause harm,’ Rathain’s prince added, spitefully reasonable. Then, as the goatherd hammered back in offense, he parried, sidestepped, and lagged a half beat to stoop and fling a snatched snow clod. ‘So far, boy, you haven’t shown me the least little cause to feel threatened.’

      Struck square in the eye, Fionn Areth hissed a blasphemy. He charged up the streambank. Pressed to animal ferocity, he extended himself to deny his antagonist the chance to regain the high ground.

      He encountered instead the breathtaking-fast reflex that trademarked the s’Ffalenn prince’s offensive. ‘No gain without sweat,’ Arithon taunted. ‘You wanted to make an end quickly?’

      At each punitive step, through each phase of encounter, Fionn Areth’s convictions were made laughingstock. He was being mauled, mouse to Arithon’s cat, for sheer malice and flippant amusement. The insult struck home, fully and finally; Fionn Areth let fly the chokehold he kept on his temper.

      The screaming cry of steel locked to steel filled the draw like the language of vengeance. Theirs was no longer a battle in form, restrained by the dictates of prudence. In snow and darkness, the paired blades carved wild arcs. Dakar, by the mill, mopped sweat from his brow and endured the unbearable, drawn tension. He eschewed use of mage-sight. His weak stomach refused the exactitude of his refined perceptions, lest chance death or injury drag him into the entangling fabric of tragedy. In the absence of light, the duel’s progress became marked by the clangor of parries; of gasped breaths and the rasp as stiff boot soles scuffed over treacherous ground seeking purchase.

      Nor had Arithon surrendered his arrogant stance. On a grievous, missed step, in irretrievably marred balance, Fionn Areth’s guarding blade swung too wide. The Shadow Master jerked back his following lunge, and forwent lethal closure yet again.

      ‘Fight, damn you!’ gasped the enraged Araethurian.

      A glib jab in verse, then a love tap with the blade’s flat served him Arithon’s blistering rejection. ‘Kill me, or quit the field outright. You’re not Lysaer, stripling. Desh-thiere’s curse doesn’t bind me. Your blood on my hands would be a cheap thrill, and I don’t like hunting sparrows for sport!’

      Fionn Areth bore in, finesse abandoned. Though he felt the searing burn of each breath, the spelled wine blunted fatigue. He smashed his clamoring, brutal attack into Arithon’s graceful, quick parries. Weight and force would carry the contest in the end. Persistence must eventually wear down the blithe turn of speed that, time and again, bought evasion. The impact of steel striking steel numbed his ears. His eyes stung with running sweat. The featureless night and fine, veiling snowfall reduced his opponent to a light-footed shadow that went and came to the relentless demand of his swordplay.

      The change in the match occurred without warning. In the space between heartbeats, the Shadow Master’s light-handed style ripped away, immolated by driving brilliance.

      Fionn Areth gasped. Scrambling to maintain a classic defense against an onslaught of innovative genius, he at last understood the prelude had been a bald sham all along. This was a master swordsman he faced. Anytime, even now, the dark blade could slice in and take him at will. He lived and moved on his enemy’s sufferance, with no prayer for reprieve if he faltered. Gone were the mocking phrases as well, vanished like silk over flame. Lashed by a whistling, furious offensive, Fionn Areth heard Dakar shouting.

      Then he shared the reason for his enemy’s unveiled form: the thunder of oncoming horsemen. An armed company of Jaelot’s guard charged the mill, drawn on by the belling notes of swordplay.

      Rushed to elation, that despite his failed skill the sorcerer would receive his due punishment, Fionn