Jacquelin Thomas

You and I

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for the new shopping center.”

      All of a sudden he reached over, pulling her into his arms and out of the street. A man on a bicycle came to a crashing halt, falling. Steven went over to check on him.

      If he hadn’t pulled her out of the way, the man would’ve hit her. Cherise could tell that something was wrong with the back wheel of the bicycle. When Steven walked over to her, she inquired, “Is he okay?”

      “He’s got some cuts and scrapes, but he’ll be okay. How about you? I didn’t mean to just grab you like that.”

      “It’s fine,” she told him.

      Her smile always made his heart perform a tiny flip. Steven found himself losing control of his emotions bit by bit. He wasn’t able to put a name to what he was feeling, but it was something he hadn’t experienced before in his life.

      After four hours of sightseeing, Cherise and Steven returned to the boat to rest up before meeting the others for dinner.

      Cherise and Ivy settled down in the living room to talk.

      “I’m so glad I came on this cruise,” she stated.

      Ivy smiled. “Me, too. I’m actually having a good time, even though you abandoned me for Steven.”

      Cherise laughed. “I’m sorry.”

      “It’s fine,” Ivy responded with a slight wave of her hand. “The girls and I have spent some quality time as a family.”

      “Have you heard any more from Charles?”

      “He sent me an email. He’s upset because I didn’t tell him that we were going on a cruise.” Her mouth turned downward. “Like I need to clear my schedule with him.”

      “What did you tell him?”

      “That I can take my daughters wherever I want. He needs to pay child support and actually visit the children if he wants to be a part of their lives.”

      Cherise checked her watch. “I guess we need to get ready for dinner.”

      Ivy agreed. “I’ll go wake the girls.”

      An hour later, they left the suite. Steven was standing outside their room when they walked out.

      “Did you get any rest?” he inquired.

      Cherise shook her head. “Ivy and I spent some time together just talking.”

      He took her by the hand, leading her down the stairs.

      Members of her family were already seated when they arrived. She sat down beside her brother. “I haven’t seen much of you and Sherrie,” Cherise chided.

      Julian broke into a grin. “We’ve been keeping to ourselves.”

      She felt the heat of Steven’s gaze on her and turned her attention to him. He winked at her.

      After dinner, Cherise, Steven, Brennen and Elle decided to go dancing.

      Walking back to their table, Cherise fanned herself with her hands. “Steven, would you like to take a walk outside? I need to get some air.”

      “Sure.” Steven grabbed her gently by the elbow and led her toward the exit doors.

      They strolled outside and he took her by the hand.

      Cherise closed her eyes, savoring the feel of the night air on her face.

      Steven leaned over and whispered, “I’m really enjoying spending time like this with you, Cherise.” He wrapped his arm around her waist.

      She glanced up at him. “I am too, Steven.” Cherise felt the heat of desire wash over her like waves.

      Turning her to face him, Steven leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”

      In response, Cherise pulled his head down to hers. Their lips met and she felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony. Her senses reeled as if short-circuited.

      Breaking their kiss, Cherise buried her face against his throat; her trembling limbs clung to him helplessly. She was extremely conscious of where Steven’s warm flesh touched her.

      “Why are you so quiet?” he asked after a moment.

      “I’m thinking that we just shared a great kiss, and as much as I’d like to do it again, I think that maybe we should head back inside. Elle’s probably looking for us.”

      “I love your honesty, Cherise. As for Elle, I don’t think she’s worried, because she knows that we’re together and that I won’t let anything happen to you.”

      “You and Steven have been gone for a quite some time…” Elle commented when her husband and Steven went to get drinks for them. She tilted her head in curiosity. “Hmm, I guess you two were really getting to know each other, huh?”

      Wearing a look of innocence, Cherise murmured, “I don’t have a clue as to what you mean.”

      “Uh-huh,” Elle responded. “Tell that to someone who will believe you. Just a hint—you might want to put on some more lipstick.”

      “Okay, he did kiss me,” Cherise whispered. She stole a quick look over her shoulder to see if Brennen and Steven were still at the bar.

      “I’m not surprised. The man can’t seem to keep his eyes off you.

      Cherise nodded. “I know one thing. He’s a good kisser.”

      “Okay, that I didn’t really need to know,” Elle murmured.

      “I hope this doesn’t sound insane to you, but I’m crazy about him. I’m not thinking of rushing into anything. I’m just taking it one day at a time. I’m going to enjoy being with him on the ship, and when the cruise is over—I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”

      Steven was bursting with desire. He wanted to take Cherise back to his suite and make love to her, but he knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t about casual flings. His body was so on fire for her that he’d had to take a cold shower as soon as he returned to his suite.

      While he showered, Steven sorted his feelings for Cherise. She seemed almost perfect in his estimation. She was beautiful, intelligent and honest. If his mother and aunt were here they would agree that Cherise was perfect for him.

      No drama and no secrets. Nothing like his last relationship.

      Chapter 4

      The dark and gloomy fortress of Castel Nuovo was their first view of Naples, leaving the port by coach. They continued past Piazza della Borsa. Naples, Italy, was everything Cherise had ever imagined and more.

      The coach stopped at Piazza Plebiscito, where she and Steven walked hand in hand, following members of her family and other cruise passengers to view the seventeenth century Royal Palace, the San Carlo Opera House and the Church of St. Francis.

      “Have you ever been to Italy before?” she asked Steven.

      “No, this is my first time. I’d like to see Rome the next time I come.”

      “Elle and Brennen visited Rome last year,” Cherise said. “She said it was beautiful, and the perfect place for someone who loves shoes.”

      Steven broke into a grin. “Are you that person?”

      “I confess,” Cherise said with a smile. “I love shoes.”

      He turned on his camera. “Go over there. I want to take pictures of you.”

      She did as he requested. “You’re next,” Cherise told him.

      Steven took several photographs of the Ransom family with the Church of St. Francis serving as the backdrop.

      A couple of times, Cherise caught him staring at her. She wondered what he was thinking during