Jo Leigh


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felt vulnerable enough behind locked doors, but to be on the street? In a rusty old heap of a car? She thought about asking Nate or Harper to take her in, but that could put them in danger, what with the police likely searching for her. There had to be a way to get her check from the hotel. She didn’t want any favors, just what she was owed.

      She put her pen down and picked up her cell. There was no way she could go get the check herself. Perhaps there was something she could do.

      She had Ellen’s number listed in her phone. Kate had taken the housekeeper to work a few times when her husband hadn’t come home in time for her to get the car. It was six-forty, so the shift was over. It would be safe now to call.

      The phone rang so many times that Kate almost hung up, but finally an out-of-breath Ellen answered.

      “I’m interrupting,” Kate said.

      “No, I was just doing laundry, and I couldn’t get to the phone. Kate?”


      “Where did you go? I heard you were up in that guy’s room when he was shot.”

      “No. I wasn’t. I was down the hall.”

      “Oh. The cops think you were there.”

      “They’re wrong. I was close enough though to hear the gunfire.”

      “Is that why you left like that, in the middle of a shift?”

      “Yep. I was scared. I’m sorry to do that to Mr. Tyson, but I couldn’t help it.”

      “You should probably call and tell them you didn’t see anything.”

      “I will. I promise.” Kate squeezed her eyes shut and crossed her fingers. “Uh, could you do me a favor?”

      “If I can.”

      “Could you pick up my check for me tomorrow? We could meet for coffee after work. At the Copper Skillet.”

      “Oh, sure. No sweat. You’ll have to be there right at six because I have to get the car back to Rick.”

      “Absolutely. I’ll be there before six. Thanks, Ell. You’re a doll.”

      “It’s nothing. Just don’t forget to tell the boss, you know? And the cops.”

      “Right. I’ll do that. Thanks.”

      “Sure. See you tomorrow.”

      Kate disconnected the phone and closed her eyes, though this time it was with relief. Two weeks pay would get her into an apartment. It was going to be in a lousy part of town, but it beat sleeping in the car. She blessed Ellen in all kinds of ways, mostly for just being nice.

      The warm fuzzy feeling lasted about ten seconds, then she turned back to the ads. If she got a job first, she’d know where to find the apartment. No reason she couldn’t get an interview tomorrow afternoon. If Nate came through with her new identity.

      She circled every menial job she could find, from the San Fernando Valley to Torrance. With that done and the promise of cash tomorrow, she went to get some dinner. There was a place she knew where they sold burritos, big ones, for a couple of bucks. That would do.

      THE APARTMENT WAS completely empty. Not a matchbook, a hairpin or a paper cup. Kate Rydell traveled light and fast. What was she running from? An abusive husband? A criminal warrant? Whatever it was, her behavior told Vince she wasn’t going to answer questions willingly. He’d have to find out more about her so that he could apply pressure. He didn’t give a damn about her reasons, she was going to help him put Tim’s killers behind bars. How hard it was going to be was up to her.

      He turned to the super who’d let him in. “She was here last night?”

      “I told ya. She was here this morning, too.”

      “You didn’t see her leave?”

      The man shook his head, which made his jowls quiver. “No. I musta been showing an apartment.”

      “She didn’t leave a forwarding address? A note? A number?”

      “Nah, nothing. Too bad. She always paid in cash, on time, and she never made any trouble.”

      Vince thanked the man, and as he went back to his car he realized the only option he had left was to find Kate’s friend Ellen. No way in hell he was letting his only witness get away.

      KATE SAT IN THE LAST booth against the back wall at the Copper Skillet. She kept her eyes on the door, even though it would be at least five more minutes before Ellen could conceivably get there.

      The day had been long and tense. Nate had arranged a new identity for her, but he couldn’t get his hands on the paperwork until tomorrow morning. Her new name would be Kate Hogan. She was glad he’d remembered to use Kate again. She’d used it now for four different identities. It was simply too difficult for her to change her first name over and over. She needed to react quickly, seamlessly, and always being a Kate helped.

      She had to get through tonight, then go to Gino’s tomorrow to pick up her new ID. She’d only been to the pizza parlor once. It wasn’t only a pizzeria. It was also an emergency meeting place. The phone there was always monitored, via a nifty computer program Seth had written, and Gino, an ex-Delta Force sharpshooter, had given them a safe place to hide. There, she’d change the license plates on her car, then she’d start in on the interviews. That part wouldn’t be too bad. Nate, bless his heart, had provided references for Kate Hogan, and she had several places lined up. Of course, she couldn’t do much of anything until she cashed her check.

      It was almost six, and she sipped her coffee, watching every person who walked into the restaurant. Four minutes later, she sighed with relief when Ellen entered, still wearing her uniform. Ellen had a rough life, especially with her four kids to feed. Her husband was an undocumented worker in the garment district, and they had to pay for childcare, as well as all the other expenses. Kate had no idea how they got by.

      “Hey,” Ellen said as she slipped into the booth. “You didn’t call Tyson.”

      “I know. I will.”

      “The cops came to see me.”

      Kate’s heart froze. “What did you tell them?”

      “Nothing. Except that you didn’t see the murder.”

      “Did you tell them you were meeting me here?”

      “Hell, no. I don’t tell cops my business. I figured you’d call them when you were ready, but jeez, Kate. Give me a break. I don’t need that.”

      “I know. You’re right. I’ll have it straightened out by tomorrow. I promise.”

      “You better. Shit, can you imagine if they come to the house?”

      “No, no, they won’t. I’ll call. They won’t bother you again.”

      Ellen pushed her brittle blond hair behind her ears, then she opened her purse. It was all Kate could do not to snatch the pay envelope from her hand. “Mr. Tyson was pissed you quit without telling him. I said it was a personal thing.”

      “What did he say?”

      Ellen smiled. “That you were ungrateful and downright rude.”

      Kate grinned. That was Mr. Tyson all right.

      “I have to go or Ricky’s gonna kill me. He’s got a job tonight.”

      “Okay, thanks, Ellen. You have no idea how much this helped.”

      “Hey, we’re friends, right? Let me know when this whole cop thing is over with, huh?”

      “You bet,” Kate said, knowing it was a lie. She hated so much about her life now, but this…This was hell. She’d never betrayed a friend before Kosovo. Not ever. And now, it was becoming second nature.
